Friday, December 30, 2016

God put this on my heart to share with someone who's keeping up with me.In my book How She Fought I talk about me looking for love in all the wrong places.Because of me hurting I was trying to find that guy to take away all my pain.It didn't work because I was still hurting.I was in and out of relationship and I still wasn't complete.But I am here to tell you when I surround and start praying to God.I have a man who would never leave me and his name is Jesus.God took away all of that pain.So please stop looking for love in all the wrong places.God is waiting on you to come to him with his arms wide open.He will never leave you and he will heal you.When that time comes he will send you the person he has for you.Trust me I have been there and because of God I am a better woman.I just wanted to share that with someone that God really cares.That's a true statement you all God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come.....................

Melissa L Bryant

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