Thursday, January 25, 2018

Stop living your life in fear.

Fear is an important emotion that which we can't ignore. However,if your life is consumed with your fears and what ifs and what about's. You will surely miss out on all the possibilities that you can't yet imagine and can't yet foresee.It's those decisions and choices we make when fear is all around us that teach us the most.When we are afraid,we pull back from life.Fear can paralyze you in your tracks and prevent you from living out your dreams.We fear failure,love,loneliness,change and the unknown.Learn to embrace and love your life.Stop living in the past and let it go. So you can move forward.Like (2 Timothy 1:7) says For God has not given us a spirit of fear,but of power and of love and of a sound mind.Fear will hinder you from your dreams if you let it... Be blessed and stop living your life in fear.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

satan always attacks those who are in line for a promotion for God. Keep your eyes on where your help comes from. Don't give up too quick. Stay focus and encouraged. God has your back.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Keep the faith!

Sometimes the situations in life makes you want to give up. Sometimes even throw in the towel. I know it's not easy but you can make it. You have to trust God and have faith.Today you may be facing some formidable obstacles in your path. But If you look hard enough you can find some reason to be grateful. Like (1Thessalonians 5:18) says look for the good in every situation.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
True statement!
If a person can't bless me you sure will not stress me. Because I was made from the best and I won't settle for anything less.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Think on this for a min!

If you never taste a bad almond,you would never appreciate a good almond. Sometimes we need to experience bitterness of life to understand the value of sweetness.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

 Why let go of yesterday? Because yesterday has already let go of you.Letting go isn't about having the courage to release the past,it's about having the wisdom to embrace the present. Whatever you didn't yesterday doesn't mean you can't get it right today. Yesterday has gone and today is a new day to get it in order.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Good morning!
Start your day off with pray and praise. Be a blessing to someone today. You may not be able to control every situation and it's outcome. But you can control your attitude and how you deal with it. Have a blessed day!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Me too!

Growing up dealing with me being rape my hard. Nobody believe me until I went to the Dr. I still had to cover it up. Yes faced it and deal with it.I have to pray because I still have dreams about it. I guess it's something there I have to face. But it didn't stop me for being a great mother and to inspire others.It was a long road and I had to get help end other to go on with my life. No it wasn't easy their were more than one victim. I experienced many pains dealing with me being rape at the age 8. But if it wasn't for God and my belated grandmother I couldn't be the woman i am today.Through my pain I tell accomplished the things I have today. Your past does not determined your future.I just want to inspire you to embrace and not be ashamed of what your past has made you become today. No matter what happen to you in your past. Please don't let it define your future. Be encourage and blessed.

Author Melissa L. Bryant 
Thanking God!

I thank God for saving me. I thank God for giving me a nothing chance. I had to learn to appreciate God for not allowing things to always go my way.God's plan is better than our plans.God is amazing!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Just Believe!

Be encourage no matter what's going on in your life.God will work it out.God is amazing! Embrace God's will in your life.Sometimes we have to go through somethings to get to somethings. We have to stay focus on God and not the situations. God is bigger than that situations.Just Believe! Just Believe!God will work it out. I am sending love your way and some words of encouragement.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Word for the day!

Your expectation is still too low.Stretch your faith.God is more than able.God will never leave or forsaken you. Trust him and just believe.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, January 22, 2018

Good afternoon!

I prayed you all started your day off with pray and praise. Be a blessing to someone today. What ever you got going on in your life. Just know God is bigger than that problem. Let go and give it to him today. Don't let your problem stop or hindering you from God's plan. Have a bless day full of joy and peace.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Women know your worth!

My past relationship I'll no longer feel bad for that break up anymore. I'll no longer allow my attachment to what was said and promised to keep me away from my upgrade. I have now gained clarity, respect and confidence. That break up became a guide to my self-love, respect and knowing my self-worth. Now I know my happiness matters. No longer am I waiting to receive love because I realized through all my pain that I am love by the king God. He loves me unconditional and he forgives me. I know that everyone who believe they love me really didn't. It was lust! Because they tell you they miss you and then they start talking about sex. That's lust not love.I understand that know. I can move on knowing that God loves me unconditional. I am that woman! I am worth saving! My love is to be respected, cherished and honored not tampered with. I can relaxing knowing what is for me is for me. I'm blessed! My happiness matters and I will wait on God....

