Friday, December 30, 2016

All my life I felt like I wasn't good enough. I was lost! I was torn! I was confused! I was depressed! I was hurting! I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life.I was scared! I was damaged! Yes,I the lady who had to find her wings and my way. I was trying to find my way and I finally did.After seek God and talking to him I found out who I am and my destiny.I finally find something I was good at. After busting my but to be the best.God blessed me with amazing talents and I finally realized that was inspiring others and writing. I am Author Melissa L Bryant which you can find my books on

Melissa L Bryant
You can't heal yourself and fix yourself in your own strength but only God can heal you. I know it gets hard sometimes letting go completely and giving it all to God. But when God is in it everything work out for your good.

Melissa L Bryant
Jesus made you who you are. Nothing and no one can change that. Accept who you are. If not then it's like you're disrespecting GOD, because HE made something so beautiful, HE made us and u wanna change that. Think very carefully and hard, before you do anything. Pray and HE Will give you an answer. You just have to listen carefully. That is my opinion. Also one thing. It's like JESUS told me to response. HE really is amazing.

Melissa L Bryant
God will give you peace in your storm........Do you trust him? No matter what you are going through ask God for peace.He will give you peace and you are going to be alright.Just hang in there....................I had some bad days and you better believe my good days has took over my bad days.When I thank about the goodness that Jesus has done for me and my children.My soul shout thank you Jesus!What a mighty God I serve.My soul says thank you Lord.I can't praise you enough Lord for all that you are doing in my life as well as my children's life.When nobody else cared you were there Lord.When I almost gave up you didn't let me.Yes Lord my soul shout thank you and I praise you Lord.Yes Lord! Thank you Jesus! Lord I thank you!

Melissa L Bryant
To all the amazing men thank you so much for being their for your children and my children.With me being a single mother and I have four boys and one girl.So many guys took the time to help me with my boys.I just want to say thank you all for that and God bless you.God had put some amazing role model in my boys's life and they are doing great.I just want to take the time to say women there are some great men out there.I give a shout out to all the amazing guys out there that's making an different or that's a single father.God bless you and keep on doing your thing with God's help.

Melissa L Bryant
God put this on my heart to share with someone who's keeping up with me.In my book How She Fought I talk about me looking for love in all the wrong places.Because of me hurting I was trying to find that guy to take away all my pain.It didn't work because I was still hurting.I was in and out of relationship and I still wasn't complete.But I am here to tell you when I surround and start praying to God.I have a man who would never leave me and his name is Jesus.God took away all of that pain.So please stop looking for love in all the wrong places.God is waiting on you to come to him with his arms wide open.He will never leave you and he will heal you.When that time comes he will send you the person he has for you.Trust me I have been there and because of God I am a better woman.I just wanted to share that with someone that God really cares.That's a true statement you all God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come.....................

Melissa L Bryant
I just want to talk about some things in book How She Fought.Sometimes it get hard but always remember God will work it out.Yes we get tired sometimes but don't give up. Whatever you do don't give the devil any room.God will take care of you.I don't have to settle for anything less. I'm glad to have the Lord for a husband, father,and best friend.A man may come and go but my God won't turn his back on you.We go through things to make us stronger.

Melissa L Bryant
God is amazing I have enjoying breaking down walls today.Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Lord I praise you and I thank you for using me Lord.If anybody else need a break through inbox me and I promise I will send you a pray it will be between me you and God.I love praying and doing God's work.He's an mighty God.I am here to help encourage you all.Be bless and the best is yet to come.I am still praying.Who need a break through,who feel like giving up.Inbox me and lets pray.Somebody,anybody,child,women,and men.I am waiting on you inbox me.I dare 10 peoples right now to raise their hand and tell God thank you Right now.Whatever you going through raise your hand and start praising God.I dare you.

Melissa L Bryant

Live on purpose standing in your purpose the quality of your dreams will change.Believe in your dreams and yourself.Focus on one goal at a time.Develop positive thinking.Replace limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs.

Melissa L Bryant

I speak life into my family,facebook friends,Blogger and fans Life.Repeat after me In the name of Jesus,sickness you've gotta go,Debt you cannot say in my life.Rebellion or angry you will not control my child.Depression you will not steal my destiny.Loneliness you got to go.Giving up spirit you got to go.Lying spirit you got to go.Addiction you got to go.Fear you got to go.Stealing spirit you got to go.Start naming things that's holding you back and speak to it.When you speak,not in your authority,but in the authority of Jesus.Jesus is mighty high and he will stand behind you.Let me tell you,no power can stand against God.No sickness,no addiction,no fear,no legal trouble.When you speak and you do not doubt,the mountain will be removed.Now it may not happen overnight.In unseen realm,things are changing in your favor.Now raise your hand and tell God thank you and talk to those things that are holding you back.God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L Bryant

The thought of the day.In order to rise to your highest heights you have to fall(Fall hard)fall in order to rise all over again.There is no shame in falling,the shame is not having the courage to try.So please continue to rise,knowing you may fall even tho you can rise again thereby showing peoples.No matter how many times I fail or fall.I will get back up and do it again.Then you can say I made it.Yes I made it with God and me not giving up.Have a amazing rest of the day.God bless and yes you better believe the best is yet to come.

