Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dear Heavenly Father,
         Without you,we wouldn't be here.I praise you and I love you,Lord.Thank you for just being you,Lord and a forgiving God.You wash all my sins away and I thank you,Lord. When things get rough in our lives,Lord,please guide us the right way,no matter what trial I am going through.No matter what hardship has come my way through it all. I am more than a conqueror because I am in Jesus Christ.Lord, please let your will be done in these people's lives. Whatever their hurt is, lord please heal them.They need you, Lord and let your will be done. Thank you, Holy Spirit, that you have made it possible in a world full of difficulties and persecution and opposition of every kind that no matter what happens to us,through Jesus Christ we are more than conquerors. I just want to say thank you.If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be who I am today. I know that you have a purpose for my life as well as others.I will keep seeking that purpose today and every day I live.Let my actions be pleasing to you and let me share your good news with a world that do desperately needs your healing hand and the salvation of your son.Lord I thank you right now for everything you're doing in my life right now. In Jesus name I pray amen. I seal this pray with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! Trust me prayer change things. I know that for a fact.

Melissa L Bryant

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