Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Good Morning!

   Don't let no one steal your joy today. Today is going to be amazing. Enjoy your day to the fullest and stay away from negativity. Have a blessed day full of joy and love.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Don't give up!

Someone make be feeling down and out today. Someone might be on the end of giving up. Someone is tired. Someone is stress out. Someone don't know which way to turn. No matter what you're situations is. Just know it's never too late. God is bigger than that situations. Give it to him and live. God bless you and the better is yet to come.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Good morning!

Good morning! Start your day off with pray and praise. Be a blessing to someone today. enjoy your day to the fullest. Spread more love! You be the change you wish to see in this world. God bless and the best is yet to come.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, November 26, 2018

Good Morning!

How was everyone thanksgiving? I pray it was full of joy, peace, love and blessings. Now that it over it's still we hit the gym. I know I ate too much food. But it was truly a blessing to spend time with family and friends. God is amazing. We should be spending as much time as we can with our family. We should be thankful everything. So many people are dying and the only time family comes together is for the funeral. We need to spend more time together now before it's too late. We need to get and give our flowers now before it's too late. Happy belated Thanksgiving! God bless and the best is yet to come. Much love!

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Monday, November 19, 2018

Good morning!

Good morning! Kings and Queens! How's your morning so far? I pray all is well. You be the change you wish to see. A change is good. God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come. Much love!

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Our thoughts!

Our thoughts affects our actions. Our actions definitely invite reactions positive or negative. Our actions reveal our choices and our choices reveal where we really live in our hearts. Therefore we need to deal with the root of our heart condition in order to implement positive change and get the results we want in every area of our lives. It's time for a change. God bless you and the best is yet to come. Much love!

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Deal with your pain before it take you out. I learn when you don't face your pain it will take you out. Let today be the day you turn your pain into participation. Much love!

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
God is amazing!
My book How She Fought The full story is in Ingram Advance magazine. It's truly a blessing this is my life story and I made it. Dealing with being rape and I'm able to talk about it. It's God and I never would have made it with out him. Please check out my book on, Barnes & Nobles and Books-of Millions.

God bless you! Much love!
~ Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Friday, November 16, 2018

Stop sleeping on your dreams!
Sometimes we get so stress and tired and we want to give up. But no matter how hard it gets you don't have to give up. It doesn't matter how many times you fail just don't give up. You can't kept sleeping on your dreams. It doesn't matter how many No's you get. Get up off the sofa or got that bed and finish what you started. You can make it no matter how hard it gets. Success don't come over night. You can to put in hard work every day. Trust me I know that's why I work extra hard because I am going to make it. Stop sleeping on your dreams. Get up and fulfill it today. God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come.
Much Love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Check out my book How She Fought The Full Story on My book talks about healing, deliverance, being set free, forgiveness, hurt, pain and moving forward. That's me Melissa L. Bryant.

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Check out my book on books-of-millions How She Fought by Melissa L. Bryant. My book talks about the struggles of having money and losing it all. Healing, deliverance and moving forward. I made it and you can too. God bless!

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Stop Running!

We have to stop running from our problems. We have to face our problems We have to deal with our problems. If we don't face our problems. Our problems with end up taking us out. Let today be the day you make a stand and face your problems today. Please feel free to check on my book on

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Me too!

Yea I was molested, rape, abuse. Yea I almost lost my mind. Yea I felt nasty and I scrub my body so hard I thought my skin was going to fall off. It felt so disgusting and I wanted to die. I never understood why someone would even think about hurting others. Me too!. It's a pain you have to learned to deal with but will always be there. At time I wanted to throw in the towel because he was hard dealing with so much pain. But I learn how to deal with it once I faced it. I had to get spiritually help and emotionally help. I was so damage. I prayed cried and finally God heal me. I had to go through so much hurt and pain. So I could help the next girl or boy to heal. But through God grace and mercy that has kept me I made it.God bless!

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Take your Life back!

Let today be the day you take back everything the devil stole from you. Check out my book on Take your life back.

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Give it all to god!

I just had to give it all to God. I let go and let God take control. Prayer change things.

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~


Stop letting that situation bring you down. When you have a God bigger than that situation. God got it and you just have to trust him. Seek Him! Praise Your way through it. Yes put a praise on it.

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Good morning!

This week is almost over yet your blessings and accomplishments are just beginning. God continue to work miracles and  bless us in spite of our short comings. Be thankful! Be glad, be happy ( it's your choice) but most important be a blessings to others. If no one has told you I love you it's okay. Because God loves you and I do to. Guess what there's nothing you can do about it. Have an abundantly blessed and awesome day. Love! live! Life!. God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come.

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Life lessons!

Life lessons today isn't it ironic. We ignore those who love us, adore those who ignore us and love those who hurt us. Let's change out focus today. Thank you and God bless you. The best is yet to come.

