Thursday, January 25, 2018

Stop living your life in fear.

Fear is an important emotion that which we can't ignore. However,if your life is consumed with your fears and what ifs and what about's. You will surely miss out on all the possibilities that you can't yet imagine and can't yet foresee.It's those decisions and choices we make when fear is all around us that teach us the most.When we are afraid,we pull back from life.Fear can paralyze you in your tracks and prevent you from living out your dreams.We fear failure,love,loneliness,change and the unknown.Learn to embrace and love your life.Stop living in the past and let it go. So you can move forward.Like (2 Timothy 1:7) says For God has not given us a spirit of fear,but of power and of love and of a sound mind.Fear will hinder you from your dreams if you let it... Be blessed and stop living your life in fear.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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