Monday, July 24, 2017

My pain part two!

Today should be the day you convince yourself you will survive,you will come out of it alive;you belong to the Lord.You would be surprised how much you can bear with God helping you.I had to learn hoe to rejoice in the Lord,no matter what has happened in my past.I know that Jesus loves me.I know he is with me. I know he will not fail me. I already know he is working it all out for me right now.I will not be cast down. I will not be defeated.I will not be a victim of satan.I will not lose my mind or my direction in my life.As of today,I know that God is on my side.I love him so much and he loves and cares for me as well.I had scars that I tried to cover up and moved on with my life by looking for love in all the wrong places.I felt that if I had a man at that time it would go away.But it doesn't work like that when you have so much pain inside and you need to be set free.But it started haunting me back and it's time to really let go.The pain I had inside hurt so bad I felt like I was hit by a car.I went on such a long journey in my life with my children and I know why.The pain I was covering up was keeping me for being the mother I really needed to be.I have learned that the more I share my testimony I am not only healing but also helping others. I was tried of being hurt and hiding in darkness. It was time I came out of all that darkness and came into the light.By sharing my story,it's healing me and I pray that it heals you while you are reading this or my book How She Fought The Full Story by Melissa L. Bryant on will not dwell on my past disappointments and mistakes. I will focus on the good things God has done in my life. I will keep pushing myself,growing and learning and not allowing fear to hold me back anymore.I will become the woman and mother God has placed me to become. Now the darkness is over and it feels so amazing to be in the light to live and really love my children.God made me and he knows what I can handle. Sometimes people can't deal with pain,so they become suicidal.They feel that if they cut on themselves it will take away the pain.But sometimes without them knowing God,they just end up killing themselves because they have given up. It's sad because some people don't survive their storms to help you along your journey.I just thank God I didn't give up and I was going to live and not die.My past has threatened my future with memories,children,guys and side effects that are still haunting me.I know I can't change the past,so I stop focusing on it.The day I stopped letting my assaulters control my life was the day I realized I could be dead.I know my assaulters took something from me,but I realized they did not take my life.From that day on,I stopped worrying about my past and what anyone else thought and focused on appreciating my life I had and loving my children even more. God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant  

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