Saturday, July 29, 2017

Moving Forward!
I learned that if you are holding in some pain you don't feel you can share,you're not alone.The secret to strength is that your pain can be someone else's promise of hope.Your secret pain can become your story of faith and strength that helps heal others.When we're in pain,we become extremely vulnerable when we release our pain and troubles and we often fear that this vulnerability will leave us open to attack or more pain.Trust me;God wants us to know that when we tell him all that's in our hearts,it's completely safe.Not only does God's heart extend toward you when you feel alone in your pain,his healing hand extends toward you as well.My secret from my past had me buried for a very long time.In order to move forward in my life,I had to let go and give it all to God.I needed to be healed from my past and set free so I could save my children.God is the only one who can free you from your past hurt.God can free you from its strong grip and help you face life again.He lightens our load,he lights up our life with hope and he lifts our heads.You might feel that you are alone and everybody will reject you or feel that you are being judged when in fact we are not.Seek God like never before;ask him to open your eyes to what is true and right.I learned the more you draw close to him,the more God will draw close to you.No matter how hard the problem is,please set your hopes on God.If you struggle with pain that no one knows about,pour your heart out to God.Life is full of battles,but you can count on God.You are going to have to prepare for battles.I believe I am made in the image of God.I have the right gifts:personality and ability,to fulfill my purpose.Believe me;you're going to have to fight with God.But let him lead the way.The Lord will fight for you.You can still count on God.Keep strong and keep the faith;just stand and allow God to work it out for you.God gives you courage to reach out to those who are hurting God,thank you so much for mending my broken heart and allowing me to lean on your love.I had to give God the things that irritate me,like my frustrations,obstacles and worries of my children,knowing that as I release those irritants,he will turn them into testimonies so I can help others.The past is over and the future has not come yet.All we have and will ever have is now.So let this present moment be beautiful.You have the choice on whether you choose love or fear.Learn from the past and move forward.Choose love,choose healing,choose hope,choose peace,choose freedom and choose life.You have the choice in what you focus on.Love yourself enough to move on.I am glad that God healed my broken heart and the past is behind me.I am ready to love like never before and really be in love.Lord,thank you for everything I went through and for keeping me along the way.Lord,you're so amazing and I love you so much.I never would have made it without you.People,it's time to let go of that past hurt so you can move on into your destiny.No one wants to be raped;no one deserves to be raped.Take God's promise to heart many times each day.Every time you remember,every time you struggle,every time you feel that your heart is breaking under the weight of what happened to you,ask God to help you.It is important for you to make sure that you can cope with the situation.You also need time for yourself to deal with your own emotions and thoughts.

Melissa L. Bryant
More pain!

