Tuesday, November 28, 2017

How you living your life?

Are you still holding on to past mistakes?
Are you still holding on to past relationship that didn't work out?
Are you still living with what if's and I should have?
Are you still living with pain in your heart because someone hurt you?
Are you still dwelling on life because you should be far than where you are now?
Are you living life with lots of regrets?
Are you living life thinking you failed and can't get back up?
Are you living life with no love?
Are you living life with no faith?
Are you living life with no peace?
Are you living life with no joy?
How you living your life?

God bless!
Please feel free to leave me a comment!

Author Melissa L Bryant

Monday, November 27, 2017

Why are you giving up?

Why are you giving up? It was that bad for you too just throw in the towel.
Why are you giving up? Is it because somebody said you will never make it....
Why are you giving up? Is it because you're loosing faith....
Why are you giving up? Is it because you got too much pressure on you....
Why? Please tell me why are you giving up?
You're too close to the finish line to be giving up...
So why give up?

Have a bless day. Please tell me why you are giving up?

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sometimes you get in a relationship and you feel on top on the world. He's treating you like a Queen at first and than things change. You wonder what happen because everything was so amazing at first. You don't go on dates like you use too. It's like you're begging for his love. You prayed so hard for that special person and than it's like he change. You ask yourself for it just lust because that last for a second and you know it couldn't be love because that last forever. Maybe you thought it was God and you rush and didn't take the time to really listen to him. Now you feel heartless because you're missing that real love that last forward no matter what you go through. Now you're praying asking God all these different questions and waited patiently. Because you learned your listen the first time not too rush anything again. But you have to trust God and let him lead you the right way. Everything look good isn't good and it's best to wait on God.. Don't give up hang in there because this too shall pass. Be blessed!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Finding peace in your situations!

No matter where you are in your life, no matter what responsibilities you may carry, you can find peace, balance and enjoyment in every area of your life, but it starts with you. All my love and thanks to God for my trials and healing point. I hope that my journey will inspire and motivate single parents, married couples, single men and youth. I hope that my courage will inspire you to want to be better parents and reach for your dreams.My children are my inspiration and I love them so much. God got me through my storms. I pray and hope my book How She Fought The Full Story make a difference in your life. Thanks in advance for purchasing the book which is on amazon.com. If you get a copy please leave me a comment so I can sign it. Thanks again! God bless!

Author Melissa L Bryant
My book How She Fought The Full Story on amazon.com                

My life's story focuses on perseverance and not quitting. As a single mother, my book is to inspire you with God's word, with his hope and faith and lots of peace and unconditional love he has for us. I pray and hope you take some courage and joy along your journey, because you can make it with God's help. I was a victim and I am a survivor. After all my struggles, I kept my faith and asked God for more wisdom, some hope for tomorrow and courage to make it in this struggles. Writing this book gave me a purpose to provide a way to communicate my thoughts to single parents and children. I have worked long and hard to bring this story to light and I could not have done it without God. My story is basic on healing,deliverance, forgiveness and moving forward. As you purchase this book I hope your life was changed and I made a difference in your life and I hope to achieve whatever success level God has for me.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, November 26, 2017

When life pushes you down get back up!

Even during the times when life tries to push you down, you can rise above disappointments, negative words and bad situations as long as you don't lose sight of your value and God. God will give you the strength to stand strong in the midst of your storms. I had to learn even when it looked impossible, even when I really didn't see a way out, or even when I made bad decisions, God cares and with him you can overcome any storm in your life. He can open up the right doors and cause the right people to have favor on you. as you stay in faith and really trust him, God will choose you even when people overlook you. Therefore, trust me; no matter what comes your way, you can face it with face. What God has for you, it's for you. When you stay in faith, you can overcome any storms and accomplish in your life in God's plan. I recognize that God has given me everything I need for the future. I had to learn when I make the most of what I have and really thank God for it, he will multiply it and give me more. In the Bible, I recognize I was not created to constantly struggle in life. I am making a decision to enjoy my life to the fullest. I am living my life one day at a time, knowing that I'm preparing for my future. Yes, I know there are going to be some challenges and difficult times. But I know God got me and everything will be all right. As I stay humble and be willing to change in order to embrace the great things God has for me, I know I will make it in this world. I will stay focused and determined, knowing that I'm doing God's will and encouraging others. God bless you all and you better believe the best is yet to come

