Monday, August 21, 2017

Life lesson!

Life is a lesson that you learn from. The best thing about life is that you do not have to go through it along. I rather risk going through tough times to appreciate life better.I rather risk getting my heart broken than to not try at all. The hardest part is walking away knowing I did nothing wrong. Sometimes you feel like you just want to give up on life or meeting that special one. We pretend that we forgave someone for hurting us so bad and instead of moving forward you move backward. If you know you can't move on than do not waist anymore time. Be strong in order to understand yourself. Never let anyone break you down to the point that you want to give up. Never let your pride cause you the best thing ever to happen to you. We go through hard times or bad relationship for a reason. You find yourself caught up in that person and you lose yourself or in your situation you lose your purpose. When I found God I found myself and it's an amazing thing. Don't lose your purpose! Don't lose yourself! Be blessed!

Melissa L. Bryant

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