I had so much pain inside and I really didn't know how to love myself.But it doesn't end here;just when I thought things were getting better, this guy I ended up dating was so jealous. One day,he had a gun pointed at me and rode me around in the car,saying,"Now show me the guy you're cheating on me with.I will kill you today if you don't show me the guy." I started crying,saying,"Baby,I am not cheating on you.I'm not cheating on you with anybody.I don't even have time to cheat.I am a full-time mother,student and working.I don't have time for myself.So you tell me when I have the time to cheat."He was so drunk and finally he took me home.At this time,I was getting tired of all this abuse.I was getting so angry on the inside.I started running away so I could get a peace of mind.I was tired of the beating and one day I fought back.After he came home drunk,he ripped my clothes off and raped me while I was asleep.I woke up screaming,fighting and kicking.My own true love raped me and then threw a bath towel at me,saying,"Now clean yourself up."I had more hurt and pain to deal me.Nobody understood what I was feeling and I had so much anger inside me. I made my mind up I wasn't going through it anymore.Lord,I'm just tired of all this hurt,pain and crying;please help me.I was like,"Lord,why is this happening to me?"I was so angry and mad.But I had to ask God to forgive me because it's my testimony and God kept me.Yes!Lord,I thank you and give you all the praise.I know now it was for a reason-to help others and that's what I am doing.Thank God for prayer and healing.This is my healing point as of today and I thank God.I am healing and I can testify that God has a plan for my life.Just look at God.I love him so much.All the guys who hurt me,I forgive you and I pray you change.God bless you and the best is yet to come.Now I am healed;this is behind me and I'm focusing on 2014.Thank you,Lord,for my healing;now I can move on.For anybody who's been in my shoes,first you have to let go with God's help.Then you have to forgive them and yourself;learn how to love yourself and you tell your story to help others.Lord,please forgive me for blaming you because I am sorry.It's time to stand and take your life back.I feel so much better now that I'm telling my story.This is my breaking point and healing point as well.I'm getting ready for my true love and happiness.I have a better relationship with myself.Yes, I love myself more each ans every day of my life.I couldn't have a healthy relationship with anyone because of the hurt that was weighting me down.It was so much pain that I really couldn't bear.Now that I am healing inside,I can now enter into my amazing successful relationship with God and my future man.All that emotional,physical and verbal abuse left me scarred for too long.At that time,I did have a great man in my life.He really did love me and my children.I ended up pushing him away because of all the hurt and pain I was carrying.When you block out the pain,you also block all other feelings.That's when you're alone,empty and untouched.As of today,I am ready to love and be happy.I am a survivor and you can be one too.Believe me,deep down it is not your fault;no matter what the actions were leading up to the rape,you need to know and accept there is nothing that really justifies rape and you didn't do anything to deserve it.No means no and whatever you do don't run from it.When you run, it will haunt you and you can never outrun your hurt.It is best to try and deal with your emotions head-on instead of trying to outrun something you can't.Let go and let God have all your pain,hurts and problems.Because of who I am today,I have learned to forgive and move on.

Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How She Fought The Full Story

As I let go,God shows me the way.I will not hold on to this hurt and pain of my past anymore.I forgive you guys for what you did to me. No,I am not mad at you all anymore.I will not be easily offended and go to sleep,holding on to anger and frustration.I will start each day with a fresh new attitude.I forgive everybody who ever hurt me and caused so much pain in my life.I am not mad at you all anymore and I pray that you all change.I had to let go of the past and small issues in my life.Now that God is in my life.I will not allow any disrespect,unkindness or negative attitudes to grow in my heart and rob me off what God has planned for my life. God,give me strength and courage to take the first step in a new direction.God,you are in charge and I know that you are guiding me to the place where I will find the greatest peace,joy,love and fulfillment. So therefore I had to let go and give it to God.I was dealing with a lot of emotional issues.

Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, July 24, 2017

"In ourselves,we cannot bring down the wall of unforgiveness.The hurt is so deep and the bitterness defiles so many, but God can help us.God can energize us to do the impossible."

