Monday, June 26, 2017

 Peace of mind.
You have to let go so you can find a peace of mind. Let go and try to find yourself. Often when we are in a relationship our lives become centralized to this other person. Many people forget about their own needs and forget to take care of themselves. We get catch up in pleasing the other person and lose focus on our self. That's not what a relationship is all about. It take two to make it work and you have to focus on yourself as well.Try to find out who you are without him and embrace it. Practicing meditation is a healthy way to center one’s self mentally. You can't let nothing keep you from peace of mind.
Melissa L. Bryant
Our lesson

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Stop staying with (and/or complaining about) toxic people. Choose to focus your time, energy and conversation around people who inspire you, support you and help you to grow you into your happiest, strongest, wisest self. Stop dwelling on toxic people and live. It's time to get toxic people out of your life. So you can be set free and live.

Melissa L. Bryant
I removed myself away from toxic people.

There were times in my life when I had to cut people off, due to disrespect, negativity and boundaries. I want to surround myself with those that are supportive, and wouldn't mind me sharing my accomplishments and life changing moments with them. If they're going to continue to keep looking at me as the bad person, I don't see the point on keeping them around. I couldn't focus because it was too many toxic people in my life. When you have toxic people around you it like you're going in circles and no where. Once I remove myself from them everything is coming together as I work silent. Let today be the day you remove yourself from toxic people. Have a blessed day.

Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Sometimes life hurts.

Sometimes life hurts so bad until it knock us down.We get so tried that we wants to just give up. But you need to know that time has brought healing. With the passing of time, I have learned the depths of pain I experienced are matched equally with the heights of joy. God can make all things beautiful with time.God changes us and our perspective.He allows us to see what He sees. He shows us that when things are not always as perfect, easy or as straightforward as we would like them to be, they still can be beautiful.This isn’t always easy to learn. You or someone you love may be hurting or really going through something very heavy.With all your heart, you may always want to fix, change or redo something and you can’t.Some things may never be perfect. But with time, God can take the hard and make you happy. He can take the sorrow and make you smile.He can turn the mountain you are climbing of grief or regret into a place where you can view the beautiful landscaping. He has created on your behalf.God makes things beautiful in time. Hang in there. Have the courage to allow time to pass between your place of pain and unveiling of joy.Yes, we need to learn to have Patience and Faith. Everything will all fall in place.Through the grace of the Lord.I know that I can’t fix anything without God’s help.I can’t change my past bur it doesn't defend me.Despite what may be “broken”, I know that God can fix whatever we take to Him in prayer. God can definitely make things beautiful over time. Sometimes, we just have to be patiently waiting for the results to surface for us to see; however, He’s always working in and through us.Nothing is going to come easy for us whatsoever. Good things may take time to happen. God can’t be rushed whatsoever. In order to do things right, He is going to answer our prayers in due time, even test us until we’re ready for wherever He wants us to be.Ultimately, all of us wish that we could fix whatever may be wrong with our lives, even other people’s problems; however, that’s not possible whatsoever. Only God has the power to fix things that we’ve got absolutely no control over. This means that we need to completely rely on Him to repair the areas of our lives that are difficult for us to make whole.God wants us to proclaim all that He has already done for us, no matter just how big or small it may be. Everything that God does in my life is marvelous. God does what’s right and in my very best interest, even if I may not realize it right away. I know God's plan is better than my plan.

Melissa L. Bryant

Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and bitterness

When someone you care about hurts you, you can hold on to anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge — or embrace forgiveness and move forward. 

But if you don't practice forgiveness, you might be the one who pays most dearly. By embracing forgiveness, you can also embrace peace, hope, gratitude and joy. Consider how forgiveness can lead you down the path of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you.
Forgiveness doesn't mean that you deny the other person's responsibility for hurting you, and it doesn't minimize or justify the wrong. You can forgive the person without excusing the act. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life.When you're hurt by someone you love and trust, you might become angry, sad or confused. If you dwell on hurtful events or situations, grudges filled with resentment, vengeance and hostility can take root. If you allow negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice.
As you let go of grudges, you'll no longer define your life by how you've been hurt. You might even find compassion and understanding. 

