Sunday, March 25, 2018

You have to take care of yourself.

I'm always taking care of others and wasn't taking care of myself. The Dr thought I had cancer in the mouth and I was praying hard. No it's not cancer thank God. But I've had some bacterium that build up in my mouth and if it would have gotten in my blood. I would have had a stroke. To God be the glory. It's been treating and I'm thanking God in advance for natural healing for my mouth and body. I am paying 4,324.00 for my mouth and I don't have bad teeth thank God. If I would have took time for myself it wouldn't be this bad. This is why it's important to take care of yourself as well. I could of had a stroke because of this. But God! I thank God for me getting to the dentist quick so they can start working on this..I'm learning how to take care of myself now.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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