Much love!

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I'm that girl!
I'm that girl who felt out of place. I'm that girl who tried to fit in. I'm that girl who was shy. I'm that girl that everybody pick on. I'm that girl who wouldn't fight back. I'm that girl who was raped. I'm that girl who was looking for love in all the wrong places. I'm that girl who tried to commit suicide. I'm that girl who just didn't care anymore. I'm that girl who had to bury all her pain. I'm that girl who had to be strong and not cry. I'm that girl who had let people intimidated her. I'm that girl who was broken inside. I'm that girl who was afraid to stand, strong and tall. I'm that girl who became promiscuous. I'm that girl who hated herself. I'm that girl who became depressed. I'm that girl! Yea that's me! I'm that girl who felt down to her knees and stay praying. I'm that girl who had to trust God and seek him like never before. I'm that girl who prayed every day that God lead her and keep her covered. You see If I wouldn't went through what I've been through as that girl. I wouldn't be that girl that turn into the woman I am today. Author Melissa L. Bryant who was that girl.

God blessed and the vest is yet to come. Much Love Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Good Morning!

Good Morning Queens and Keep. Don't forget to start your day off with pray and praise. Whatever you're going through give it to God. Trust him! Keep the faith and stay you some more courage and keep holding on. God is truly amazing. God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come. Much love!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Hold your head up!

Hold your head Queens and Kings.
I know you're tired and it's hard and touch.
But did God say it will never put too much on you that you can't handle.
Trust God no matter what you go through..
Please don't throw in the towel just yet and hold your head up.
Yes you my Queens and King hold your head up.
I'm talking to you Queens and Kings let me dry your tears and say a pray with you.
Heavenly Father I come to you for my Queens and Kings. Lord they are hurting and they need you right now. Please Lord take away their hurt and pain. Lord they can't do this without you. They need you right Lord and I praise you right now God for everything you're getting ready to do in this people life. Thank you Lord for healing, deliverance and setting them free right now. In Jesus name I pray Amen!
Now that I have prayed open up and give it all to Jesus. He's waiting on you my Queens and Kings just give it all to him. now hold your head up and live. Hold your head and received your joy, peace and victory right now. Just put a praise on it because you've been set free.
Hold your head up! God bless you and your better believe the best is yet to come. Hold your head up!

Much love,
Author Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, October 26, 2018

Just tired!

I was so tired and I felt like I had no more fight in me. I felt like I couldn't go on without my grandmother. I felt so overwhelmed, drain, stress out and I wanted to just break down and cry. But God proved me wrong.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Strong Faith!

What I've went through didn't break me. It made my faith stronger and an powerful relationship with my Heavenly Father. my mess turn into a powerful message. You better believe that every test was a testimony. Thank you Jesus the lessons became blessings. But God gets the praise and glory. Thank you Jesus.

Much love,
Author Melissa L. Bryant

I've been through!

I don't blame nobody for what I've been through. But God get the praise and glory because I made it. I cherish everything I've been through. It really made me a stronger person with strong faith.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

I'm so glad God changed me. Change is good but hard. But I thank God for my change.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Take your focus off your problems.

Take your focus off your problems. Focus more on God and see what happens. Be encourage no matter what's going on.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Be encourage!

Be encourage no matter what's going on. Hold on! God got you. God bless and the best is yet to come.

Much  love Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Be safe!

Please don't forget to pray doing these storms.
Please be prepared with water, supplies you need.
Please be safe.
I am praying that everyone be careful and safe.
Don't stop praying even when you're going through some storms in your life.
Be blessed and safe! I love you!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Single people!

Being single is not a plaque. It's a time to let go of all the hurt. It's a time for forgiveness and healing. It's a time to get to know yourself. It's a time to upgrade yourself. It's a time to fix yourself. It's a time for God to restore you. It's a time to invest in yourself. It's a time to get to know the real you. This is the time you can take the responsibility for yourself to find your own happiness and not having to find it in others. Being single is a time for you to reevaluate, reset, renew, release, refresh and restart. It time to work on yourself so when God you with the one he has for you. Trust me you would be ready to love all over again. God bless you!

Author Melissa L.Bryant

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The word in the streets is that their asking about me. Well tell them I'm still standing by God's grace. Tell them I'm a fighter, tell them I'm a pray warrior. Tell them I went through the storms and It didn't break me. I am still here because of mercy and grace. God is amazing! 

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Stay away!

You have to stay away from negativity people. They will drain you. Pick your self back up and run away from those negativity people.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
I will never look back, I am looking forward and I will always show the world why I am great.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Let go!

Sometimes it takes more strength to let go than to hold on.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
I had to learn!

I had to learn most things in life that we want isn't always for us. So it's best we wait for God to give us what we need. I had to learn that the hard way.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Be careful!

