Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A praying mother!

Today I found out my oldest son has cancer again. When I hear that my eyes got so watery and all I could do was cry.My heart was about to just break into pieces. All I could say was Lord help me please give me strength.This is a hard battle to fight and I can't do this by myself. As I just look up into the sky and tears running down my eyes wondering. Okay! What to do? I just needed to really catch myself. This is hard and yes my faith is still in God. I know he don't make no mistake. He's just giving me more to talk about. I don't know his plan for my son all I can say is I trust you God. I need his strength every step of the way. It's okay to cry because it hurts and I can't just hold this in. But this too shall pass and I will keep praising God. No matter what you're going through today just trust God. He has his hands on you and will never leave you.

Melissa L. Bryant
In God I trust!
Keep praying!
Keep holding on!

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