Sunday, March 25, 2018

My heart goes out!

My heart goes out to the woman who finds herself alone as a parent. I know how you feel because that used to be me. But I know a God who provides, when you are a single mother who believes there is no hope and help. God tenderly cares for a fatherless child so that he has a future and hope. Maybe you are in a situation right now that looks hopeless. Give it to God and let him work it out for you like he did for me. Maybe you're feeling like you don't have the strength to keep on parenting alone. That's when you have to let go of that pride and fall on your knees and say," lord, I need thee." It's in these kinds of situations that God who sees you and can help us to see what we might not have noticed before. I felt alone in my situation and I had to ask God for help because I couldn't do it by myself. God will help you! Let today be the day you let God help you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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