Melissa L. Bryant
Facing my past!
I experienced verbal,physical and emotional abuse that has left me scarred,hardened and lacking in self-worth.I just wanted to be in the arms of a great man.I had one before who tried so hard to love me.But the pain I was carrying pushed him away.I really didn't know how to love him back because of all the pain I went through.It took me so long to realized that God had a plan for my life.I had been in the storm too long.Thank you,Lord! I just want to say thank you,Lord! I give you all the praise. As I let go, God shows me the way.I will not hold on to this hurt and pain of my past anymore.I forgive you guys for what you did to me.No,I am not mad at you all anymore. I will not be easily offended and go to sleep,holding on to anger and frustration.I will start each day with a fresh new attitude.I forgive everybody who ever hurt me and caused so much pain in my life. I am not mad at you all anymore and I pray that you all change. I had to let go of the past and small issues in my life.Now that God is in my life.I will not allow any disrespect,unkindness or negative attitudes to grow in my heart and rob me off what God has planned for my life. God, give me strength and courage to take the first step in a new direction.God,you are in charge and I know that you are guiding me to the place where I will find the greatest peace,joy,love and fulfillment.So therefore I had to let go and give it to God.I was dealing with a lot of emotional issues.I kept having children.I was looking for love in all the wrong places.But every day of my life,I thank God for my children.I don't care what nobody say no means no.I will never forget what those guys did to me to try and mess up my life.As I was dealing with been raped and abused from the time I was 8 until 15. I thought it was over and I could start to heal. But I was wrong! It's like it was happening all over again.This guy was a good friend of the family.We went to the same church and everything.He came to visit me and the children one day. Everything was going great and I put the children to bed and my friends were still enjoying each other. At this time I had two.After I got them to bed everybody start leaving one by one.So I was cleaning up and he was like my ride will is going to be late. I said okay and by this time everybody had left.So were in the living room watching T.V. He easy over there by me and said I want you. I was like boy please I don't get down like that I have a boyfriend.He just start acting crazy,I was like you need to leave. But it hit me so hard and I was fighting back.He was too strong for me.I start crying saying please don't. My children are in the other room. But he wouldn't stop.I trusted him and I didn't know he was going to rape me.I told him,"No,please stop,"but he didn't. All I could do was lay there and cry while this guy who was a friend rape me while my children were in the other room sleep.After he did what he did he said I'm sorry and ran out the house.I ran and lock the door and call my God brother and told him what happen.He said call the police and I'm on the way. When I call the police do you know what they said to me.What's his social security number is. I was like are you serious this dude just rape and you asking me so junk like that.By that time my god brother came and got the phone and told them to send help because I was rape with bruises all over me.He call my boyfriend at that time to tell him what happen.Two weeks later I am sick and throwing up all over the place. I call my boyfriend and told him and he brought a pregnancy test. Guess what I am pregnant and I am scared because I felt like the guy who rape me was the father.I couldn't handle it. My boyfriend was Like I will give you some money to have an abortion and I cried because I didn't want to do that. So my god sister came over and watch the children. I never been to a place like this before.I found the place and peoples were everywhere protesting against abortion.I was like you don't know what I've been through and I have to do this. But my God say other wise.I went in the building and peed in the cup.They said yelp you're pregnant and they did an ultrasound and I felt my baby kick.They said would have too go to another city for two day surgery.But I told them I can't do this and they said okay but you have so many days to let us know.I was like okay!So I went in the office and don't the lady I couldn't do it and she said good because I was praying for you when you walked in the door. She gave me her and number and said if you need anything call me.That was God do you hear me.When I walk out the door I told them peoples I couldn't do it and my story.They gave me so much love and their number to call them when I have this baby.Once again that's God.I cried all the way home and I told my boyfriend I can't do it.He was like okay don't worry we will raise the baby together and say it his.When I had my son he came out looking like my boyfriend.But till this day I really don't whose the father.I couldn't deal with this pregnancy and I was depressed and I put all that on my child. Yes I was hurting.But God is amazing.When the guy who rape me say I was pregnant he start harassing me saying that's my child.I want to be apart of it.I start running because I couldn't deal with that.Today my son is 20 and he know the truth but I still don't know who the father is and I don't want to know.But my son knows the truth and he said he don't want to take the test.He's cool and God gets the glory because we went through a lot my son tried to kill himself five times because of his father hurt me.I had to save my son and letting him no I love him and god has a purpose for his life.To this day he humble and amazing and we talk about our story. God gets the glory because I couldn't have made it.Do you hear me? I am still here in my right mind.I pray that this blessed somebody today.God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant

Dealing with my past part two!
When I started fighting back,thing got worse.I started sleeping with knives under my pillow.He would lock me in the closet until I let him do whatever.All I would say was,"why me,God I just wanted to die.But why did you let this happen to me,God? Sometimes,I would say it's just a bad dream and it's going to be all right.But it wasn't a dream;it was real.I had to deal with this for some years,but this is the year I am healing and being set free.I felt bad for so long that it was my felt.But no means no and I was a child.As times pass by,I remember another family member on top of me,just moving up and on me until he burst and released.I would fight him and yes,he held me down.All I could do was cry.I was so scared and started fighting him back.It was happening over and over until I got to the point it just really didn't matter anymore.Sometimes I hatred guys and sometimes I felt like I needed the attention.I was a pretty girl.But when things started happening to me again,my self-esteem went down real low, I felt gross,trashy,unlovable,stupid and ugly.I couldn't toughen up.The more things started happening,the more I really didn't care.At times,I felt like killing myself.I didn't wear tight clothes.Why was this happening to me? I really didn't understand it.I didn't ask for this to happen to me. By this time,I just started making myself like it. It's not like nobody believed me anyway.Yea,it was wrong,but I was used to these guys doing whatever they wanted to me. I was tired of getting hurt.So I started looking for love in all the wrong places,trying so hard to cover up the abuse and hurt.Yea,I was in and out of relationships and at times I felt myself trying to hurt the guy before he hurt me.Yea,at times I would just sit there while a guy put his hand in my panties and just have fun.That wasn't a fun feeling and I was hurt and ashamed.Sorry,but I'm not getting into a lot of details.On finding healing after rape,it became clear that the rapist had not only violated my body but also my mind,my heart,my motherhood,my love life and my very life.God is leading me to tell enough to get healed and help others along the way.I felt like what man would love me because of the rape and abuse.I tried so hard to dress myself up.I used to take showers three to four times a day to get those guys off me,who raped and abused me.When you block out the pain,you block all other feelings as well and nothing or no one can touch you.You are safe from pain,safe from anyone hurting you,but you are alone,empty and untouched.If we can slowly and gently face the hidden nightmare with the support that we need,we can find freedom.I forgive the people who did me wrong;I am releasing any bitterness and offense.I am trusting God to move my past hurts and pains into a new season for my life.God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant
Dealing with my past!
I know you must deal with your pain and the more you feel and release,the more you will start to heal.You will heal as much as you put the work into it.Believe me,deep down it is not your fault;no matter what the actions were that led up to the rape,you need to know and accept there is nothing that justifies rape and you didn't do anything to deserve it. When it looks impossible and you don't see a way out, please stay focused and positive,knowing that God's hands are always there. He loves you and he really cares.I didn't realized how much pain I had inside until I started crying out to God.I found myself getting so upset at the world and it was me.I wasn't happy with myself and couldn't deal with the pain any more.But my God has the ability to wipe away all the hurt;I mean really wipe away everything.He can heal and he cares.So please give it to him today and let him heal you as well. I was so bitter,angry and depressed.I felt my dreams were ripping apart.The hopes I had were torn and I didn't care anymore.I was looking for love in all the wrong places.It was very hard and difficult to maintain a relationship.I felt like I needed that guy to heal me,but all I needed was God's love.Then I would get a baby and that didn't fix the problem at all.I learned what I went through was to help heal others.I will not hold on to past mistakes or allow them to keep me from who I was created to be. I learned that one has two options:deal with them head-on or run from them.The problem is when you run,your demons become your nightmares and you can never outrun your nightmares,so it is best to try and deal with your emotions head-on instead of trying to outrun something you can't.When you get raped you suffer sexual attacks;you are frightened,guilty,powerless,angry,ashamed,depressed,numb and lack self-confidence.No one wants to be raped;no one deserves to be raped.Being raped or sexually assaulted is a very distressing,experience with effects that can be long lasting.Rape is a crime of power,domination and control that uses sex.Rape is not only a crime in the legal sense but also an evil in God's eyes. Psalm 46:1 says,"God is our refuge and strength,a very present help in trouble. Take God's promises to heart many times each day.Every time you remember,every time you struggle,every time you feel that your heart is breaking under the weight of what happened to you,ask God to help you.When we give God all our problems,he works it out for our good.God knows your pain and he is strong enough to remove any burden.Trials do have a purpose.It's up to us to stand and praise our way out of it and it's not going to be easy.But you can come out with victory.I believe God made us exactly the way he wanted and he equipped us with everything we needed to live.My late grandmother was a praying lady and she got me some help.We prayed and I started reading my Bible,writing letters to God.I was young when I got molested.The guy would point to my body parts,asking me did I know what it was.At this time,I was very scared and nervous.Then he would say,"You're so pretty.Too bad you're not old enough."I really didn't understand what was going on. I guess he was drunk.I was touched in places I didn't like.But I was too scared to say anything.It was so much pain inside and I wanted to die.I was a young girl getting hurt by a sick man. God bless and the best is yet to come.
Melissa L. Bryant
My pain part two!

