Monday, August 21, 2017

I had to learn!

I had to learn it's not always a personal attack against you.Most times,it's a lesson you need to learn and grow from.So breathe,get the lesson and move on.

Melissa L. Bryant
So often!

So often many of us find ourselves living for everyone but ourselves. At jobs we don't like,in relationships with little to no value,dealing with family where we don't feel appreciated and bills that seem to never go away.Well there is a solution for it all and that is you.It's time for a change.You'll discover how to elevate your power and develop the mindset needed to achieve your career. But you can't focus on why everybody around you making things happen and you're not. It will soon be your season and time.Stay focus and be bless.

Melissa L. Bryant
Let's pray together!

It's so much going on in this world. It's so sad with all these killing.We have to come together and pray. don't stop praying.God needs and want us to come together and pray. When we pray together we love better, we defeat that enemy,we do better, we care more and we feel better.Let us pray for each other and pray together.lets make USA an amazing again with love,peace, smiles, helping others,warm embrace and a welcoming hug.You just don't know what a person is going through or have been through and just on the brink of when they connect with you.You can make a difference.So let's be better people and be the change we wish to see.Let's come together and pray with one another and for another.I'll pray for you all and you all pray for me. God bless!

Melissa L. Bryant


Never give up on your dreams and goals. The one thing about dreams and goals millions of people have them. While your sleeping on media, clubbing all night, hating on others. There is one person with their dream pushing, crawling, fighting and stretching to get to the next level. They refuse to give up.We always complain about not getting our blessing. But your blessing is your brain -(the ability to think). Life is a blessing every time you wake up. Your heart the ability to fight for what you love and stop waiting on other people to bless you.When God gave you the too; to bless yourself. The biggest blessing is life each and every day when you open your eyes. You have life, you have the power, It's in your hand its in your mind. You just have to find what your passionate about and your gift. The same way you fight for the right to be free.You must have that same fight to accomplish your dream. Its your dream claim it. When they say you can not do it, you're not smart enough,your to fat,they laugh at your dreams.That's when you put in the long nights working on your dreams. Struggles and pain don't last forever,its the not trying or I wish I would have.That's what stays in your brain. If you're scared to fail than you're never going to get anywhere. If you fall get up,your blessed and don't realized it.

Melissa L. Bryant
Life lesson!

Life is a lesson that you learn from. The best thing about life is that you do not have to go through it along. I rather risk going through tough times to appreciate life better.I rather risk getting my heart broken than to not try at all. The hardest part is walking away knowing I did nothing wrong. Sometimes you feel like you just want to give up on life or meeting that special one. We pretend that we forgave someone for hurting us so bad and instead of moving forward you move backward. If you know you can't move on than do not waist anymore time. Be strong in order to understand yourself. Never let anyone break you down to the point that you want to give up. Never let your pride cause you the best thing ever to happen to you. We go through hard times or bad relationship for a reason. You find yourself caught up in that person and you lose yourself or in your situation you lose your purpose. When I found God I found myself and it's an amazing thing. Don't lose your purpose! Don't lose yourself! Be blessed!

Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, August 17, 2017


What you explore yourself to will determine how you think?
The way you think will determine how you feel.
How you feel will determine the decision you make?
The decisions will determine the actions you make.
Those actions will determine the habits you create.
Your thinking has change.
Those action will determine your character.
Your character determine your distance.

Change your action!
Change your character!
Change your habits!
Change your decision!
Change your thinking!
Change what you explore yourself too!

Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

This is the season!

This is the season,if you can't invest in me for us to prosperous. It's tell you be removed out of my life.
This is the season,I can't deal with all that unnecessary stuff. Either we are cool or not.I'm asking God to remove you out of my life.

This is the season, I am on a new level.
This is the season,I will not be remove.
This is the season,God is removing things and people's out of life. Greater is coming!
Let this be the season you ask God to remove things out of your life for greater.

This is the season, I just can't deal with it anymore.
I know my worth.
I am the daughter of the King.

Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Live in peace,love and harmony.

We all know that this world is temporarily and tomorrow's not guaranteed.So until God comes back for us.Why not live this life in peace,love and harmony.

Melissa L. Bryant
Holding on and Letting go!

Let go of anger.Figure out what you are angry about and make positive changes.
Let go of fear.Usually,once you begin something,you gather courage along the way.
Let go of worry.Stop picturing the worst outcome.Norman Vincent Peale says,''Change your thoughts and you change your world."It is also true if we change our pictures,if we can imagine a positive outcome,if we see ourselves succeeding,then we can also change our world.