Melissa L. Bryant
Just forgive and move on

Let today be the day you for give yourself and you  tell that person you forgive them and move forward. All you have to say is forgive me. Just say it and move on and be the bigger person.
Just say, “I forgive myself for every mistake I ever made. I am a thoroughly good person and I am going to have a wonderful future.”
Whenever you think of that event or situation, just repeat, “I forgive myself completely.” And then get on with your life. Focus on the future rather than the past and don’t look back. Look at where you are going rather than where you have been.
Finally, if you did something that hurt someone, and you still feel badly about it, you can go to that person, or write, and apologize. Tell the person you are sorry for what you did or said. Whatever his or her reaction, positive or negative, it doesn’t matter. The very act of repentance, of expressing regret, will set you free.

Melissa L. Bryant
Forgive your parents!

If you are happy to be alive, you can forgive them for everything else. Never complain about them again.On the other hand, by not forgiving your parents, you remain forever a child. You block your own chance to grow up and become a fully functioning adult. You continue to see yourself as a victim. Even worse, you keep your negative feelings of inferiority and anger alive. If your parents die without your having forgiven them, it can bother you for the rest of your life.

Melissa L. Bryant
Why live in Hate!
It's wrong going around hating people. It's wrong to just mistreat people. It's wrong to make fun of people in a way that hurts them inside. It's wrong to push a person ti kill themselves.It's wrong to call people derogatory names. It's wrong to lie on them, about them and misrepresent them before others. It's wrong to yell at people and humiliate them as well. It’s wrong to treat people differently and deny them love because you don’t like how they look or the things they can’t change about themselves.It’s wrong for us to do anything that contradicts God’s love for all people.
Melissa L. Bryant 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Let's pray!

Heavenly Father,
We just want to say thank you. Father in the name of Jesus, thy words flow though as living waters unto those who read this, may you give them understanding and wisdom even as you have given this unto me. Thank you for a new beginning, help me as I begin this new phase in my life. Reassure me when I find it difficult and guide me in the new situations. I’ll face in the coming weeks. Thank you for new opportunities and help me to grasp them with hope and courage. Lord rain down your blessings upon us. We praise you in all we go through. Lord we can't live without you. We can't breathe without you. We can't go on without you. We thank you right now for joy and peace. We thank you for forgiveness. Lord blesses this page like never before that it will save so many people on here right now Lord. In Jesus name I seal this with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! No weapon form against anybody on this page shall prosper in Jesus name Amen!

Melissa L Bryant
While going through.

While I was going through my struggles.I learn how strong my faith was in God.I am here to tell you faith is what moves God.The more I pray,read my Bible,speak positive things over my life,and praise him everyday.I start seeing changing in my life.Then I start speaking to those struggles I was dealing with.Telling them they has to go and I knew God was in front of me the hold time.Things start changing for me and my children.I pay my titles,go to church,Bible study.I know God favor me and my children.Faith is very high in him.He have been opening up doors for me no man can close.Used that mustard seed of faith and watch God move on his time.

Melissa L Bryant
Child of God.

No matter what people say or when they criticize you.Just know who you are.God's child!God don't creation no mess.We are special and unique.God says forget those things that are behind you and reach forward.When God speaks a word into our lives,as far as He is concerned it has already been accomplished but it's up to you at the end.Example If God give you a dream or vision follow it.Put some work behind it and move into your destiny.But let God lead you and see what happens.Just know you are a child of God.

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Melissa L Bryant
Be grateful!

Be grateful for everything you got,not want you don't have,or what your have lost.Be grateful and love your life no matter where you are in it,no matter what responsibilities you may carry.In God you can find unconditional love,peace,joy,hope,balance,and enjoyment.Be grateful because things happen for a reason.Be grateful and don't give up.
God bless,
Melissa L. Bryant
Hold on !

Hold on! Hold on to God's unchanging hand.
Don't live your life in regret.Let go of the if' only's.
Hold on! Hold on to God's unchanging hand.
Don't live your life in the not's.
Get rid of will not,can not,have not,and does not.
Hold on! Hold on to God's unchanging hand.
Don't let the things you go through distract you for doing God's will.
Hold on! Hold on to God's unchanging hand.

Melissa L Bryant

I had some bad days!

I had some bad days but you better believe my good days has won. The more I was going through I would just pray and worship God. I learned a long time ago you can't tell people's your business. They used that to try and keep you down.But I know who knows everything about you and he waiting on you.His name is Jesus. That's the best friend to ever have.

Melissa L Bryant
Image may contain: 1 person
When you started your knew that it was a process. Sometimes that journey gets hard to stay the course...the limbs get weary and the brow gets weighed down with yesterdays's sweat. But the sun keeps rising and you keep pushing no matter what. Gods' got you and your faith in him is what keeps the doors swung open abundantly

Melissa L Bryant
Philippians 4:6-7

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus." - (Philippians 4:6-7)

Melissa L Bryant

Melissa L Bryant

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Stop making excuses and blaming others for your mistakes.