Today should be the day you convince yourself you will survive,you will come out of it alive;you belong to the Lord.You would be surprised how much you can bear with God helping you.I had to learn hoe to rejoice in the Lord,no matter what has happened in my past.I know that Jesus loves me.I know he is with me. I know he will not fail me. I already know he is working it all out for me right now.I will not be cast down. I will not be defeated.I will not be a victim of satan.I will not lose my mind or my direction in my life.As of today,I know that God is on my side.I love him so much and he loves and cares for me as well.I had scars that I tried to cover up and moved on with my life by looking for love in all the wrong places.I felt that if I had a man at that time it would go away.But it doesn't work like that when you have so much pain inside and you need to be set free.But it started haunting me back and it's time to really let go.The pain I had inside hurt so bad I felt like I was hit by a car.I went on such a long journey in my life with my children and I know why.The pain I was covering up was keeping me for being the mother I really needed to be.I have learned that the more I share my testimony I am not only healing but also helping others. I was tried of being hurt and hiding in darkness. It was time I came out of all that darkness and came into the light.By sharing my story,it's healing me and I pray that it heals you while you are reading this or my book How She Fought The Full Story by Melissa L. Bryant on will not dwell on my past disappointments and mistakes. I will focus on the good things God has done in my life. I will keep pushing myself,growing and learning and not allowing fear to hold me back anymore.I will become the woman and mother God has placed me to become. Now the darkness is over and it feels so amazing to be in the light to live and really love my children.God made me and he knows what I can handle. Sometimes people can't deal with pain,so they become suicidal.They feel that if they cut on themselves it will take away the pain.But sometimes without them knowing God,they just end up killing themselves because they have given up. It's sad because some people don't survive their storms to help you along your journey.I just thank God I didn't give up and I was going to live and not die.My past has threatened my future with memories,children,guys and side effects that are still haunting me.I know I can't change the past,so I stop focusing on it.The day I stopped letting my assaulters control my life was the day I realized I could be dead.I know my assaulters took something from me,but I realized they did not take my life.From that day on,I stopped worrying about my past and what anyone else thought and focused on appreciating my life I had and loving my children even more. God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant  

Sunday, July 23, 2017

My pain!

For years,I had pain locked up inside.I had so much bondage that was weighing me down and I couldn't take it anymore.I have learned when the hurt and pain no longer draw you closer to the lord, when instead it begins to downgrade your spiritual life,God moves in.He will not permit a trusting child of his to go under because of too much pain and agony of the soul. The more I started remembering things,I would cry out to God,saying,"Why Me?" I learned that when you are hurting so bad that it hinders your growth,God will act and lift you out of the battle for a while.Trust me,he will never allow you to give up. He cares and he loves you so much.But at times,I felt like he didn't hear my cry or see my pain. One thing about it is you can't hide that pain from God when you're hurting.I had to struggle with my own self-worth.I didn't trust anybody and when someone loved me I couldn't love back. I was building up a wall to protect me.I tried so hard to love,but I couldn't. I tried to fit in with other people to cover up all the hurt and pain I was feeling. I tried so hard to dress myself up to make myself feel like a queen, but it didn't work at all.The pain was still there and I felt so ugly on the inside.At times, I tried putting makeup on and fixing myself up so I could really feel love,but that didn't work at all.Every time I looked in that mirror, I felt ugly and I didn't love myself.Whenever something is torn,it does not heal easily,but I learned every day of my life that Jesus can heal a broken or torn heart. When you're hurting,go to your secret prayer closet and weep out all your bitterness.The more you cry out to God,the more you will begin to move closer to him,until you know his arms are holding you tight.I struggled with emotional pain,depression,anger and bitterness toward family,children and the people who raped me and who really betrayed me and took my virginity.But throughout my dark struggle,the counseling I had and the prayers and the pain,God healed me and it's time to talk about it.It's time to recovery and help others.I learned I wasn't alone.God was there the whole time.So my encouragement to you is that you're holding on to some pain you don't feel like you can share,you're not alone;let God help you.Your secret pain can become your story of faith,the strength to you and others,I know as a survivor the variety of mixed emotions that can seem almost impossible to deal with at times,which affect you in your everyday life.But I do know the power of Jesus will heal your heart.In due time,the pain will pass and you will be delivered.Everything I went through,I learned that it was for a reason.I survive and now I am helping others by sharing my story.
Be encourage! Be blessed! The best is yet to come.
Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, July 20, 2017