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me!

We learned lessons every day. But listen to this one. Always follow your mind,not your heart.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
A mother of five children!

God has heal my oldest son from cancer twice. God has bless my second oldest with a son. God has blessed my three oldest son to go into the Marines. God is still dealing with my fourth son. God has blessed my daughter with the gift of praise dance and inspiring teens and helping others. As a single mother I raise all five of them with God's help and nobody is in jail, prison or on drugs. Look at God. We all made it.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Moving forward!

I will not let my past hinder me from my future. God has been too good to me. I am not perfect and will never be perfect. But I am going to do whats right and inspire others for great. My pain inspired me to keep striving and holding on. I knew greater was coming. I had to stay focus and surround myself around more positive people. I stay prayed up! I will never let my past, my pain, my mistakes define me. It made me stronger, wiser and better with God's grace.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Be careful!

The things you love the most can destroy you!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
My testimony!

I had my first son at the age 18 years old. I wanted to give up and drop out of school but my belated grandmother would let me. I had my second son at the age 21 years old and I kept striving for greater. At the age of 22 years old my third son was born. It was hard real hard but I kept striving and people were talking about me like a dog. I didn't care because I took care of my children. At the age 24 years old I had my fourth son. I work two jobs and went to college. It was hard and I kept striving and I wasn't married. I trusted God. It didn't matter to me what people was saying about me. At the age 25 I had my fifth child a daughter. I lost her and it took a lot out of me because I held her dead. But God gave me strength and guidance. At the age 26 I was blessed with my sixth child and second daughter. They say I wasn't going to amount too anything but God knew. You see I went through somethings to get where I am now. They said all I knew was to just lay down and have children. But guess what I had every last one of them. God was dealing with me and I kept running. God was birthing something amazing in me to share with the world. God knew what I was going through because I was rape and I was looking for all the love in all the wrong places. I was trying to cover up that pain of being rape. But it was affect me emotional and I didn't realized it. But God! I had some hard days and I lost a lot but I have gain my strength, peace, wisdom, joy, patience, knowledge and understanding. I was bondage for so long but God set me free. I am free! Please come out February 24, 2018 @ Country Inn & Suites on Nottingham Way in Albany,Ga To hear my testimony. I made it! God gets the glory and praise. Never let nobody tell you want you can't do or define you because of your past. Amen! Be blessed and encourage!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, January 18, 2018

In the Bible!

Jacob was a cheater,Peter had a temper,David had an affair,Noah got drunk,Jonah ran from God,Paul was a murderer,Gideon was insecure,Miriam was a gossiper,Martha was a worrier,Thomas was a doubter,Sara was impatient, Elijah was moody,Moses stuttered,Zaccheus was short,Abraham was old and Lazarus was dead. God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called.If you know you are a work in progress to be finished by Christ Jesus our Lord. Say amen!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
I am !
I am the head and not the tail, I am above and not beneath, I am the lender and not the borrower, it's my season it's my turn I am "Melissa L. Bryant"!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me!

You can have all the money in the world. But popularity doesn't make you powerful! Popularity can't get you in Heaven. But I do know prayer,maturity &wisdom does.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Think on this today!

If you keep repeating chapters,the ending will never end!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
My God! 

Be not surprised the direction you shall go. God is leading your path for greatness and you should follow it. God has mandate you to be great.Life is about learning.God has a purpose for your pain. a reason for your struggle and a reward for your faithfulness. Trust him and never give up.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Good morning!
Good morning! Start your day off with pray and praise. Be a blessing to someone today. Be the change you wish to see. Don't focus on any negativity. Stay focus on God and everything else will fall in place. This is your day to make a change.God bless and the best is yet to come.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

I am who I am!                                                                               

