Thursday, May 17, 2018

A praying mother!

Yesterday my daughter took the place mate test for college. She passed it but made an 99 in math. I was like look at God. My daughter is going to the 11th and holding a  4.0. I am so proud of her and truly blessed to be her mother. I talk to my daughter, I spend time with my daughter and encourage her and prepare her for greatness. I taught her how to pray and read her Bible.I prayed over my children 24/7. She's humble,smart,gifted and beautiful. My daughter goes to church and does praise dance. She just made the cheerleader team. I never stop praying for my children. As a mother you have to keep your children cover. It's so much going on in this world and we have to be fully comment to being parents, mothers and fathers. Even though her father isn't always there I keep her focus. Being a single parent takes a lot of work, focus, peace,hope, prayer, love and listening. I wouldn't change it for the world of being a mother of five amazing children four boys and one daughter. I am blessed.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Losing my first daughter!

I was so excited I was having my first daughter. I was eating healthy going to my Dr. appointments, reading books to my baby. Then the unthinkable happen I start feeling depress and was stress out.I start hurting so bad and was rush to the hospital. The Dr. informed me that my daughter was looking right at him and wasn't going to make it. I was so hurt and started crying. I had to stay in the hospital. One night the nurse came in the room and woke me up and told me to call somebody I'm in labor. So I called my mother and she came. I could feel my baby moving in my belly. I was crying because they said she wasn't going to make it. Once I finally push her out she came out stillbirth and they rush her out the room. All I could do was cry because I recall one day saying I didn't want her because of the father and I end up losing her. They cleaned her up and brought her back to me. I named her miracle. I held her with tears in my eyes and I said miracle mommy is sorry for what she said. I love you so much and you will always have a placed in my heart. She took her last breath and it scared me but I was at peace because my baby heard me. I didn't give up and a year later I was blessed with another daughter. I am heard to tell you that if you are going through hard times, trials, storm and difficult times, people that feel like they lost everything, hope,peace,joy,love and faith. Even if you're going through a devastating event. I want you to know that Grace is still her.It hurt so bad to hold my lifeless daughter being born and never breathing. You have to believe in spite of pain, hurt,disappointments and experiences that don't go the way you prayed. Grace is still here! Do you hear me? Grace is still here. God allow me to see his Grace in the situations and in my life. I don't always know why God chooses us to bear some of the things we bear, but I am certain that I still have Miracle in my life. Grace is what keep me! I know you still have some faith and grace in your life. Even though you may not always be able to see it, you still have God's grace too. Be blessed! Thank you for following me and keeping up with me. Don't give up! God will restore you faith, peace, joy,hope and love. Just remember his grace is what's keeping us.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Sometimes on our journey we are going to have some. Valley moment but there is a Lily in the Valley! Go ahead and make your load lighter by making someone else smile. While go through encourage somebody else and you find yourself praising your way through your trails. Be blessed!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Believe in yourself!

Believe in yourself and find people to surround yourself with who believe in you as well. Life is too short to keep your circle full of people who will watch you fail. Don't ever let your circumstances or people hold you down. Get out there and take what's yours! No excuses!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Stop asking God why?

We tend to ask God why are we going through so much. It's one thing after another, one bad situation after another. God said, " I got you and you're not giving up so the devil keep on trying. Listen to me we are stronger than we think. No weapons form against us shall prosper. The devil will keep trying but our God will keep on trying even harder. That is why we come out on top every single time.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Elevation requires isolation. Dare to be great.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
How you living your life?

So often many of us find ourselves living for everyone but ourselves living for everyone but ourselves. At jobs we don't like,in relationships with little to no value,dealing with family where we don't feel appreciated and bills that seem to never go away. Well, there is a solution for it all and that you. Are you going to live your life for yourself or for others?

Author Melissa L. Bryant
If you only knew!

My story behind his glory. I never would have made it without God. Because he is my glory and the lifter of my head. If you only knew my story you would understand. I would have never made it through my storms. Many times I wanted to throw in the towel. But God wouldn't let me. He had a plan and I had to go through the trials to encourage others. God is amazing and always on time. Share your testimony and inspire someone today.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

You will never understand the damage that you have done to someone else. Until it's done to you! They call it Karma.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Word for the day!

You cannot heal in the same environment where you got sick.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, May 14, 2018

Work in silence!

Sometimes silence is your most eloquent reply. Don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. You never know whose praying against you. If your reading this, have a amazing day and be encourage.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Dear Queens & King,

You maybe going through some hard time right now. But you're going to get through it. Keep your head up and remain strong. Keep the faith and stay focus. You are appreciated and this is a test that will be a powerful testimony.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me!

No matter how educated, gifted, rich or cool you believe you are. How you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything.

Author Melissa L. Bryant


Never underestimate the power of saying," I love you." You cannot ever have too much love, tell those closest to you. That you love them today. Life is short and you never know when it's too late to say I love you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

No such thing as a life better then yours, love yours. Life is only good as your mindset. stop comparing your life with others. You don't know what they went through to get there.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

One of the biggest misconceptions in a relationship is that it's both partner to keep each other happy.What attracts a man's attention doesn't always attract his respect. What turns a man's head doesn't always turn his heart.There isn't a man in the world cares about a woman's past until he's thinking of her in his future. You can meet someone today that has better intentions for you than someone you've known your whole life. Time means nothing like character does.I am telling you you will never have to tell a real man how to be one!Because He will be one from the beginning to the end. The same respect you demand as a woman should be given towards a man as well. It's the man job to respect the woman but its the woman job to give him something to respect. If people will take your kindness for weakness, imagine what they will do with your weakness. Imagine what they will do with your weakness. Men find a Queen & treat her right. It's far better to be alone, than to be in the presence of bad company.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Be yourself!