When things don't go right.Please tell me why we make excuses and blame others. Stop blaming others for what you have or don't have, or for what you feel or don't feel.You hold the key to you mind and feelings.When you blame others for what you're going through,you deny responsibility and perpetuate the problem. Except your mistake and stop being in deny.Let go and move forward. Stop giving your power away and start taking responsibility for your life. When you give people your power they win and you lose. Blaming is just another sorry excuses and making excuses is the first step towards failure;you and only you are responsible for your life choices and decisions.

Melissa L. Bryant
The storm won't last always

If their's a storm in your life right. It want last always.Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in joy the morning.I say rejoice now in the storm and God says rejoice because storms don't last always. He said rejoice because the sun is about to shine again. It was only a test.

Melissa L. Bryant
Keep praying!

Keep fighting!
Keep staying!
Keep trusting!
Keep faith!
Keep pushing!
Keep going!
Keep positive
Keep focusing!

No matter what happens just keep praying!

Melissa L Bryant
Check out my children's book now on
Check out my book on

Check out my children book now on

God is love no matter who you have done or going through. He's always there waiting to comfort you.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Life is learning lessons!

Everything that happens in your life is a test. That will turn into a testimony.
Your mess becomes a powerful messages!
Our lessons becomes amazing blessings!
Life has it ups and downs!
But it's to push us or break us.
Well that all depends on you.
But life is learning lessons to keep pushing.
If we don't go through nothing how can we inspire others.................
Our life is a story!
What does your story says?
Maybe Quit or keep pushing!

Melissa L. Bryant

Check out my inspirational book now on

Check out my new book on Stop Running!

My Certificate from Top 100 Business Mag

My Life story!

Take your Life Back and live!

When I made the Top 100 BusinessMag

At the age of 28 years old I published four books. Melissa L. Mcbryde Bryant

Check out my new book now on
Marriage isn't about the ring!

Take your life back

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Going into deep pray

Yes, I am going to bow down and go into deep pray. I am asking him to bless you for being there for me and my family and to lift up this world and during this prayer time for us tonight. Lord let your children know that they have been forgiving, because Paul have been telling us tonight we're brought by Jesus's Christ blood. know that we have acknowledge from apostle Paul teaching we can have a divine relationship with forgiving. Our Heavenly Father sent his beloved son and he die for our sins. Nail to the cross yes holes in his hand and feet. How many people do you would do that for us. Lord I thank you for dying for mu sins. I know we're going through some trails and during these trails are holds in our roads.But if we're faithful and patient we're coming out victorious and connected with the Holy spirit.He's going to be able to tell us,show us,how to hold on to the promises of his hands. But we're going to have to be able to take hold on the dreams and goals, but we're letting the father of lies deceive us. Whatever you go through don't give up. Trust God! The book (Bible) tells us that God never aborts a dream.We may give up on them. Quit believing in yourself. But I am not going to be defeated by the lies that enemy offers on tonight. My intention of bringing to pass every dream, every promise, God puts in my heart.Start pursuing new dreams believing God's word and during this prayer time for us tonight. Believe in change! I'm let you know that every set back means you're one step closer, new walk, new attitudes, new dreams ,new faith and remember when Paul told Timothy ,stir up the gift.Fan the flame! You need to do the same. Tonight read 2 Tim 1:6 in other words get busy life flying by and others get connected with the Holy spirit and he's going to show you how much you've been loved. Don't worry about tomorrow it's not promises . Get in touch with God's word and stay connected with him. May you listen and learn more about what God has to offer. How to seek him and get in your word (Bible). Which holds the promises of the almighty God.Be encourage and stay focus. God Bless!

Melissa L Bryant



Melissa L. Bryant

The day I let go.

The day I let go was the day my life changed. I put all my trust in GOD and blessings started flowing in my life. A lot of times we hold ourselves back from what GOD has for us because we want to hold on to what we have. God's plan for our lives is so much better then the plan we have for ourselves. I'm a witnessed because I tried him for myself. I have been through so much in my life and I thank GOD, he saw me through..

Melissa L. Bryant
It's okay to be lonely

It's okay to be lonely, I used that loneliness to build my relationship with GOD. If you have never been in an unhealthy relationship, you will not know the struggle. The day I let go of that man, and put God first I have been at peace. Yes you are a QUEEN! Know your worth! When you know who you are in God and stop putting trust in men. Wow! You will see what I am talking about.

