Sunday, January 21, 2018

Women know your worth!

My past relationship I'll no longer feel bad for that break up anymore. I'll no longer allow my attachment to what was said and promised to keep me away from my upgrade. I have now gained clarity, respect and confidence. That break up became a guide to my self-love, respect and knowing my self-worth. Now I know my happiness matters. No longer am I waiting to receive love because I realized through all my pain that I am love by the king God. He loves me unconditional and he forgives me. I know that everyone who believe they love me really didn't. It was lust! Because they tell you they miss you and then they start talking about sex. That's lust not love.I understand that know. I can move on knowing that God loves me unconditional. I am that woman! I am worth saving! My love is to be respected, cherished and honored not tampered with. I can relaxing knowing what is for me is for me. I'm blessed! My happiness matters and I will wait on God....

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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