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, November 23, 2017


I am thankful for life!
I am thankful for being in my right mind!
I am thankful for health!
I am thankful for my family & friends!
I am thankful for my fans!
I am thankful for giving back!
I am thankful for all your love and support!
I am just grateful and thankful!
What are you thankful for?
Happy Thanksgiving!
Be safe!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Life never Hands out things that you can't handle.

When you can't see your way out of that situation, let alone focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. Some refer to this as the darkness night of the soul. It is in this place that, your soul speaks to you and you begin to realize that you are not your circumstances no matter how hard it seems, but something far greater everything you are going through, every struggle pain or hardship is actually a gift. It is a gift because it is in the struggle that you are brought to your knees, where you question the purpose of your life. It is a gift because it asks you to go deeper into yourself and find the light inside so you can shine like a star. How you approach your situations will determine how you come though the other side. I had to learned no matter what it looks like you have to trust God and yourself it's going to get better and prepare yourself for better. You have to believe you can do this, you can make it, you are amazing, you have a story to tell, you have a testimony,you are powerful and you are inspirational. This to shall pass and you will made it. Let today be the day you take your eyes off your situation and focus more on God. It's time to get out of all that darkness and come to the light. Have a blessed day!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

How do you feel today?

Do you ever feel like you're not happy being who you are? At times, feeling lonely and all alone may be a reflection of how you feel on the inside. There's nothing wrong with that, but get it out so you can deal with it and move on. Find out how to first love yourself so you can have a better relationship and a better life. Please learn how to love yourself and learn how to cope with failure and rebuild your confidence and enjoy a better life. You need to love yourself and respect yourself as well. Learn to really respect who you are and stop focusing on your negative aspects; instead, focus on the aspects you're good at. Start loving yourself with love and happiness. Please stop worrying about what the world thinks of you. You respect yourself for the positive person that you are; you'll have a hard time loving yourself or getting any love from the world. I learned to be determined and believe in myself and I stopped worrying about what people were thinking. Every journey starts with a single step; no matter what you have gone through, like being depressed or unhappy being the person that you are, I learned that determination can change every single thing in your life. Please focus on starting to make a positive change every day. Along the way learn to focus on your appearance and posture.When you look good and are complimented by someone else, you'd feel a lot better about yourself. Push yourself to achieve more in life. Every time you push yourself to achieve more, it makes you more confident of your own abilities. It will bring positive changes in your life every single day. Success and self-love comes with perseverance and dedication and it can be achieved as long as you don't give up on yourself. Stay in control of your life and stand on your own two feet and your own achievements.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
 Keep looking and moving forward!

Keep looking and moving straight forward. Moving on doesn't mean you have forgotten; it means you have accept what happened in the past and chosen to continue living in the present. God is with you and don't you forget that. He said in his word he will never leave or forsaken you. Though all the problems you have faced, the burdens weighing down on your shoulders, the pain in your heart, you have only one thing to say: I survived with God's help. I am excited about where my journey is going. I know with God in it I will be okay, but I have to do his will.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, November 12, 2017

I use to look down on myself! Because I was rape at an early age over and over until my 20's. I never has a problem with getting a boyfriend. I just felt nasty and dirty on the inside. Yea, I felt ugly, my self-esteem was low and I was suicidal. I use to write letters to God saying Why me? I didn't want to deal with my past any more. One day I felt to my knees while listening to Marvin Sapp's song I never would have made it. I prayed to God while crying out loud and I told him I need thee and I am tired and I can't do this without him. What's my destiny and what's my purpose? Do I have a calling on my life? Lord please help me. That's when I find out writing is a gift. even though I gave up on it at times and God would bring me right back. I am here to tell you no matter what happen in your life.You still can fulfill God's plan. If he did it for me I know he would do it for you. God gets all the praise and glory because of who I am today. I made it! Please keep pushing and holding on.Give it all to God and watch he show up and out. Be Blessed! I love you all and thanks for all the love and support.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Be grateful!

