Thursday, July 20, 2017

I am hope for my children.Believe me,I really had to let go the past and live.My children really needed me to be their mother.I was battling with a lot of emotional issues.It was so hard to let go.The pain was so bad I just wanted it to leave my mind so I could live.I was having bad dreams and I really didn't understand why.I knew what happened to me was real and it was time it came out.No I am not running anymore and it will not haunt me anymore.Because of today,I am over it.At that time,I didn't understand the power and anointing that was being imparted into me.God is about to birth something great in me,so therefore I had to stop running.At times,I knew I had God in my life,but still I felt lonely.I was still holding on to the past.Once I start writing my book How She Fought the Full Story so many struggles in finishing it.That's when I started letting go piece by piece,yes,I mean really letting go.It felt so much better.Thank God for what he's doing in my life right now.When you are hurting,time only magnifies the pain.God didn't promise to give you a painless way of life.He promised you a way of escape.In that word(Bible),God promises to help you to bear your pain.You can overcome it with God's help.I was mourning,depressed,hurt,lost and something in the inside was crying out,saying,"Please let me out."God knows exactly how much you can take and he will not permit you to reach a breaking point.

Melissa L. Bryant

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