Thursday, November 2, 2017

Breaking down the walls!

I was dealing with a lot of emotional issues, so I really needed my father's help. I had to really believe in the Lord, I mean really believe in him for my change. When you really believe in the Lord, I mean really believe, then you will see walls breaking down in your life piece by piece and his vision will become one with yours. I had to get healed and release so much in my spirit. I know God is working it out for me. He's changing my life and I love him so much. I'm exalted about what God is doing. I was a big mess and he turned me into a miracle. Therefore, if he did it for me I know he can do it for you.When you start getting to the point in your life that you're tired, you want to change your life around and the desires, please try Jesus; he's the key to everything in your life. God was there when my storms of life were raging. Everybody else turned their back on me. But my sweet Jesus wouldn't. Trust me, you can't help where you've been, but you can help where you're going. I am so glad that Jesus lifted my heavy burden from my shoulders and I am free.

Let God give you strength to overcome past pain and hurt to move forward into your destiny. I learn from my storms you can't receive what God wants for your life by holding on to the past. Let go and give it all to God. Therefore, speak life into your life and live. I thank God for breaking all my chains piece by piece, which held me back. I am free. I don't know what God has in store for me. But I know he has a plan and I'm ready for his plan. Lord, I thank you for keeping me through my struggles. I never would have made it without you, Lord. I just want to say thank you, Lord.

Melissa L Bryant

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