Melissa L Bryant

Because of who he is he's worthy of all the glory and all the praise, He doesn't have to do anything to deserve our praise. We owe it to him each and every day. For giving his life for us, by being mocked, talked about, which is known as bullying today, for being beaten all night long and not giving up, not for himself but for us, who on this earth would do that? My my my my and for ultimately dying on the cross, in order for us to have a relationship with our Heavenly Father, is reason enough to praise him. Go ahead and give him some praise! Our God is amazing! Thank you Jesus! HALLELUJAH!

Melissa L Bryant
To my amazing God sister Shay Daniels as you lay your mother to rest.Keep that joy inside of you because you have been there.Always remember the good times and know she's in your heart forever.Mom was an amazing person and I was blessed to be a part of your family. I'm sorry I couldn't be there. Darrell is having surgery again. I love you and God got you. Be blessed and encourage!

Melissa L Bryant
As I'm here with my son waiting for his surgery. I just start thinking how it's a blessing being a mother and not worrying about money.The more I spend my time with my Heavenly father. He keep on blessing me over and over. I think God for change, deliverance, healing, being humble and always providing. God is real and amazing. I tell my children all the time get it in order and obey God.One thing I do know God always has a plan to get your attention. The devil comes at me so hard.But one thing about it he can't break me.I am still standing, praying, trusting God and fighting. I made it. God is real and amazing.

Melissa L Bryant

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Listen to me! When you can't see a way.Just know this is only a test.God will provide!God has to exercise our faith.This is only a test! No matter how hard it gets just remember this is only a test.You will pass the test just keep the faith.

Melissa L Bryant
Stop holding to all that hurt.It's time to bring it all to God right now.Bring your hurt and God will show up with healing.He did it for me and I know he will do it for you.

Melissa L Bryant

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Challenges and difficulties are a part of life and words of encouragement can often help lift your spirit.It's easy to tell someone to hang in there and to keep a positive out-look when they are going through tough times but when it happens to you,keeping your chin up isn't always the easiest thing to do.There are a lot of things you can do to help you stand back up and move forward.Whether you've been dealt with a setback while working towards your goals,lost a loved one,just feel down,inspirational words of encouragement can help.Words can have a powerful impact on your mindset.Often times,when things seem pointless,when you've just come face to face with yet another failure,it can seem as though it's the end.It can seem as though no matter how hard you try,the life that you want will always be just out of reach. "When you feel like giving up,remember why you held on for so long in the first place."Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today.Be thankful for the hard times;they can only make you stronger."Your life is your message to the world."Make it inspiring!No matter what you're going through remember that God is bigger than any situation.Give it to him! He's working it out for your good."Now get your praise on! My struggles change my life." What about you?

Melissa L Bryant
I learned to accomplish great things;we must not only act but also dream,not only plan but also believe. I have positive beliefs about change,about life and about myself.I know that change will always bring something good in our life.I know I am resilient,strong and capable of getting through anything.You're got to be what you want to see.Living without limits means living to your full purpose in life.If you want to be something,you've got to be it-to believe in it.You must keep God first and work hard for it.But you can't change your life unless you change your mind.Believe in yourself!

Melissa L. Bryant
God's Grace- I pray that I may grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.( 2 Peter 3:18).

Melissa L Bryant
Lord, may integrity and uprightness protect me because our hope is in you.(Psalm 25:21)

Melissa L Bryant

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Thank you all for taking the time to read my blogs. If you are going through anything today. Let go and give it to God. I know it's not easy but God is a way maker. I know what I am talking about because he did it for me.If he did it for me. I know he will do it for you. Let go of that situation right now and give it to God. Once you let go please don't pick it back up. Start praising your way through that storms. Don't give up and don't let go of his hands. It will be alright if you just trust and believe.Have faith! Everything you need will come to you at the right time.I learned If you can't fix it to let it go.You have to trust in God's time and not yours.The enemy is trying to stop you for getting your blessings.Be encourage and keep pressuring on. Enjoy your life to the fullest. I choose to enjoy my life to the fullest with God,love,peace,joy and more happiness.Let God fight your battle. Have a blessed day. The best is yet to come.