I am hope for my children.Believe me,I really had to let go the past and live.My children really needed me to be their mother.I was battling with a lot of emotional issues.It was so hard to let go.The pain was so bad I just wanted it to leave my mind so I could live.I was having bad dreams and I really didn't understand why.I knew what happened to me was real and it was time it came out.No I am not running anymore and it will not haunt me anymore.Because of today,I am over it.At that time,I didn't understand the power and anointing that was being imparted into me.God is about to birth something great in me,so therefore I had to stop running.At times,I knew I had God in my life,but still I felt lonely.I was still holding on to the past.Once I start writing my book How She Fought the Full Story so many struggles in finishing it.That's when I started letting go piece by piece,yes,I mean really letting go.It felt so much better.Thank God for what he's doing in my life right now.When you are hurting,time only magnifies the pain.God didn't promise to give you a painless way of life.He promised you a way of escape.In that word(Bible),God promises to help you to bear your pain.You can overcome it with God's help.I was mourning,depressed,hurt,lost and something in the inside was crying out,saying,"Please let me out."God knows exactly how much you can take and he will not permit you to reach a breaking point.

Melissa L. Bryant
I struggled with emotional pain,depression,anger and bitterness toward family,children,friends and the people who raped me and who really betrayed me and took my virginity.But throughout my dark struggle,the counseling I had and the prayers and the pain.God healed me and it's time to talk about it.It's time to recovery and help others. I learned I wasn't alone.God was there the whole time.So my encouragement to you is that you're holding on to some pain you didn't feel like you can share,you're not alone;let God help you.Your secret pain can become your story of faith,the strength to help you and others. I know as a survivor the variety of mixed emotions that can seem almost impossible to deal with at times,which affect you in your everyday life.When you struggle with pain that no one knows about,please pour your heart out to God.Ask him to show you someone you can confide in.Talk to your father,Jesus and really cry out to him.Sometimes you might have to consider seeking counseling.But I do know the power of Jesus will heal your heart.In due time,the pain will pass and you will be delivered.Everything I went through I learned that it was for a reason.I survive and now I am helping others by sharing my story.

Melissa L. Bryant
I will not lose my mind or my direction in my life.As of today, I know that God is on my side. I love him so much and he loves and cares for me as well. I had scars that I tried to cover up and moved on with my life by looking for love in all the wrong places. I felt that if I had a man at that time it would go away.But it doesn't work like that when you have so much pain inside and you need to be set free. But it stared haunting me back and it's time to really let go.The pain I had inside hurt so bad I felt like I was hit by a car. I went on such a long journey in my life with my children and I know why. The pain I was covering up was keeping me for being the mother I really needed to be. I have learned that the more I share my testimony I am not only healing but also helping others. I was tired of being hurt and hiding in darkness. It was time I came out of all that darkness and came into the light.

Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, July 14, 2017

 I just want to say I love you all. Have a blessed day. The best is yet to come. I am praying for you all.

Melissa L. Bryant
This is what I had to do. Take my life back! I can't let this situations take me out. I have to stay focus on God. Please feel free to check my book out on Paperback and e-book. Stand and take your life back.

