Thursday, June 8, 2017

Let me tell you something

Let me tell you something. There's nothing like being down and out, penniless and pitiful. I was in an bad relationship and I walked away after he put a gun to my head. He said I'd never be anything without him, ..but I'm everything without him. He said wouldn't nobody love me with five children. My books wouldn't take off and I would come back crying to him. I gave him his SUV and got my car and left and never look back. I was start of fighting and fussing. I knew my worth that was my first bad relationship and last one. The last time he hit me I pull the gun out on him and then it was time to move on before I go to jail. That's when my eyes open up and I got my life back, I got my soul back, he thought he shook my spirit, but that was nothing but those shackles coming off me.... My God, I'm better than ever, when you know you went through hell to get out of your storm. The only thing you can do is praise him.Some of you all holding on to a piece of a person that has no business in your life. You don't realize that as soon as you let go; God will allow you to grab a hold of a blessing that you never expected. Once you're heal he will send you a king to love you and your child or children.

Melissa L Bryant

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