Melissa L. Bryant
Let me tell you something

Let me tell you something. There's nothing like being down and out, penniless and pitiful. I was in an bad relationship and I walked away after he put a gun to my head. He said I'd never be anything without him, ..but I'm everything without him. He said wouldn't nobody love me with five children. My books wouldn't take off and I would come back crying to him. I gave him his SUV and got my car and left and never look back. I was start of fighting and fussing. I knew my worth that was my first bad relationship and last one. The last time he hit me I pull the gun out on him and then it was time to move on before I go to jail. That's when my eyes open up and I got my life back, I got my soul back, he thought he shook my spirit, but that was nothing but those shackles coming off me.... My God, I'm better than ever, when you know you went through hell to get out of your storm. The only thing you can do is praise him.Some of you all holding on to a piece of a person that has no business in your life. You don't realize that as soon as you let go; God will allow you to grab a hold of a blessing that you never expected. Once you're heal he will send you a king to love you and your child or children.

Melissa L Bryant
Focus on God

Get your mind off of your problems. Get busy helping others. God will show you an answer you never would have thought of. Talk to him all day. Always ask him what and how you should handle anything! You will be shocked at what he will say -something that you would never have considered doing.

Melissa L. Bryant
I had to stop worrying

I had to stop worrying and let go and let God. I was facing so many trials in my life at one time, never experience this ever. But once I gave it all to God. Really surrender it to Him to use me as the vessel and for His Glory. God has given me my mind to think again. i have my peace back.At one point I had no peace at all. My mind was wandering like a speed racer, that was the devil trying to make me think. God has forgotten about me, the devil is a low down dirty defeated liar. I know my God loves me. I had to get in my word and listen to some gospel music and just start praising God.Thank You God for changing me back by the transformation and renewing of my mind, It starts with the mind, if Satan thinks he has your mind it can attack your thoughts, then your physical health. I Prayed without ceasing and gave it all to God and He will change things, I love the Lord.Thank You God for saving me. Amen!

Melissa L. Bryant
Tell your testimony!

We all go through situations in life, I am glad to share my testimony to help as many of God's children as possible in this hurting cruel world we are living in. We need to help each other through the storms of life and know that God is in total control. Our situations may not change immediately, but God can give us peace in the midst of the storm, and the valley and I tell you the peace of God is worth more than a million dollars in the bank, being through what I have encountered in this time in my life. I give God all the glory, honor and praise and will keep you lifted in my prayers. In the Mighty Name Of Jesus. Amen!

Melissa L. Bryant
God is my everything

God is my everything. Sometimes the human in us makes us worry about the situation, but when we let go and give it to God, He gives us peace of mind so we can make it. No matter the situation, God will work it out.When I was going through some life changing situations in my life. I was still praising God. The God I serve sits high and looks low. He's working it out for my good. I trust Him. He gets the glory and praise for my life.

Melissa L. Bryant
I touch and agree with you in the name of Jesus

I touch and agree with you in the name of Jesus! That at this very moment you are saved, set free, and the doors shall open, what ever you're going through, God will bring you through it, and take you higher! In the name of Jesus! I pray for your health, your prosperity in every area of your life! I pray that the assignment that enemy has place over your life is broken in the name of Jesus! I pray that the peace that passes all understanding with will cover you from the top of your head to the bottom on your feet. Blessing to you, God is real and His will for your life is moving into new and prosperous direction. Blessing to you In the name that's above all name! Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Melissa L Bryant
I pray

I pray God opens your heart and mind that he has for you. I pray in the name of Jesus that he gives you peace and understanding to accept all he has for you. I pray that you are protected and kept close at all times. I know God will provide you with every resource you need to get the job done. He'll open doors, create new doors and close old doors to get you where you need to go. The blood of Jesus is all over you and as long as you believe in your heart and confess with your tongue that Jesus Christ is lord, you'll be fine. No weapons formed against you shall prosper. Seek God. I pray you're blessed abundant.I pray you let go and give it to God right now. I pray you change. I pray for deliverance in your life right know. I pray that the enemy plan for your life has been rebuke and set back to where it came from.I pray you shall live and not die. I speak life over you right now. i declare and decrease you shall live and not die. I declare and decrease that the enemy can't touch you. May God bless you with everything he wants for you. Forgive yourself and love him first. God bless you. Jesus loves you. The people's whose struggling needs to hear your testimony of God's glory and his awesomeness. In Jesus name. Amen.

