Thursday, June 8, 2017

I had to stop worrying

I had to stop worrying and let go and let God. I was facing so many trials in my life at one time, never experience this ever. But once I gave it all to God. Really surrender it to Him to use me as the vessel and for His Glory. God has given me my mind to think again. i have my peace back.At one point I had no peace at all. My mind was wandering like a speed racer, that was the devil trying to make me think. God has forgotten about me, the devil is a low down dirty defeated liar. I know my God loves me. I had to get in my word and listen to some gospel music and just start praising God.Thank You God for changing me back by the transformation and renewing of my mind, It starts with the mind, if Satan thinks he has your mind it can attack your thoughts, then your physical health. I Prayed without ceasing and gave it all to God and He will change things, I love the Lord.Thank You God for saving me. Amen!

Melissa L. Bryant

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