Friday, August 4, 2017

Take ownership today!
However,you can take ownership of your reality and shape it based on your predominant thoughts and actions.If you have felt frustrated and unhappy with the direction your life is going in,the following actionable tips can help you take charge of your life starting today.Think about what you want out of life and figure out what you need to do to get there.I had to remove myself and just focus on God.When I start doing that and stop focusing on people to fix things for me.I start seeing a change in my life and my joy was coming back.Trust me! Don't expect others to fix things for you.Whether or not you created the problems,they are your problems.But God can fix your problems if you let him.Realized that life is not happening to you;it's responding to you.The energy that you give off begins within your own mind;if you think positive thoughts,you will start seeing positive things happen and vice versa.Every time you have a negative thought let it play on repeat in your brain,your order that reality and it has no choice but to exist.You manufacture your reality based on what thoughts you repeatedly think and what realities you order from your own factory.Start cultivating more positive thoughts so you can manufacture.A much higher-quality reality.

Melissa L. Bryant

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