Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Let's pray!

Heavenly Father,
We just want to say thank you. Father in the name of Jesus, thy words flow though as living waters unto those who read this, may you give them understanding and wisdom even as you have given this unto me. Thank you for a new beginning, help me as I begin this new phase in my life. Reassure me when I find it difficult and guide me in the new situations. I’ll face in the coming weeks. Thank you for new opportunities and help me to grasp them with hope and courage. Lord rain down your blessings upon us. We praise you in all we go through. Lord we can't live without you. We can't breathe without you. We can't go on without you. We thank you right now for joy and peace. We thank you for forgiveness. Lord blesses this page like never before that it will save so many people on here right now Lord. In Jesus name I seal this with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! No weapon form against anybody on this page shall prosper in Jesus name Amen!

Melissa L Bryant

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