Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Holding on and Letting go!

Let go of anger.Figure out what you are angry about and make positive changes.
Let go of fear.Usually,once you begin something,you gather courage along the way.
Let go of worry.Stop picturing the worst outcome.Norman Vincent Peale says,''Change your thoughts and you change your world."It is also true if we change our pictures,if we can imagine a positive outcome,if we see ourselves succeeding,then we can also change our world.

Let go of toxic people if you can.There are times they are in our family or work environment and we can't do anything about them being there.If we can't let go physically of toxic people,then you have to let go of them mentally.Figure out the most positive way you can work around them.

Let go of habits and behaviors that are keeping you from your best.

Let go of old ways of doing things,unless it absolutely is the best way to do things.Try new ways and new technology when appropriate.

Let go of past hurts and disappointments.As tough and unfair as it may have been,it is part of life.Find a way to let go of it so you can move on.

Hold on to your values,even if it is not popular to do so.

Hold on to your dreams,even when you've lost sight of them.

Hold on to your family and friends.Life is fragile.Be sure to let people know how much they mean to you.

Hold on to good workers.Appreciate the people you work with.Don't forget to say thanks for a job well done or for a cooperative spirit.Reward initiative and going the extra mile.

Hold on to your work ethic no matter what others may be doing.

Do what it takes to hold on to your health.We don't realize what a blessing our health is until it is gone.Don't wait till it is too late.Take care of yourself now.

I hope everyone has the best week ever! Let go of the bad.Hold on to the good!

Melissa L. Bryant

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