Sunday, March 25, 2018

You have to take care of yourself.

I'm always taking care of others and wasn't taking care of myself. The Dr thought I had cancer in the mouth and I was praying hard. No it's not cancer thank God. But I've had some bacterium that build up in my mouth and if it would have gotten in my blood. I would have had a stroke. To God be the glory. It's been treating and I'm thanking God in advance for natural healing for my mouth and body. I am paying 4,324.00 for my mouth and I don't have bad teeth thank God. If I would have took time for myself it wouldn't be this bad. This is why it's important to take care of yourself as well. I could of had a stroke because of this. But God! I thank God for me getting to the dentist quick so they can start working on this..I'm learning how to take care of myself now.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
My heart goes out!

My heart goes out to the woman who finds herself alone as a parent. I know how you feel because that used to be me. But I know a God who provides, when you are a single mother who believes there is no hope and help. God tenderly cares for a fatherless child so that he has a future and hope. Maybe you are in a situation right now that looks hopeless. Give it to God and let him work it out for you like he did for me. Maybe you're feeling like you don't have the strength to keep on parenting alone. That's when you have to let go of that pride and fall on your knees and say," lord, I need thee." It's in these kinds of situations that God who sees you and can help us to see what we might not have noticed before. I felt alone in my situation and I had to ask God for help because I couldn't do it by myself. God will help you! Let today be the day you let God help you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Good morning!

Good morning! How you all doing today? I pray all is well. Start your day off with pray and praise. No matter what you're going through keep your eyes on God. Don't throw in the towel. Your break through is around the corner. Trust God and hold on. God bless you and I love you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, March 19, 2018

My Life!

I had never stopped long enough to take a good look at my life. I was completely broken and unlike the other times when I'd struggled, I didn't think I could be repaired. I had spent so many years racing away from my thoughts, feelings, fears and insecurities because the idea of dealing with them was overwhelming. But it had to happen. I no longer run away because I know it doesn't bring you true happiness. I face each situation with courage, but mostly, I follow my instincts and do what feels right. It hasn't steered me wrong yet. But I've learned that the key is to accept yourself with the same love and compassion as you would for the most important person in your life. I learned to stay focus on God and move when he says so. When you get vulnerable, feel emotions stay true to what you are feeling, you liberate yourself from pain. Don't give up and stay focus on God. But most of all stop running. Let today be the day you stop running.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, March 16, 2018

Stop Running!

Let today be the day you stop running from your problems. If you're running away from your demons right now, I can promise you that they will be waiting for you when you finally decide to stop running. Even worse, at that point you'll probably be too exhausted and too burned out to deal with those demons. It's at that moment when they'll win. There's a much better way. It's going to require God and some courage in order to make it happen. If you've made sincere attempts to deal with the issue and nothing has worked, you're not "running away from your problems" if you choose to leave. You're making a conscious decision to positively reclaim your life. By running away it's numbing us to the pain by drowning ourselves in alcohol, drugs, overeating, reckless gambling, sleep around, excessive shopping, watching hours of television nonstop, sex or feel free to insert any other unhealthy habit here. But here's the painful reality that I wish I knew years ago. Our problems will continue to follow us and get bigger and stronger until we face them. the only way out of a problem is to pray and go through it.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, March 12, 2018

My trials

I had to give the things that irritate me, like frustrations, obstacles and worries of my children, knowing that as I release those irritants, He will turn them into testimonies so I can help others. You have the choice on whether you choose love or fear. Learn from the past and move forward. Choose love, choose healing, choose forgiveness, choose hope, choose peace, choose freedom and choose to live your life to the fullest. You have the choice in what you focus on. Love yourself enough to move on. I am glad that God healed my broken heart and the past is behind me. Start praising the Lord and keep praising the Lord, because you have made it and you're free. After a while, those past hurt won't hurt you anymore. They will just be a past memory. Every day of my life, I thank God for everything I went through because it made me the person I am today. Please stop holding on to that past hurt. It 's time to really let go and move into the person God needs you to be. Take God's promise to heart many times each day. Every time you remember, every time you struggle, every time you feel that your heart is breaking under the weight of what happened to you, ask God to help you. God is waiting on you. Be encouraged and God bless you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Stop stressing!

You said you prayed and gave it to God.
Why are you still stressing?
God said he will never leave or forsaken you.
Therefore why are you stressing?
God got you!
So why you stressing?
If you're going to pray, why worry?
Once you give it to God.
Don't pick it back up!
Stop stressing when you have prayed about it.
Just praise your way through your trail and storms.
Once you give it to God please leave it with him.
Don't pick it back up!
Trust God!
Have faith!
God is amazing and always on time.

Author Melissa L. Bryant