Friday, March 16, 2018

Stop Running!

Let today be the day you stop running from your problems. If you're running away from your demons right now, I can promise you that they will be waiting for you when you finally decide to stop running. Even worse, at that point you'll probably be too exhausted and too burned out to deal with those demons. It's at that moment when they'll win. There's a much better way. It's going to require God and some courage in order to make it happen. If you've made sincere attempts to deal with the issue and nothing has worked, you're not "running away from your problems" if you choose to leave. You're making a conscious decision to positively reclaim your life. By running away it's numbing us to the pain by drowning ourselves in alcohol, drugs, overeating, reckless gambling, sleep around, excessive shopping, watching hours of television nonstop, sex or feel free to insert any other unhealthy habit here. But here's the painful reality that I wish I knew years ago. Our problems will continue to follow us and get bigger and stronger until we face them. the only way out of a problem is to pray and go through it.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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