Friday, December 30, 2016

I speak life into my family,facebook friends,Blogger and fans Life.Repeat after me In the name of Jesus,sickness you've gotta go,Debt you cannot say in my life.Rebellion or angry you will not control my child.Depression you will not steal my destiny.Loneliness you got to go.Giving up spirit you got to go.Lying spirit you got to go.Addiction you got to go.Fear you got to go.Stealing spirit you got to go.Start naming things that's holding you back and speak to it.When you speak,not in your authority,but in the authority of Jesus.Jesus is mighty high and he will stand behind you.Let me tell you,no power can stand against God.No sickness,no addiction,no fear,no legal trouble.When you speak and you do not doubt,the mountain will be removed.Now it may not happen overnight.In unseen realm,things are changing in your favor.Now raise your hand and tell God thank you and talk to those things that are holding you back.God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L Bryant

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