Melissa L. Bryant
Life has it way of bringing to closer to God

Life has it ways of making you turn to God, even when the devil has done so much to make you try to forget about God.But it's up to you if you want to change.No matter what it is please give it to God. My storms inspire me to live and keep on pushing. Yes to never lost my faith, hope, joy and peace.

Melissa L. Bryant
Just listen to me!

We all know that this world is temporarily and tomorrow's not guaranteed.So until God comes back for us.Why not live this life in peace love and harmony.Be bless! You better believe the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant
The thought of the day!

The thought of the day.In order to rise to your highest heights you have to fall(Fall hard)fall in order to rise all over again.There is no shame in falling,the shame is not having the courage to try.So please continue to rise,knowing you may fall even tho you can rise again thereby showing peoples.No matter how many times I fail or fall.I will get back up and do it again.Then you can say I made it.Yes I made it with God and me not giving up.Have a amazing rest of the day.God bless and yes you better believe the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant
My five amazing children

To my five amazing children Lavicia, Vyshonn, Damarius, Darrell and Rashad. You all have enriched my life beyond measure,and I cherish you all so much.I thank God for you each and every day.You are my inspirational and besides God my most precious possessions.You are my daily dose of joy,filling my life with hope,love,laughter,and fun.I thank God for you all and I love you all so much with all of my heart.I speak life over you all that you shall live and not die.You shall be humble and let God lead the way.You shall help others as I taught you.You shall be obedience and do God's work.I give you all back to God.I declare and decrease you will be a leader not a follower.I declare and decrease you will make it in life with God's help.I declare and decrease you shall be humble.I declare and decrease you will not give up.I declare and decrease you shall make God happy.I declare and decrease the devil has no room in your life any more.I declare and decrease you shall love each others like God loves you.I declare and decrease no weapon form against you all shall prosper.I declare and decrease you will be who God needs you to be.I declare and decrease every chain that was holding you down has been broken right now.I said right now.I thank you Lord for everything you are doing in my children's life.Yes Lord I praise you.I seal this pray with the Father,Son and Holy ghost.Amen! Thank you Lord for new life over all my children right now.

Melissa L. Bryant

To my amazing people

The devil never wins unless you stop fighting. Don't stop fighting.

Melissa L. Bryant
Thanking God for change.

I was sitting here just thanking God for change.When I became a mom I always wasn't doing right by my children. Yes I loved and always made sure they had everything. But when I got it together and became a mother I gave them love, support, God, pray and everything they need to be the person they are today.At times I felt like I had to keep them from making mistakes. But I had to realized Melissa you raise them with God's help.They know the way and they have to learn from their mistakes. It feels so good seeing them grow into amazing young men and young lady.I smile with joy in my heart because I've done an amazing job with Gods help.It just feel so amazing with everything coming together for my family. I am so bless and happy right now.I cherish my blessing every day.I thank God every day for where I was and where I am today. I thank God every day for losing everything because I have truly gain.I thank God every day for the love I have for my children. I keep them in pray.I thank God for joy and love.When God change you for the best. You are less stress. My circle is very small.I don't have time for fake and negative people's in my life. I know where I'm going and you better believe I'm getting my blessing.I am happy and enjoying life to the fullest because you only get one life.

Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

God has a great plan for your life. We just have to walk in his will and make sure our life lines up with his word.

melissa l bryant

God has stored so much in you.Never stop, God has great plans for your life.

Melissa L bryant
Know your worth!

Don't cast your pearls before swine. We have to know our worth. Take your time dating. Learn to love yourself, date yourself and trust God. Get to know people and trust God. The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22 He that finds a wife finds a good thing and favor with God. We overcome by our testimonies and the blood of the lamb. But you have to let go of the past relationship pain and hurt to be able to love somebody else. Once you do that you will be able to give love and received love. No matter how hard it gets know your worth. Don't settle for anything less and don't rush.Just take your time.

Melissa L. Bryant
Take back your joy!

Don't let anyone negativity run your day. Stop listening to all that negativity.Stop letting people get next to you and focus on God what matters. Your happiness belong to you and don't you let anybody take it from you. The enemy is out to kill, steal and destroy.Don't let him kill,steal or destroy you. God gave you joy and the world or enemy can take it from you unless you let him.Be blessed!

Melissa L. Bryant

When you Pray!