Let go of toxic people if you can.There are times they are in our family or work environment and we can't do anything about them being there.If we can't let go physically of toxic people,then you have to let go of them mentally.Figure out the most positive way you can work around them.

Let go of habits and behaviors that are keeping you from your best.

Let go of old ways of doing things,unless it absolutely is the best way to do things.Try new ways and new technology when appropriate.

Let go of past hurts and disappointments.As tough and unfair as it may have been,it is part of life.Find a way to let go of it so you can move on.

Hold on to your values,even if it is not popular to do so.

Hold on to your dreams,even when you've lost sight of them.

Hold on to your family and friends.Life is fragile.Be sure to let people know how much they mean to you.

Hold on to good workers.Appreciate the people you work with.Don't forget to say thanks for a job well done or for a cooperative spirit.Reward initiative and going the extra mile.

Hold on to your work ethic no matter what others may be doing.

Do what it takes to hold on to your health.We don't realize what a blessing our health is until it is gone.Don't wait till it is too late.Take care of yourself now.

I hope everyone has the best week ever! Let go of the bad.Hold on to the good!

Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, August 7, 2017

Pray for yourself!

Stop depending on people to pray for you.When you can do it yourself.Learn to seek God for yourself.Its time you build your own relationship with God.If you can put trust in peoples then you can put trust in God.One thing about it he's real and everybody you talk to isn't. Think on that for a min?

Melissa L. Bryant

Pray over your family!

We need to keep our children in pray.We have to pledge the blood of Jesus over them.I declare and decrease my children shall be obedience  and do God's will.I declare and decrease our children shall be leaders.I declare and decrease that our children shall prosper.I declare and decrease that the enemy has no room in their life.I declare and decrease they will have a powerful testimony.I declare and decrease they will be saved.I declare and decrease no weapons form against them shall prosper.I declare and decrease they will focus in schools and make great grades.I declare and decrease they shall live and not die.I declare and decrease victory over their life right now.I declare and decrease you speak life over your children and family.In Jesus name I seal this pray with the Father,Son and Holy Spirit.

Melissa L. Bryant

Mothers it's time you set up a better home full of love and be mothers.Fathers its time you set up a better home full of love and guidance as well.Children its time you be better children and listen to your parents.No more excuses!Be the women God needs you to be.Be the men God needs you to be.Be the children God needs you to be.

Melissa L. Bryant
Greater is coming!
Greater is coming!
You're blessed!
You be the change you wish to see.
God is making your circle smaller for a reason.

Melissa L. Bryant
God will never leave you or forsaken you.

Melissa L. Bryant

Your faith will prepare you to meet the obstacles and challenges that will confront your pursuit of your destiny.Faith is the assurance or things hope for;the conviction of thing not seen.Faith makes all things possible.

Melissa L. Bryant

When you know something don't feel right.All you can do is just pray and ask God to guide you.As you keep flesh out the way.

Melissa L. Bryant

Never let anybody change you unless it's for the best.

Melissa L. Bryant
What don't break you!

What don't break you will make you stronger.What pain you have let God gain it.

Melissa L. Bryant

Power in pray! Pain turns into powerful testimonies.

Melissa L. Bryant

Stop letting others dictate your life.Learn to say no to things or people that don't resonate with you.Now take your life back.

Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, August 4, 2017

Take your Life Back!
It's important for you to remember that no matter what your situation that you always have options to choose from.You may have the feeling now that you are not in control of your life;sometimes this happen as a result of your own actions,but you can take your life back.Take your Life back! Learn how to stop dwelling on your problems and how to stand strong with faith.Take back everything the enemy has stolen from you.Take back your joy,hope,peace,love,family and faith.It's time to make a stand and face that devil today. God has a plan for your life.The moment I learned to stop relying on people for my happiness.That's when I found it! My struggles taught me how to make something out of nothing.God and my family push me to strive for the best.Keep strong! Keep the faith! Keep standing! Allow God to work! Praise your way out.Change is hard but it's also good.It is important for you to make sure that you can cope with the situations.You also need time for yourself to deal with your own emotions and thoughts.Let today be the day you take action,take whatever steps you can to get your life back from the devil.Please keep a positive mindset no matter how hard life gets.

Melissa L. bryant
While Riding!

While riding through your trails and storms of life.My family and friends you can't allowed the winds to distract you.Focus is the key to your next level.As well as faith.

Melissa L. Bryant
My worth!

I had to tell somebody thing and it was hard for me. But I know my worth.I still have a place for you in my heart,but not in my life.I know my worth.

