Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sorry it's been so long!
 God has been dealing with me on a different level. I had to received my breakthrough. I had to let go of everything that was hinder me for being that person God call me to be. I had to stop focusing on If your all of listen to me and start let God speak through me. It feels so amazing to be set free. God has been blessing my family. My third oldest is leaving Feb 26, 2018 for basic training. He's going to the marines. I am so full of joy for my life. I never stop praying for him and look at God. Thursday January 11, 2018 I was blessed with my first grand child. A handsome little boy. My second oldest son has become a better young man because of his son. I am so joyful for what God is doing in his life as well... Sunday my 16 year old daughter received her breakthrough. I am so ready for everything God has for my family. No matter how hard the enemy comes at you. You have to keep praying and trusting God. This too shall past. God has a plan for your life. It's up to you to seek him and received what he has plan for you.. God bless and the best is yet to come............

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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