Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Sometimes life hurts.

Sometimes life hurts so bad until it knock us down.We get so tried that we wants to just give up. But you need to know that time has brought healing. With the passing of time, I have learned the depths of pain I experienced are matched equally with the heights of joy. God can make all things beautiful with time.God changes us and our perspective.He allows us to see what He sees. He shows us that when things are not always as perfect, easy or as straightforward as we would like them to be, they still can be beautiful.This isn’t always easy to learn. You or someone you love may be hurting or really going through something very heavy.With all your heart, you may always want to fix, change or redo something and you can’t.Some things may never be perfect. But with time, God can take the hard and make you happy. He can take the sorrow and make you smile.He can turn the mountain you are climbing of grief or regret into a place where you can view the beautiful landscaping. He has created on your behalf.God makes things beautiful in time. Hang in there. Have the courage to allow time to pass between your place of pain and unveiling of joy.Yes, we need to learn to have Patience and Faith. Everything will all fall in place.Through the grace of the Lord.I know that I can’t fix anything without God’s help.I can’t change my past bur it doesn't defend me.Despite what may be “broken”, I know that God can fix whatever we take to Him in prayer. God can definitely make things beautiful over time. Sometimes, we just have to be patiently waiting for the results to surface for us to see; however, He’s always working in and through us.Nothing is going to come easy for us whatsoever. Good things may take time to happen. God can’t be rushed whatsoever. In order to do things right, He is going to answer our prayers in due time, even test us until we’re ready for wherever He wants us to be.Ultimately, all of us wish that we could fix whatever may be wrong with our lives, even other people’s problems; however, that’s not possible whatsoever. Only God has the power to fix things that we’ve got absolutely no control over. This means that we need to completely rely on Him to repair the areas of our lives that are difficult for us to make whole.God wants us to proclaim all that He has already done for us, no matter just how big or small it may be. Everything that God does in my life is marvelous. God does what’s right and in my very best interest, even if I may not realize it right away. I know God's plan is better than my plan.

Melissa L. Bryant

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