Melissa L. Bryant

Sometimes things in life doesn't always work the way you want them too.Sometimes the end is just the beginning.

Melissa L Bryant
Say this with me: I'm blessed
No matter what I'm going thought: I'm blessed
I'm blessed! I'm blessed!
My spouse is acting up:I'm blessed
Children acting up:I'm blessed
I'm blessed! I'm blessed
Yes I'm blessed!I'm blessed!
No matter what may come my way: I'm blessed.
I will not give up:I'm blessed!
Yes I'm blessed!
Every time I wake up:I'm blessed.
I'm in my right mind:I'm blessed
You better believe I'm blessed

Melissa L. Bryant
Take ownership today!
However,you can take ownership of your reality and shape it based on your predominant thoughts and actions.If you have felt frustrated and unhappy with the direction your life is going in,the following actionable tips can help you take charge of your life starting today.Think about what you want out of life and figure out what you need to do to get there.I had to remove myself and just focus on God.When I start doing that and stop focusing on people to fix things for me.I start seeing a change in my life and my joy was coming back.Trust me! Don't expect others to fix things for you.Whether or not you created the problems,they are your problems.But God can fix your problems if you let him.Realized that life is not happening to you;it's responding to you.The energy that you give off begins within your own mind;if you think positive thoughts,you will start seeing positive things happen and vice versa.Every time you have a negative thought let it play on repeat in your brain,your order that reality and it has no choice but to exist.You manufacture your reality based on what thoughts you repeatedly think and what realities you order from your own factory.Start cultivating more positive thoughts so you can manufacture.A much higher-quality reality.

Melissa L. Bryant
keep the faith
If we are willing to tend the seed of faith with care,we will reap an over flowing abundance of blessing,joy and peace.Some of you need to wake up! Don't you see what the enemy is doing in your life?Anything that disturbs your peace,whether it be an emotional trauma,whether it be stress,whether it be sickness,whether it be spiritual,whether it be financial.Whatever the problem~it did not come from God!

Melissa L. Bryant
Don't let your emotions control you.
Sometimes when things are going bad in our life we let our emotions control us.That's when the devil try and easy his way in your life.We have to be careful and stay focus on God and let the power of God enable us to learn and abide in Jesus Christ.Nothing in this world can hold us down unless we let it.Jesus never gave up on us Why should we give up on ourselves?He endured great pain just for us.

Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, August 3, 2017

My testimony!
My testimony is this sometimes in life you have to suffer awhile so God can see how much you appreciate the small things.When he sees that your heart is right and you are taking care of his business 1st.He will pour down his blessings on you.My testimony made me humble and grateful.God is amazing!

Melissa L. Bryant

Learn to stand up for what is right.Stop settling for anything less.Learn to challenge these men for their behavior.Defend your self and know your worth.Guys needs to learn how to respect us.But if we don't show respect.How can they respect us.Some of all walking around him half naked but want respect.Some of you all letting that guy hit on you and you know that's not right.You're worth more then that and you deserve to be treated better than that.Please do some soul searching about that guy you're dating.You deserve better! Know your worth! Respect yourself!Cover it up!Don't just settle.

Melissa L Bryant
My pass fuels!
My pass fuels me into doing what's deemed impossible.I'm constantly chasing myself;I'm beyond determined to be better than I was yesterday.Never be afraid to challenge yourself.Growth is a beautiful thing.Don't allow social media to stunt your growth.Let's be amazing!

Melissa L Bryant
Be weary!
Be weary of distorted perception.Every bad situation is not the end of the word.Every good situation is not the best thing in the world.It's important to pay attention to the small details in your life.Believe it or not everything happens for a reason.It's not our job to question the reason.I believe it's our job to discover/understand the reason.We all have personal stories about our trials and tribulations.I challenge you to discover your reason why?I challenge you to think outside of the box.I challenge you to remove the black and white thinking and add some shades of gray.Open up your eyes and realize that trials and tribulations are merely lessons.

Melissa L bryant
Victory is yours!
You can't win a victory as long as the problem is the biggest thing in your life.You have to stay focus with a positive mindset.God has your back.Please don't throw in the towel yet.Victory is yours.Victory today is yours.Repeat after me victory is mind and this to shall pass.Victory today is ours. Just keep saying it.I speak victory over you right now.

Melissa L. Bryant
God is up to something!
No matter how hard the devil comes at you.You better believe God is always up to something.God is up to something or the devil wouldn't be fighting you this hard.Your going to win! Just keep striving and standing strong.Don't give the devil any room.Your breakthrough is around the corner.God has a plan just wait on it.

Melissa L. Bryant