Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Thank you all for taking the time to read my blogs. If you are going through anything today. Let go and give it to God. I know it's not easy but God is a way maker. I know what I am talking about because he did it for me.If he did it for me. I know he will do it for you. Let go of that situation right now and give it to God. Once you let go please don't pick it back up. Start praising your way through that storms. Don't give up and don't let go of his hands. It will be alright if you just trust and believe.Have faith! Everything you need will come to you at the right time.I learned If you can't fix it to let it go.You have to trust in God's time and not yours.The enemy is trying to stop you for getting your blessings.Be encourage and keep pressuring on. Enjoy your life to the fullest. I choose to enjoy my life to the fullest with God,love,peace,joy and more happiness.Let God fight your battle. Have a blessed day. The best is yet to come.

Melissa L bryant

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