Be careful how you talk to people!
Be careful how you treat people!
Be careful who you share your dreams with!
Be careful who you let into your world!
Be careful who you love!
Be careful!

Author Melissa L. Bryant


Stop expecting people to treat you like you treat them.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


No matter how much makeup, you put on that lie, when you look in the mirror, the truth shows on your face. Stop hiding behind the makeup.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Going through!

As you're going through your storms, remember whatever size your challenges are. God is bigger and you can always go to him for help.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Keep toxic people out your life.

Keep people in your life who encourage you pushes you motivate you. People who adds substance not people who take away your substance. Keep toxic people out your life.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Say it with me,

Today , I choose faith over fear, success over failure, greatness over lameness. Life over death. It is already done. In Jesus name Amen.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me:

If you're having trouble prioritizing your day, perhaps you've been trying to organize your life according to your own plans, not God's. I have learned you have to take your daily obligations and place them in God's hands.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Hello, Queen & Kings

It's your winning season so all of this other toxic, negative and hateful energy in the air has to go. This is your winning season and you got this.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
There is nothing to hard for God.

Listen to me Queen and Kings! There is no obstacle you cannot overcome in life. You are driven and determined and there is absolutely nothing you can't do. Once you set your mind to it. No matter how hard things get you have to stay focus and keep pushing. You can make it with God's help.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Stop worrying about what people say!

Sometimes we are so busy worrying about what people say about us. It doesn't matter how much good you do people are going to talk about you. Do not worry yourself if someone is talking about you (negatively). Like my grandmother always say if they talk about Jesus. You better believe they're going to talk about you. I don't care what nobody think about me as long as I'm inspiring and helping others. That's all that matter to me. Jesus died for our sins and people talked about him then and still is today. When people talk about you. They are thinking about you. If you are great at what you are doing. Keep on letting your light shine. No one can take it away. Stop focusing on what people think or say. Focus on inspiring and helping others. Stop worrying about what be think or say. Have a great day and be blessed.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, August 23, 2018

A strong woman!

A strong woman can deal with stress and carry heavy burdens. She smile when she feels like screaming, she sings when she feels like crying. She cries when she's happy,laughs when she's afraid. Her love is unconditional. There's only one thing wrong with her. She forgets what she's worth. A strong goes out her way for her family. A strong woman pray all the time. A strong woman gets tired sometimes. A strong woman knows she has strength in her journey, however a praying woman knows that in her journey is where she will gain her strength. As a strong woman I went through so much and did not give up. So many times I cried asking God for more strength. If I didn't pray. I wouldn't be that strong woman. Praying through trails, journey helps you gain strength, faith,wisdom and understanding. As a strong woman what ever you're going through. Don't stop praying and trusting God. the road is hard right now and God said it wouldn't be easy. But you're still standing strong. God made us strong. You know you're strength and it's okay to cry. But God got you and don't you forget that. A strong woman pray and hold on no matter how hard it gets. God got you! Don't you give up. Hold on to God's unchanging hand. Be blessed and stay strong.

Melissa L. Bryant

People try to do anything to hurt you!

The people who expose your weakness, do it because they are sacred of your strength. They are scared you're going to be successful. They want to see you fall so you would give up. But when you keep striving and push they don't understand. They try to do whatever to hurt you. But when you get back up it shock them. Keep pushing!

Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, August 17, 2018

                                    Stop Running!

When you're running you find yourself having to constantly run further, harder, faster, to avoid what you are carrying within yourself. The further you run from your problems, the further you run from yourself. The harder it becomes to eventually find your way back home. it didn't matter to me if it was an unhealthy romantic relationship, my career, my children, a bill collector's phone calls, my past, when both of my grandmothers pasted or a persistent sadness that I couldn't seem to shake off, my solution was to avoid feeling it. That's because I believe that If I avoided my pain or worse. It would go away. If I ran in the opposite direction of my pain it would eventually go away. It didn't go away! No matter how hard  I ran. It was still there. Trust me! Yours won't either. If you're running away from your demons right now, I can promise you that they will be waiting for you when you finally decide to stop running. Even worse, at that point you'll probably be too exhausted and too burned out to deal with those demons. It's at that moment when they'll win. There's a much better way. It's going to require God and some courage in order to make it happen. If you've made sincere attempts to deal with the issue and nothing has worked, you're not running away from your problems if you choose to leave. you're making a conscious decision to positively reclaim your life. By running away it's numbing us to the pain by drowning ourselves in alcohol, drugs, overeating, reckless, gambling, sleeping around, excessive shopping, watching hours of television nonstop, sex or feel free to insert any other unhealthy habit here. But here's the painful reality that I wish I knew years ago. Our problems will continue to follow us and get bigger and stronger until we face them. The only way out of a problem is to pray and go through it. God bless!

Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Good Morning!

Good morning! How you all are doing? I pray all is well. I was just sitting here thinking sometimes we are so busy adding up our problems. We forget to count our blessing. Let today be the day you focus on counting your blessings and stop adding your problems.

Melissa Bryant

Monday, August 13, 2018

My Queens!

Every woman that walks this earth deserves to be treated as a Queen. You are the daughter of the king. You are not broken because God took those pieces and made you new again. Wear your crown with pride.  Never let anybody treat you like you are an nobody. You are a Queen! Walk like a Queen! Talk like a Queen! Act like a Queen. Be bless Queens and wear your crown Queens.

Melissa L. Bryant
Good morning!

I pray you start you day off with pray and praise. I'm blessed and thankful that God has graced us with a never quit spirit. I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.

Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me!

If you don't pray you won't stay. If you don't fast you won't last. This is what the saints of old school told me. If you are going to pray why worry? If you are going to worry why pray?

Melissa L. Bryant
Thank you!

Thank you for talking about me like a dog. Thank you for all your negative. Thank you for everyone whomever turned their back on me. Thank you for saying I will never amount to anything. Thank you! It made me stronger and I push harder to get where I want to be in life. Your negative inspire me for greatness. Never let negatively stop you for being great.

Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Listen to me:

Be free from the opinions of negative mindset people. How they perceive you is their perception. If they don't see you like Christ do. It means nothing! But how God sees you means everything. God made you and you are chosen. Each day you wake up is a day to inspire someone and live your life to the fullest. Be blessed!

Melissa Bryant
Listen to me.

Stop worrying about what people say or think. Live your life to the fullest. Stop chasing to other people approvals for your happiness. At one point of my life I struggle with this but God fix it and it doesn't matter to me anymore what people thank. My life is focuses on helping others heal. I careless what people think about me now. God is amazing and I am here because of him. Won't he do it.

Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me!

As I get older I am learning that every action doesn't need or deserve a reaction. When people bring up my past. I just listen because my past doesn't define who I am today. Plus I know I had a past but that doesn't stop me for who I am today. Everybody has a past but why let that stop you for greater. You don't always have to speak on your past. Let God fight your battle and you remain silent.

Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, July 23, 2018

Love use to be powerful!

Love is a four letter word that's powerful and will hurt But you keep holding on through strength, faith and God. Why tell a person you love them and you really don't mean it? Why waste each other time for years and you not happy. That's not fair to the other person. I person won't that unconditionally love and you just want to play games. That's just not fair to play with a person feeling. Why not be real and say you're not in love with that person. You just want one thing which is (sex). Keep it 100%! That a person can let you know once again up front what they are looking for. Life is too short for games. Divorces are so high in the US. Marriages are not the same anymore. So many people are getting marry for all the wrong reason. Love should be like when God loves the church. The man should love his wife the same way. But it's not like that anymore. What happen to those marriages that was forever and ever. Now marriages are lastly on 2 days or maybe a month. What really going on? Do you have any answers? I know I want unconditionally love. I want that love God has for the church and me. I want that love where through thick and thin you work it out and you're still married. I want that love when I look into his eyes I know he loves me without any questions ask. It will show with actions. Love is an actions word. Love is a practice, it is not something you find or don't find. You can practice love for the rest of your life. It is very easy to fall in love with someone. The difficulty is to stay in love. But if it is difficult to stay in love, that means, that it is not the love of your life. It is a love experience. Love is always beautiful, if it is not beautiful, it is not love. Time to move on. Sometimes, love just fades away. It is better to move on when you don’t feel anything, then when you feel the opposite of love. If you want to find the love of your life, start being aware of your use of the word love. Saying and thinking I want to find the love of my life and not I want a relationship is fundamental. You find what you are looking for.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Why do all those thing to get the man or lady?

You ran after me for so long. I kept turning you down over and over. I lost contact with you 12 years ago 8 years later you found me. After you found me we talk on the phone off and on getting to know each other. We have been knowing each other for a long time but never dated. Once i decide to let you come see you. You came and we click and it was nice. We start dating and you were amazing. But after three years you stop loving m,e like you use too. I don't get flowers any more. We don't go on dates anymore. It's like love don't live here any more. Why do all these things to get me? Than you start changing. I don't understand that because I am still the same for the beginning to the end. I still pray and go to church. I still help others when needed. I am still making time for you and always surprising you but you stop. I can't go on like this. Either you love or not. You say you're not happy why be when me. I can't force you to love me anymore. I just want you to let me go and lets go our separate way. I felt down to my knees and prayed and ask God for question. Now our relationship isn't in my hands anymore. It's in God's hands. I know my worth. I know I am not perfect but I am still here for you but you have change on me. I want my peace back and I have gotten it back. I just want you to be happy no matter what. But love doesn't live here anymore. You have change and I have for the better. Why do all those things to get the lady or man and than change. I am tired and love just don't live here anymore. I am done with this relationship and letting go. My peace mean more to me than anything. Love just don't live here anymore. I want more and you just stop and I am tired.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Single people!

