Monday, March 19, 2018

My Life!

I had never stopped long enough to take a good look at my life. I was completely broken and unlike the other times when I'd struggled, I didn't think I could be repaired. I had spent so many years racing away from my thoughts, feelings, fears and insecurities because the idea of dealing with them was overwhelming. But it had to happen. I no longer run away because I know it doesn't bring you true happiness. I face each situation with courage, but mostly, I follow my instincts and do what feels right. It hasn't steered me wrong yet. But I've learned that the key is to accept yourself with the same love and compassion as you would for the most important person in your life. I learned to stay focus on God and move when he says so. When you get vulnerable, feel emotions stay true to what you are feeling, you liberate yourself from pain. Don't give up and stay focus on God. But most of all stop running. Let today be the day you stop running.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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