Melissa L bryant
Dear Heavenly Father,
         Without you,we wouldn't be here.I praise you and I love you,Lord.Thank you for just being you,Lord and a forgiving God.You wash all my sins away and I thank you,Lord. When things get rough in our lives,Lord,please guide us the right way,no matter what trial I am going through.No matter what hardship has come my way through it all. I am more than a conqueror because I am in Jesus Christ.Lord, please let your will be done in these people's lives. Whatever their hurt is, lord please heal them.They need you, Lord and let your will be done. Thank you, Holy Spirit, that you have made it possible in a world full of difficulties and persecution and opposition of every kind that no matter what happens to us,through Jesus Christ we are more than conquerors. I just want to say thank you.If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be who I am today. I know that you have a purpose for my life as well as others.I will keep seeking that purpose today and every day I live.Let my actions be pleasing to you and let me share your good news with a world that do desperately needs your healing hand and the salvation of your son.Lord I thank you right now for everything you're doing in my life right now. In Jesus name I pray amen. I seal this pray with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! Trust me prayer change things. I know that for a fact.

Melissa L Bryant
Heavenly Father,grant me a heart filled with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 1:6)

Melissa L Bryant
God,help me to love justice as you do and act justly in all I do.(Psalm 11:7)

Melissa L Bryant

Lord, may I always be strong and courageous in my character and actions. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Melissa L. Bryant
God will bless you!

God will bless your endeavors and enrich your life.No matter what you are going through.Keep your focus on God and he will heal you.I just thank God for everything I went through because I am healed and helping others healed. I give God all the praise and glory.His grace and mercy kept me and I thank him.

Melissa L Bryant

Monday, December 19, 2016

Praise your way through those situations.Your praise is your weapon.

Melissa L Bryant
God strengthen me with all power, so that I may have great endurance.

Melissa L Bryant
Please pray fervently parents and listen to God and stay in that word. If you are feeling discouraged or worried,remember God's word can be encouraged.God has promised us unconditional love,peace,joy and eternal life. He hears your prays and see your tears. He cares! No matter how hard it gets don't stop praying.When storms comes in your life please don't stop praying.Pray change things and he will answer your prayers on time.Keep praying your way through those storms as well as praising him.

Melissa L Bryant

Our storms and suffering are only a testimony to help heal others. Please stand in the midst of any storm that may come your way. Praise your way out of that storm because it's over now. Therefore get your praise on.

Melissa L. Bryant
I am a woman of God. 

I just want to take the time and welcome you all to,a woman of God who has a true passion for God's work. I am Melissa and blessed to let you be a part of my story. It's an honor to let you witness the pain,hurt,secrets and love of each woman out there who fight with their past every day. God has been so good to me;it has been so rough,but God made a way. I made it and I kept my faith. I am God's child.I give all the praise to him for the woman I am today. It's about God working through me to inspire you. God is real. My struggles is not new but they are my own.They changed my life and made me a better person.No matter how hard it get.You better believe I kept my faith,hope and love.My test turn out to be an amazing testimony.My blessing was in my lesson.I give God all the praise because his grace and mercy has kept me.Wow! Lord, I thank you! Whatever God has plan for your life can't nobody stop it. I am a living testimony I made it.You must keep God first and work hard for it. But you can't change your life unless you change your mind.Believe in yourself! Without God, the devil will fool you and have you going crazy. Therefore you have to strengthen your relationship with God and there will be no weaknesses, just adversity.I realized our life is telling us a story and it's about us. What is it telling? When we let Jesus walk in front of us, there is no need to worry what's behind us.God will give us the vision to see what he has already manifested for us. have faith, my sister or brother and give God thanks. I thank God for the person I have become in my journey today. God is amazing and I made it with him.

Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, December 2, 2016

                                 Image result for bible
It's time to fight with the word not with your mouth or hand.Make a stand and focus on his word.Read his word! Stand on his word.Seek his word. Apply his word.Stop fighting these battles by yourself.God has already won your fight.He's just waiting on you to realize that. Let God fight for you with his word.

Melissa L Bryant

Wow! It time to rise up peoples. You have been sleeping on your dreams too long. When are you going to stop sleeping on those ideals and dreams. Time is going by fast. Please let today be the day you take sleeping on your ideals and dreams. Have a blessed night.Sweet dreams!

Melissa L Bryant

These are my books now on under Melissa L. Bryant. I have felt down so many times but I didn't let that stop me from following my dreams.No matter how hard it gets I trust God and keep pressing on.I will not Quit. I come too far to give up now.Thanks for all the love and support.

Melissa L Bryant

It's okay to fall.You might fall plenty of times.But the key thing is. When you fall get back up. No matter how many times you fall.Keep getting back up and push on no matter how hard it gets.But God has you and everything will be alright if you get back up.Just don't stay down when you fall.You have felt too many times so when are you going to get back up.

Melissa L Bryant