Being single isn't that bad after all. Being single is not a plaque. It's a healing time.Time to build yourself, upgrade yourself, fix yourself and invest in yourself. It's time to get to know yourself. Love yourself and really enjoy yourself. It's a time of letting go all that pain and hurt you been dealing with so when God do bless you with someone. You will be free and heal to love again.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
What does a man really want?

Most men are afraid to have what they want. It is easier to talk about what you want than to have it and realize that you aren't able to do what it takes to hold on to it. Remember 90% of the guys you meet won't like you, but the ones that do have greater chance of finding someone they can ride or die with. Life is a gift absolutely and to find someone to share it with is one of the greatest challenges that anyone has to face but it also delivers the sweetest rewards. Every failed relationship that we endure should be the building block for the success of our next relationship,even though pain is often the primary teacher. Even though we might seem to be surrounded by fast talking self absorbed hustlers of our emotions, the expenditure of a finite amount of trust, the ownership of a fearless soul and the compassion of an understanding person is the blueprint of any successful love story.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, July 8, 2018


Although we may, at times, struggles mightily to rise above the distractions of the everyday living, we never struggle alone. God is with you eternal and faithful, with infinite patience and love. Trust me if you really reach out to him, I am telling you he will restore your sense of perspective and give you peace to your soul. With all the distractions in the world, let Jesus be your main attraction.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sometimes you get tired, burn out and wants to quick. Sometimes the enemy be looking right at you to see if you're going to quick. That's when you start thinking about all the things you been through and realized if God got me through that. i know he's going to get me through this. Start praising God because greater is coming. Your breakthrough is on the way.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Good Afternoon!

I pray you have a bless day full of love, joy and happiness. No matter what you are going through today. Don't let it stop you for having an blessed day. Every day we have to enjoy our life too the fullest no matter what comes our way. We can't that our problems keep us down and go into depressed. We have to pick it up and keep moving. Life has it's ups and downs but you don't have to let it take you have. Hold on and keep smiling through these trials that comes your way. With God's help you got this and you can make it. Have a bless day and know that trouble don't last always.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Love yourself!

Learn to love yourself past all your mistakes.
Learn to love yourself no matter how hard it gets in life.
Learn to love yourself even if your marriage or relationship don't work.
Learn to love yourself no matter how many children you have.
Learn to love yourself even if you're not happy with your job.
Learn to love yourself past the hurt and pain.
Learn to love yourself even if you're not happy with your life.
Learn to love who you are whether others like it or not.
Learn to love who you are now.
Learn to love yourself.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Finding yourself!

Sometimes going through trials and tribulations you get lost and you lose yourself.
Sometimes trying to keep focus on a marriage or relationship you lose yourself.
Sometimes focusing on others people problems you lose yourself.
Sometimes you're so focus in your career you lose yourself.
Sometimes you're so focus on being an great mother, father or parent you lose yourself.
Sometimes you get lost and just lose focus of everything.

No matter what you go through don't lose focus and don't lose yourself.
Look in that mirror and look deep down inside so you can find yourself again.
I had to find myself again. It's time you find yourself.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Has anyone inspire you today?

You're amazing
You're awesome
You're talent
You're great
You're unique
You're sweet
You're different
You're important
You're strong
You're precious
You're brave
You're blessed

I just wanted to give you some words of encouragement this morning.

Author Melissa L. Bryant 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

I been through so many trials in my life but I sure am a strong women. Everything that came my way it didn't stop me. I never lost my praise. I kept my faith and my eyes focus on God. I made it! You can too.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
This book is a memoir of my path to self-reliance and that of self purpose through my struggles. this story is one that will allow you to be able to pick up your pieces and find clearer path up your pieces and find your clearer path to success. pick up your copy today on under Melissa L. Bryant.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


I am telling you if you want to start seeing change over your life start praying and reading your Bible. The devil will come at you even more. But keep your eyes on God. Be the change you wish to see.

Melissa L. Bryant

Through darkness comes light, through fear comes love and through pain comes triumph. Your struggles and hardships are your gifts so that you can reach deep down inside of yourself and discover your inner power and the glory of who you are.

Melissa L. Bryant
Letting Go!

Letting go of other's expectations allowed me to get unstuck and more closer to being authentically me. It was a good feeling to get rid of things in my life that don't make me happy. Healing was my struggle with unconditional self-love.

Melissa L. Bryant
Nothing changes unless you make it change.

Life never hands out things that you can't handle.

Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, May 17, 2018

A praying mother!

Yesterday my daughter took the place mate test for college. She passed it but made an 99 in math. I was like look at God. My daughter is going to the 11th and holding a  4.0. I am so proud of her and truly blessed to be her mother. I talk to my daughter, I spend time with my daughter and encourage her and prepare her for greatness. I taught her how to pray and read her Bible.I prayed over my children 24/7. She's humble,smart,gifted and beautiful. My daughter goes to church and does praise dance. She just made the cheerleader team. I never stop praying for my children. As a mother you have to keep your children cover. It's so much going on in this world and we have to be fully comment to being parents, mothers and fathers. Even though her father isn't always there I keep her focus. Being a single parent takes a lot of work, focus, peace,hope, prayer, love and listening. I wouldn't change it for the world of being a mother of five amazing children four boys and one daughter. I am blessed.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Losing my first daughter!

I was so excited I was having my first daughter. I was eating healthy going to my Dr. appointments, reading books to my baby. Then the unthinkable happen I start feeling depress and was stress out.I start hurting so bad and was rush to the hospital. The Dr. informed me that my daughter was looking right at him and wasn't going to make it. I was so hurt and started crying. I had to stay in the hospital. One night the nurse came in the room and woke me up and told me to call somebody I'm in labor. So I called my mother and she came. I could feel my baby moving in my belly. I was crying because they said she wasn't going to make it. Once I finally push her out she came out stillbirth and they rush her out the room. All I could do was cry because I recall one day saying I didn't want her because of the father and I end up losing her. They cleaned her up and brought her back to me. I named her miracle. I held her with tears in my eyes and I said miracle mommy is sorry for what she said. I love you so much and you will always have a placed in my heart. She took her last breath and it scared me but I was at peace because my baby heard me. I didn't give up and a year later I was blessed with another daughter. I am heard to tell you that if you are going through hard times, trials, storm and difficult times, people that feel like they lost everything, hope,peace,joy,love and faith. Even if you're going through a devastating event. I want you to know that Grace is still her.It hurt so bad to hold my lifeless daughter being born and never breathing. You have to believe in spite of pain, hurt,disappointments and experiences that don't go the way you prayed. Grace is still here! Do you hear me? Grace is still here. God allow me to see his Grace in the situations and in my life. I don't always know why God chooses us to bear some of the things we bear, but I am certain that I still have Miracle in my life. Grace is what keep me! I know you still have some faith and grace in your life. Even though you may not always be able to see it, you still have God's grace too. Be blessed! Thank you for following me and keeping up with me. Don't give up! God will restore you faith, peace, joy,hope and love. Just remember his grace is what's keeping us.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Sometimes on our journey we are going to have some. Valley moment but there is a Lily in the Valley! Go ahead and make your load lighter by making someone else smile. While go through encourage somebody else and you find yourself praising your way through your trails. Be blessed!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Believe in yourself!

Believe in yourself and find people to surround yourself with who believe in you as well. Life is too short to keep your circle full of people who will watch you fail. Don't ever let your circumstances or people hold you down. Get out there and take what's yours! No excuses!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Stop asking God why?

We tend to ask God why are we going through so much. It's one thing after another, one bad situation after another. God said, " I got you and you're not giving up so the devil keep on trying. Listen to me we are stronger than we think. No weapons form against us shall prosper. The devil will keep trying but our God will keep on trying even harder. That is why we come out on top every single time.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Elevation requires isolation. Dare to be great.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
How you living your life?

So often many of us find ourselves living for everyone but ourselves living for everyone but ourselves. At jobs we don't like,in relationships with little to no value,dealing with family where we don't feel appreciated and bills that seem to never go away. Well, there is a solution for it all and that you. Are you going to live your life for yourself or for others?

Author Melissa L. Bryant
If you only knew!

My story behind his glory. I never would have made it without God. Because he is my glory and the lifter of my head. If you only knew my story you would understand. I would have never made it through my storms. Many times I wanted to throw in the towel. But God wouldn't let me. He had a plan and I had to go through the trials to encourage others. God is amazing and always on time. Share your testimony and inspire someone today.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

You will never understand the damage that you have done to someone else. Until it's done to you! They call it Karma.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Word for the day!

You cannot heal in the same environment where you got sick.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, May 14, 2018

Work in silence!

Sometimes silence is your most eloquent reply. Don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. You never know whose praying against you. If your reading this, have a amazing day and be encourage.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Dear Queens & King,

You maybe going through some hard time right now. But you're going to get through it. Keep your head up and remain strong. Keep the faith and stay focus. You are appreciated and this is a test that will be a powerful testimony.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me!

No matter how educated, gifted, rich or cool you believe you are. How you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything.