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Be proud of who you are & what you stand for. I am just happy to be here and I love who I am. I will change for the better.

Author Melissa L Bryant

Once you've matured you realized silence is more powerful than proving a point!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Know your worth!

When you know your worth. There is nothing or no one that can stop you. Know your worth and don't settle for anything less.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Just stop it!

We all know right from wrong. So why are we blaming others or the devil. He is not the reason for the backlash of your decisions. We are not exempt from the consequences of our actions. If you steal and get caught it's not the devil it's the consequences of your actions. Because I am sure we were all taught right from wrong. Take responsibility of your own action and stop blaming others. You have to learn how to accept responsibility of your own action. Woman or man up. Learn from it and move forward.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Think on this!

Sometimes what you want isn't what you need!
I had to learn that the hard way.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
You have to forgive yourself!

Forgive yourself! Learn to grow from your mistakes and don't make  the same mistakes and don't make the same mistakes. Moving forward I will listen more. You have to communicate better love strong and support them emotionally, spiritually. I've learned not to be selfish . I'm responsible for my own happiness. I will not hold them responsible for my happiness. It's not how you start it's how you finish.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Think on that for a min!

Don't get so busy helping everyone else vision, that you lose sight of yours. We can't keep going the extra mile for others who won't take the next step. Because we would lose focus of our own vision.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, May 11, 2018

I just want to encourage somebody today. Continue to hold to Gods unchanging hands! When I wanted to throw in the towel. God made a way for me to understand this is only a test that will turn into a powerful testimony to help somebody else. When I wanted to take my own life because of me been raping over and over again. God said I made you strong for a reason and I have work for you to do. I wanted to die because that pain was so hard to deal with. God said give me your hand my daughter and let it out. God got you and I need you to pull yourself together and live. They need to her your story. I am hear to tell you God is amazing and I can't stop praising him. I made it because of him and he keep on blessing me. You may check out my book How She Fought The Full Story by Melissa L. Bryant. God bless you! Keep holding on! The best is yet to come. Greater is coming!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

I'm smiling not because I am stronger than my problems. I'm smiling because God is stronger than any of my problems.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, May 10, 2018

My past relationship!

I've been looking for someone who will change my life by just being apart of it. Someone who makes me laugh until I can't stop. Someone who makes me believe that there is actually some good left in this world. Someone who convinces me that somewhere there really is an unlock door to a perfect friendship and love just waiting to be offered up freely. I learned all this time it was God that wanted to give me all that love. God gives unconditional love and that's the best love ever.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

My God!

I have cried many nights and tears. I have fallen and stumble many times. I wanted to forgive so many times. Each time I got up dusted myself off and said God I need thee. I am more than a conqueror. I'm not perfect God is still working on me as I shed the old me daily. Each day is a new mercy from God to be encouraging and inspirational. My story is my story and as God instructed me. I am sharing the testimony, my hurt, my pain, my deliverance, my forgiveness, my healing and my moving forward. I want to help woman release and be set free. I was broken down beyond words of expression. My God reconstructed me. If you truly know me then you know how far I have come.I'm not ashamed of my past, my pains, my hurts, my mistakes and my testimony. Every trial and test has made me stronger and shaped me into the woman of God that I am today. I don't look like what i been through. I'm proud of me because it took me a long time to find myself. God is amazing! God's love is greater. When I found God I found real love. None of us are perfect we all are on a journey created by God. This is mu journey and I'm embracing every step with love, joy, peace and the confidence of God. Jesus gave his life for me and I'm giving mine for him. I am here because of him. God  gets all the praise and glory!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Expect the unexpected!

Sometimes you have to expect the unexpected.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Good Afternoon

I pray that you have a truly blessed and safe Thursday. Start your day off with pray and praise.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Speak over your life.

Sometimes you have to speak over yourself. You can't always realize on over people to speak positive things over your life. Speak over your life no matter how hard things get. Loving yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. I love who I am. I love the God in me. I love helping others. I love me and myself. I love the fact I'm an blessing to others. Stay positive and away from all the negatives. Your best days are ahead of you. Keep a positive mindset watch and pray. Have faith in God and yourself. God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

I would rather have faith than popular.

I would rather be anointed than popular! I would rather be a blessing to someone than popular. I would rather be a giver than popular. I would rather be happy than popular. I would rather be save than popular.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, May 7, 2018

My journey has led me into the path of a God-fearing and after God's heart. God deserve all the praise and glory. God has truly given me a desire of my heart. God has taken care of me. I'm here because of him and I praise him with all I go through. I have learned when you are down to nothing, you better believe God is up to something. I just want to speak life into every dead situation and I thank you that nothing is over until God say it's over. I speak prophetically into our lives and to our situations. I had an praying grandmother and I thank God for her. I miss her so much. No matter what you go through don't stop praying..

Author Melissa L. Bryant