Be grateful for your life!
Be grateful for your test!
Be grateful for your wins!
Be grateful for your lost!
Be grateful for what you have and don't have!
Just be grateful!

Melissa L Bryant

We are blessed!

I stay blessed by the best.
You stay blessed by the best.
Because we have no need to be stress and settle for the less.
Stop putting up with the enemy mess.
Because God has already blessed you in your mess.
We are blessed!
By the best which is Jesus!
He's the reason for the season and you know the rest.

Melissa L. Bryant
Stop Running!

It's hard to walk away in pain than to stay in pain. I choose to face my pain and let God help me deal with it. Because If I do it my way, It will make things worst. If I keep running! It's going to keep following me. So I had to face it and stop running. This is what my book talks about Stop Running by Melissa L. Bryant now on amazon.com

Be encouraged!

I've learned through my trials as I encouraged others to hold on and don't give up no matter how hard it gets. I find God giving  me more strength to hold on when I was barely holding on. I tell you God is amazing and always on time.

Melissa L. Bryant
The tongue is powerful!

When have to be careful how we speak to ourselves and others. Just as we have the power to destroy ourselves or others with a choice of words. It speak in the word (Bible) in Proverbs 18:20-21 says 20 from the fruit of their mouth a person's stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied. 21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who loves it will eats it's fruits. A careful choice of words can be the difference between someone accepting or rejecting your statement or message. Who are being destroyed by our choice of words.Our family, friends, co-worker, fans and people we don't know are being destroyed with their hopes and dreams because of what we are saying to them. We supposing to be encouraging each others and not putting nobody down. It's in the word and God isn't pleased either! Inspirational can make a difference in someone's life. It can save lives and inspire this world to be a better place. Let's be better peoples and be careful how we use our words for each others.

Melissa L. Bryant


Friday, November 3, 2017

I was depressed!
I struggled and lived through some really bad and rough patches of my life. I was depressed! I was sensitive but life has made me emotionally strong. I have been broken and shattered many times but that rebuilt me into a strong woman of substance. I had to learn how to deal with my pain. my strength came through my struggles and it made me a stronger person. I Going through trails in my life has made me stronger and less sensitive. I have been broken and shattered many times but that rebuilt me into a strong amazing woman with God's help. I am proud of who I am and who I have become.

Melissa L bryant

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Breaking down the walls!

I was dealing with a lot of emotional issues, so I really needed my father's help. I had to really believe in the Lord, I mean really believe in him for my change. When you really believe in the Lord, I mean really believe, then you will see walls breaking down in your life piece by piece and his vision will become one with yours. I had to get healed and release so much in my spirit. I know God is working it out for me. He's changing my life and I love him so much. I'm exalted about what God is doing. I was a big mess and he turned me into a miracle. Therefore, if he did it for me I know he can do it for you.When you start getting to the point in your life that you're tired, you want to change your life around and the desires, please try Jesus; he's the key to everything in your life. God was there when my storms of life were raging. Everybody else turned their back on me. But my sweet Jesus wouldn't. Trust me, you can't help where you've been, but you can help where you're going. I am so glad that Jesus lifted my heavy burden from my shoulders and I am free.

Let God give you strength to overcome past pain and hurt to move forward into your destiny. I learn from my storms you can't receive what God wants for your life by holding on to the past. Let go and give it all to God. Therefore, speak life into your life and live. I thank God for breaking all my chains piece by piece, which held me back. I am free. I don't know what God has in store for me. But I know he has a plan and I'm ready for his plan. Lord, I thank you for keeping me through my struggles. I never would have made it without you, Lord. I just want to say thank you, Lord.

Melissa L Bryant