Monday, August 21, 2017

Let's pray together!

It's so much going on in this world. It's so sad with all these killing.We have to come together and pray. don't stop praying.God needs and want us to come together and pray. When we pray together we love better, we defeat that enemy,we do better, we care more and we feel better.Let us pray for each other and pray together.lets make USA an amazing again with love,peace, smiles, helping others,warm embrace and a welcoming hug.You just don't know what a person is going through or have been through and just on the brink of when they connect with you.You can make a difference.So let's be better people and be the change we wish to see.Let's come together and pray with one another and for another.I'll pray for you all and you all pray for me. God bless!

Melissa L. Bryant

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