Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Losing my first daughter!

I was so excited I was having my first daughter. I was eating healthy going to my Dr. appointments, reading books to my baby. Then the unthinkable happen I start feeling depress and was stress out.I start hurting so bad and was rush to the hospital. The Dr. informed me that my daughter was looking right at him and wasn't going to make it. I was so hurt and started crying. I had to stay in the hospital. One night the nurse came in the room and woke me up and told me to call somebody I'm in labor. So I called my mother and she came. I could feel my baby moving in my belly. I was crying because they said she wasn't going to make it. Once I finally push her out she came out stillbirth and they rush her out the room. All I could do was cry because I recall one day saying I didn't want her because of the father and I end up losing her. They cleaned her up and brought her back to me. I named her miracle. I held her with tears in my eyes and I said miracle mommy is sorry for what she said. I love you so much and you will always have a placed in my heart. She took her last breath and it scared me but I was at peace because my baby heard me. I didn't give up and a year later I was blessed with another daughter. I am heard to tell you that if you are going through hard times, trials, storm and difficult times, people that feel like they lost everything, hope,peace,joy,love and faith. Even if you're going through a devastating event. I want you to know that Grace is still her.It hurt so bad to hold my lifeless daughter being born and never breathing. You have to believe in spite of pain, hurt,disappointments and experiences that don't go the way you prayed. Grace is still here! Do you hear me? Grace is still here. God allow me to see his Grace in the situations and in my life. I don't always know why God chooses us to bear some of the things we bear, but I am certain that I still have Miracle in my life. Grace is what keep me! I know you still have some faith and grace in your life. Even though you may not always be able to see it, you still have God's grace too. Be blessed! Thank you for following me and keeping up with me. Don't give up! God will restore you faith, peace, joy,hope and love. Just remember his grace is what's keeping us.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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