Author Melissa L. Bryant


Never underestimate the power of saying," I love you." You cannot ever have too much love, tell those closest to you. That you love them today. Life is short and you never know when it's too late to say I love you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

No such thing as a life better then yours, love yours. Life is only good as your mindset. stop comparing your life with others. You don't know what they went through to get there.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

One of the biggest misconceptions in a relationship is that it's both partner to keep each other happy.What attracts a man's attention doesn't always attract his respect. What turns a man's head doesn't always turn his heart.There isn't a man in the world cares about a woman's past until he's thinking of her in his future. You can meet someone today that has better intentions for you than someone you've known your whole life. Time means nothing like character does.I am telling you you will never have to tell a real man how to be one!Because He will be one from the beginning to the end. The same respect you demand as a woman should be given towards a man as well. It's the man job to respect the woman but its the woman job to give him something to respect. If people will take your kindness for weakness, imagine what they will do with your weakness. Imagine what they will do with your weakness. Men find a Queen & treat her right. It's far better to be alone, than to be in the presence of bad company.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Be yourself!

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Be proud of who you are & what you stand for. I am just happy to be here and I love who I am. I will change for the better.

Author Melissa L Bryant

Once you've matured you realized silence is more powerful than proving a point!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Know your worth!

When you know your worth. There is nothing or no one that can stop you. Know your worth and don't settle for anything less.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Just stop it!

We all know right from wrong. So why are we blaming others or the devil. He is not the reason for the backlash of your decisions. We are not exempt from the consequences of our actions. If you steal and get caught it's not the devil it's the consequences of your actions. Because I am sure we were all taught right from wrong. Take responsibility of your own action and stop blaming others. You have to learn how to accept responsibility of your own action. Woman or man up. Learn from it and move forward.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Think on this!

Sometimes what you want isn't what you need!
I had to learn that the hard way.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
You have to forgive yourself!

Forgive yourself! Learn to grow from your mistakes and don't make  the same mistakes and don't make the same mistakes. Moving forward I will listen more. You have to communicate better love strong and support them emotionally, spiritually. I've learned not to be selfish . I'm responsible for my own happiness. I will not hold them responsible for my happiness. It's not how you start it's how you finish.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Think on that for a min!

Don't get so busy helping everyone else vision, that you lose sight of yours. We can't keep going the extra mile for others who won't take the next step. Because we would lose focus of our own vision.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, May 11, 2018

I just want to encourage somebody today. Continue to hold to Gods unchanging hands! When I wanted to throw in the towel. God made a way for me to understand this is only a test that will turn into a powerful testimony to help somebody else. When I wanted to take my own life because of me been raping over and over again. God said I made you strong for a reason and I have work for you to do. I wanted to die because that pain was so hard to deal with. God said give me your hand my daughter and let it out. God got you and I need you to pull yourself together and live. They need to her your story. I am hear to tell you God is amazing and I can't stop praising him. I made it because of him and he keep on blessing me. You may check out my book How She Fought The Full Story by Melissa L. Bryant. God bless you! Keep holding on! The best is yet to come. Greater is coming!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

I'm smiling not because I am stronger than my problems. I'm smiling because God is stronger than any of my problems.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, May 10, 2018

My past relationship!

I've been looking for someone who will change my life by just being apart of it. Someone who makes me laugh until I can't stop. Someone who makes me believe that there is actually some good left in this world. Someone who convinces me that somewhere there really is an unlock door to a perfect friendship and love just waiting to be offered up freely. I learned all this time it was God that wanted to give me all that love. God gives unconditional love and that's the best love ever.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

My God!

I have cried many nights and tears. I have fallen and stumble many times. I wanted to forgive so many times. Each time I got up dusted myself off and said God I need thee. I am more than a conqueror. I'm not perfect God is still working on me as I shed the old me daily. Each day is a new mercy from God to be encouraging and inspirational. My story is my story and as God instructed me. I am sharing the testimony, my hurt, my pain, my deliverance, my forgiveness, my healing and my moving forward. I want to help woman release and be set free. I was broken down beyond words of expression. My God reconstructed me. If you truly know me then you know how far I have come.I'm not ashamed of my past, my pains, my hurts, my mistakes and my testimony. Every trial and test has made me stronger and shaped me into the woman of God that I am today. I don't look like what i been through. I'm proud of me because it took me a long time to find myself. God is amazing! God's love is greater. When I found God I found real love. None of us are perfect we all are on a journey created by God. This is mu journey and I'm embracing every step with love, joy, peace and the confidence of God. Jesus gave his life for me and I'm giving mine for him. I am here because of him. God  gets all the praise and glory!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Expect the unexpected!

Sometimes you have to expect the unexpected.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Good Afternoon

I pray that you have a truly blessed and safe Thursday. Start your day off with pray and praise.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Speak over your life.