Melissa L. Bryant
Be bless!
Encouraging my other children!

Today my other four children found out that their brother has Follicular Lymphoma  cancer. They are taking it very hard. I told them we got to trust God and its okay to cry. I pray with them and said we have to stay positive and enjoy every moment. We don't know the plan God has but we all will be okay. I just thank God for giving me strength to be able to comfort my children.This is real hard and I can't lie.My children are really hurting. But in God we trust and will keep our strength. No matter how hard it gets I will keep my focus on God.I will keep holding on. I am here to aspire you today. You can make it and we are going to be alright.We can't give up now. It's a blessing for me to share my story with you all. Today my son share his story on Facebook.I am so proud of the young man he has become. Thanks for all the love and support! God bless you all and keep us in your prays.

Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, July 13, 2017

 Are you being challenges today!

You have to grow in life through each experience you go through. It requires growth in progress the good and the doesn't matter how hard it gets.God is testing us with all experiences. We choose to either challenge ourselves or remain in it. The challenges that we face really requires us to get beyond ourselves and move our personal feelings out the way and to truly allow the pain to process and listen to God.A change is coming!

Melissa L. bryant
I'm trusting God!
As I begin searching for words to say or where to go from here. I can hear God say be still Melissa. I got you and your son.That's when I start thinking of all the goodness I've been through.He has brought me from an mighty long way.I know my God is able and everything will be alright.I'm just here to say.No matter how hard things get,no matter how tough things seem to be.I'm going to remain prayed up and faithful to his word.Do I really have your attention now. God is tell amazing,awesome and always on time.Nobody said life would be easy.It's never all peaches and cream.But it's your attitude and faith that determines the altitude of your situation.If it wasn't for God I couldn't handle this.God is where my strength comes from and learning to be still and just wait on him. God is in control.

Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A praying mother!

Today I found out my oldest son has cancer again. When I hear that my eyes got so watery and all I could do was cry.My heart was about to just break into pieces. All I could say was Lord help me please give me strength.This is a hard battle to fight and I can't do this by myself. As I just look up into the sky and tears running down my eyes wondering. Okay! What to do? I just needed to really catch myself. This is hard and yes my faith is still in God. I know he don't make no mistake. He's just giving me more to talk about. I don't know his plan for my son all I can say is I trust you God. I need his strength every step of the way. It's okay to cry because it hurts and I can't just hold this in. But this too shall pass and I will keep praising God. No matter what you're going through today just trust God. He has his hands on you and will never leave you.

Melissa L. Bryant
In God I trust!
Keep praying!
Keep holding on!
Being a Single Parent isn't easy!

Being a single parent isn't easy and the transition seems impossible. But you can make it with God's help. Single parenting has its challenges and sometimes depending on the child,the challenges can seem overwhelming.But before you give up on your child,give the word a chance.I had to pray hard each day for my children. While dealing with being a single mother,I had to learn to take care of myself as well. As a single mother,doing it on your own can make you feel helpless,especially if you don't have a family to lean on. but you're not alone;you have God's help and other single parents to ask for advice.Being a parent is one of life's greatest joys. It's very hard being a single parent,but with God's help, you can make it.

Melissa L.Bryant

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

On this journey you will not please everybody.The most important person to please is God and yourself.Most people fail because they do not have determination. God will never give you more than you can handle.Besides God you hold the key to your destiny.My life has been full of challenges and obstacles.However,I realized that life is not about giving up.One thing I do know God will never give you more than you can bare. God don't want us to be worry about things.That's why he die on the cross for our sins.Each and everyone of you all today.Is precious and specially valuable to God. All of you are special in God's eyes.Please don'r forget that.No one can replace you in the role that you fulfill in God's eyes.Rejoice and be grateful to God for who you may become.

Melissa L. Bryant
God gave you a gift, to share with the world.
When are you going to open it up and bless the world.
You will have some ups and downs...........
But when you trust God everything will fall in place with your gift or talent.
Let today be the day you open up your gift or talent.
Bless the world with it.

Melissa L. Bryant