So many people will tell you no. You need to find something you believe in so hard that you just smile and tell them watch me. Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong. Be unstoppable! Refuse to give up, no matter what. I'd rather stay focus on all the positive improvements i need to make in my own life. Minding someone's business, telling other people how to live or constantly pointing the finger just doesn't interest me anymore. Acknowledging and correcting my own flaws leaves me absolutely no room to be worried about somebody else's business. I'm trying to great not fake. While guide leads me!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Listen to me!
I failed at times as a wife, daughter, friend and most importantly a mother and a woman of God. At times I didn't always say the right thing. I had scars because I had history. Some people love me, some like me, some don't, some don't understand me. I have done great for my life. I have done bad. I'm not the beauty in the world. But I have a heart of gold. I'm a leader. I am bold. I am a pray warrior. I've been deliver. I've been heart. I'm the chosen one. I'm walking into my calling. I'm inspiring others. I am the daughter of the most high.I am who I am, you can love me or not. I make no apologies for my past and who I've become. I've had some ups and downs. Sometimes we lose sight of things but it's up to you to pick up and keep moving! I'm forward with my life because if i hold on to the past how will i know what my future holds for me. I'm so glad that I've grown and still growing . I know what it's like to be in a struggle and how to cope. I'm going to keep praying and trusting God. I'm not defines by my past but better prepared for my future. The more someone tries to put you down the more God will elevate you. My future named is blessed . My best days are waiting on me.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Think about this!

Misery loves company. People will try to sabotage some one else's life when they don't have anything good going on in their lives... Don't let the actions of others distract you from accomplishing your goals.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Think on this!

When a storm comes your way you have three choices.
1. Let it destroy you.
2. Let it defines you
3. Let it strengthen you

What's your choice?

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Holding myself back!

For so long I was in denial.For so long I denied myself the opportunity to truly go forth because of the doubt I allowed to consume my mind. no one else had to be a barrier. I was doing a great job of that on my own. I was holding myself back because of all the mistakes I had made. It was out of curiosity through my breakthrough I'm able to do far more than I gave myself credit. Don't count yourself out of an equation God already placed you in. The vision he gave to you, the gifts he placed inside of you, were indication that yes he chose and trust you. Stop missing the moments God made for you. I know I won't anymore. All that's destined in 2018 won't go on without me. What about you?

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Just embrace!

Embrace what makes you unique, even if it make others uncomfortable. In other words be true to yourself regardless of what people may say or think of you. Just embrace!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Lord clean us up.

Lord give your people a renew mind, clean heart, wisdom , understanding, more love and strength.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Cover your family!
Husband cover your wife and children. Wife's cover your husband and children. Children cover your parents. It's time we cover our family each and every day. Just pray, pray and more pray.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Woke up joyful!

I woke up joyful. I feel so joyful. I am focus on keeping my joy. I will not let nothing or no one steal my joy. God has placed so much joy in my heart and it feel so amazing. It's time you all get your joy back. Give it all to God so he can give you joy....Get your joy today....

Author Melissa L. Bryant
I felt like a caterpillar stuck.

I felt like a caterpillar just stuck. But one morning when I rise up. I gave God all my problems. Once I gave it to God. Than I blossom into a blessed butterfly. Let today be the day you blossom into a blessed butterfly and stop being stuck like a caterpillar.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Good Morning!

What you win is so much better than what you lost.What you thought was good for you, didn't work out nor lasted as long but that which did is still here. Don't waste tears on would have, should have, could have. Please anticipate the will be, shall have and can have.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Keep your head up!

Everybody keep your head up no matter how hard it gets. God will make a way. I'm here to tell you...

Author Melissa L. Bryant
It's Sad!

It's sad when God tell us to do something and we don't do it. But when your boss tell you to do something you're about to break your neck to get it done. Why can't we do God's job as well. He's own boss for life if you live right. He can open and close doors that no man or woman can do. Thank about that and get both jobs done and watch your life never be the same. God bless and the best is yet to come.............

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Sorry it's been so long!
 God has been dealing with me on a different level. I had to received my breakthrough. I had to let go of everything that was hinder me for being that person God call me to be. I had to stop focusing on If your all of listen to me and start let God speak through me. It feels so amazing to be set free. God has been blessing my family. My third oldest is leaving Feb 26, 2018 for basic training. He's going to the marines. I am so full of joy for my life. I never stop praying for him and look at God. Thursday January 11, 2018 I was blessed with my first grand child. A handsome little boy. My second oldest son has become a better young man because of his son. I am so joyful for what God is doing in his life as well... Sunday my 16 year old daughter received her breakthrough. I am so ready for everything God has for my family. No matter how hard the enemy comes at you. You have to keep praying and trusting God. This too shall past. God has a plan for your life. It's up to you to seek him and received what he has plan for you.. God bless and the best is yet to come............

Author Melissa L. Bryant