Saturday, July 29, 2017

Moving Forward!
I learned that if you are holding in some pain you don't feel you can share,you're not alone.The secret to strength is that your pain can be someone else's promise of hope.Your secret pain can become your story of faith and strength that helps heal others.When we're in pain,we become extremely vulnerable when we release our pain and troubles and we often fear that this vulnerability will leave us open to attack or more pain.Trust me;God wants us to know that when we tell him all that's in our hearts,it's completely safe.Not only does God's heart extend toward you when you feel alone in your pain,his healing hand extends toward you as well.My secret from my past had me buried for a very long time.In order to move forward in my life,I had to let go and give it all to God.I needed to be healed from my past and set free so I could save my children.God is the only one who can free you from your past hurt.God can free you from its strong grip and help you face life again.He lightens our load,he lights up our life with hope and he lifts our heads.You might feel that you are alone and everybody will reject you or feel that you are being judged when in fact we are not.Seek God like never before;ask him to open your eyes to what is true and right.I learned the more you draw close to him,the more God will draw close to you.No matter how hard the problem is,please set your hopes on God.If you struggle with pain that no one knows about,pour your heart out to God.Life is full of battles,but you can count on God.You are going to have to prepare for battles.I believe I am made in the image of God.I have the right gifts:personality and ability,to fulfill my purpose.Believe me;you're going to have to fight with God.But let him lead the way.The Lord will fight for you.You can still count on God.Keep strong and keep the faith;just stand and allow God to work it out for you.God gives you courage to reach out to those who are hurting God,thank you so much for mending my broken heart and allowing me to lean on your love.I had to give God the things that irritate me,like my frustrations,obstacles and worries of my children,knowing that as I release those irritants,he will turn them into testimonies so I can help others.The past is over and the future has not come yet.All we have and will ever have is now.So let this present moment be beautiful.You have the choice on whether you choose love or fear.Learn from the past and move forward.Choose love,choose healing,choose hope,choose peace,choose freedom and choose life.You have the choice in what you focus on.Love yourself enough to move on.I am glad that God healed my broken heart and the past is behind me.I am ready to love like never before and really be in love.Lord,thank you for everything I went through and for keeping me along the way.Lord,you're so amazing and I love you so much.I never would have made it without you.People,it's time to let go of that past hurt so you can move on into your destiny.No one wants to be raped;no one deserves to be raped.Take God's promise to heart many times each day.Every time you remember,every time you struggle,every time you feel that your heart is breaking under the weight of what happened to you,ask God to help you.It is important for you to make sure that you can cope with the situation.You also need time for yourself to deal with your own emotions and thoughts.

Melissa L. Bryant

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