When you pray things change, God start opening up doors. Faith makes all things possible!Possibility becomes real and things start to happen. Change start happening! God start showing out for our good. Greater start coming.God start showing us he's able to do all things but on his time. If he did it before he will do it again.Just allow God to work out his plan for your life and trust him. I'm learning everyday God has his way of doing things.If you don't believe me start praying and watch he show up and out in your life. If you just trust him. Trust Him!

Melissa L. Bryant
Going into pray.

Yes, I am going to bow down and go into deep pray. I am asking him to bless you for being there for me and my family and to lift up this world and during this prayer time for us tonight. Lord let your children know that they have been forgiving, because Paul have been telling us tonight we're brought by Jesus's Christ blood. know that we have acknowledge from apostle Paul teaching we can have a divine relationship with forgiving. Our Heavenly Father sent his beloved son and he die for our sins. Nail to the cross yes holes in his hand and feet. How many people do you would do that for us. Lord I thank you for dying for mu sins. I know we're going through some trails and during these trails are holds in our roads.But if we're faithful and patient we're coming out victorious and connected with the Holy spirit.He's going to be able to tell us,show us,how to hold on to the promises of his hands. But we're going to have to be able to take hold on the dreams and goals, but we're letting the father of lies deceive us. Whatever you go through don't give up. Trust God! The book (Bible) tells us that God never aborts a dream.We may give up on them. Quit believing in yourself. But I am not going to be defeated by the lies that enemy offers on tonight. My intention of bringing to pass every dream, every promise, God puts in my heart.Start pursuing new dreams believing God's word and during this prayer time for us tonight. Believe in change! I'm let you know that every set back means you're one step closer, new walk, new attitudes, new dreams ,new faith and remember when Paul told Timothy ,stir up the gift.Fan the flame! You need to do the same. Tonight read 2 Tim 1:6 in other words get busy life flying by and others get connected with the Holy spirit and he's going to show you how much you've been loved. Don't worry about tomorrow it's not promises . Get in touch with God's word and stay connected with him. May you listen and learn more about what God has to offer. How to seek him and get in your word (Bible). Which holds the promises of the almighty God.Be encourage and stay focus. God Bless!

Melissa L Bryant

Monday, June 5, 2017

Live your life!

I live my life basic on the way God wants me to.I don't focus on what people think. I don't have time to focus on them.My focus is on God, family and career. Plus being the leader God needs me to be.With that been said stop focusing on negative energy. It will bring you down.Focus on God! Read your Bible! Pray! Praise your way through that situation and keep the faith.God bless 

Melissa L Bryant
Move on!

Listen to me never be ashamed of where you come from or what you went through.It doesn't define where I'm going. Just know I made it and I'm stronger and wiser.My testimony is powerful and it will blow your mind. I'm who I am because of God and I'm very happy of who I became.How can you move on when you're still holding on to the past. It's time to let go, forgive and move forward. God is waiting on you to lose that mess so you can be the person you need to be in him. Be bless!

Melissa L Bryant
Fathers you are amazing!

To all the amazing men thank you so much for being their for your children and my children.With me being a single mother and I have four boys and one girl.So many guys took the time to help me with my boys.I just want to say thank you all for that and God bless you.God had put some amazing role model in my boys's life and they are doing great.I just want to take the time to say women there are some great men out there.I give a shout out to all the amazing guys out there that's making an different or that's a single father.God bless you and keep on doing your thing with God's help.

Melissa L Bryant
God put this on my heart.

God put this on my heart to share with someone who's keeping up with me.In my book How She Fought I talk about me looking for love in all the wrong places.Because of me hurting I was trying to find that guy to take away all my pain.It didn't work because I was still hurting.I was in and out of relationship and I still wasn't complete.But I am here to tell you when I surround and start praying to God.I have a man who would never leave me and his name is Jesus.God took away all of that pain.So please stop looking for love in all the wrong places.God is waiting on you to come to him with his arms wide open.He will never leave you and he will heal you.When that time comes he will send you the person he has for you.Trust me I have been there and because of God I am a better woman.I just wanted to share that with someone that God really cares.That's a true statement you all God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come..

Melissa L Bryant

How She Fought the full story on

I just want to talk about some things in book How She Fought.Sometimes it get hard but always remember God will work it out.Yes we get tired sometimes but don't give up. Whatever you do don't give the devil any room.God will take care of you.I don't have to settle for anything less. I'm glad to have the Lord for a husband, father,and best friend.A man may come and go but my God won't turn his back on you.We go through things to make us stronger.

Melissa L Bryant