Sometimes you have to speak over yourself. You can't always realize on over people to speak positive things over your life. Speak over your life no matter how hard things get. Loving yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. I love who I am. I love the God in me. I love helping others. I love me and myself. I love the fact I'm an blessing to others. Stay positive and away from all the negatives. Your best days are ahead of you. Keep a positive mindset watch and pray. Have faith in God and yourself. God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

I would rather have faith than popular.

I would rather be anointed than popular! I would rather be a blessing to someone than popular. I would rather be a giver than popular. I would rather be happy than popular. I would rather be save than popular.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, May 7, 2018

My journey has led me into the path of a God-fearing and after God's heart. God deserve all the praise and glory. God has truly given me a desire of my heart. God has taken care of me. I'm here because of him and I praise him with all I go through. I have learned when you are down to nothing, you better believe God is up to something. I just want to speak life into every dead situation and I thank you that nothing is over until God say it's over. I speak prophetically into our lives and to our situations. I had an praying grandmother and I thank God for her. I miss her so much. No matter what you go through don't stop praying..

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, March 25, 2018

You have to take care of yourself.

I'm always taking care of others and wasn't taking care of myself. The Dr thought I had cancer in the mouth and I was praying hard. No it's not cancer thank God. But I've had some bacterium that build up in my mouth and if it would have gotten in my blood. I would have had a stroke. To God be the glory. It's been treating and I'm thanking God in advance for natural healing for my mouth and body. I am paying 4,324.00 for my mouth and I don't have bad teeth thank God. If I would have took time for myself it wouldn't be this bad. This is why it's important to take care of yourself as well. I could of had a stroke because of this. But God! I thank God for me getting to the dentist quick so they can start working on this..I'm learning how to take care of myself now.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
My heart goes out!

My heart goes out to the woman who finds herself alone as a parent. I know how you feel because that used to be me. But I know a God who provides, when you are a single mother who believes there is no hope and help. God tenderly cares for a fatherless child so that he has a future and hope. Maybe you are in a situation right now that looks hopeless. Give it to God and let him work it out for you like he did for me. Maybe you're feeling like you don't have the strength to keep on parenting alone. That's when you have to let go of that pride and fall on your knees and say," lord, I need thee." It's in these kinds of situations that God who sees you and can help us to see what we might not have noticed before. I felt alone in my situation and I had to ask God for help because I couldn't do it by myself. God will help you! Let today be the day you let God help you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Good morning!

Good morning! How you all doing today? I pray all is well. Start your day off with pray and praise. No matter what you're going through keep your eyes on God. Don't throw in the towel. Your break through is around the corner. Trust God and hold on. God bless you and I love you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, March 19, 2018

My Life!

I had never stopped long enough to take a good look at my life. I was completely broken and unlike the other times when I'd struggled, I didn't think I could be repaired. I had spent so many years racing away from my thoughts, feelings, fears and insecurities because the idea of dealing with them was overwhelming. But it had to happen. I no longer run away because I know it doesn't bring you true happiness. I face each situation with courage, but mostly, I follow my instincts and do what feels right. It hasn't steered me wrong yet. But I've learned that the key is to accept yourself with the same love and compassion as you would for the most important person in your life. I learned to stay focus on God and move when he says so. When you get vulnerable, feel emotions stay true to what you are feeling, you liberate yourself from pain. Don't give up and stay focus on God. But most of all stop running. Let today be the day you stop running.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, March 16, 2018

Stop Running!

Let today be the day you stop running from your problems. If you're running away from your demons right now, I can promise you that they will be waiting for you when you finally decide to stop running. Even worse, at that point you'll probably be too exhausted and too burned out to deal with those demons. It's at that moment when they'll win. There's a much better way. It's going to require God and some courage in order to make it happen. If you've made sincere attempts to deal with the issue and nothing has worked, you're not "running away from your problems" if you choose to leave. You're making a conscious decision to positively reclaim your life. By running away it's numbing us to the pain by drowning ourselves in alcohol, drugs, overeating, reckless gambling, sleep around, excessive shopping, watching hours of television nonstop, sex or feel free to insert any other unhealthy habit here. But here's the painful reality that I wish I knew years ago. Our problems will continue to follow us and get bigger and stronger until we face them. the only way out of a problem is to pray and go through it.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, March 12, 2018

My trials

I had to give the things that irritate me, like frustrations, obstacles and worries of my children, knowing that as I release those irritants, He will turn them into testimonies so I can help others. You have the choice on whether you choose love or fear. Learn from the past and move forward. Choose love, choose healing, choose forgiveness, choose hope, choose peace, choose freedom and choose to live your life to the fullest. You have the choice in what you focus on. Love yourself enough to move on. I am glad that God healed my broken heart and the past is behind me. Start praising the Lord and keep praising the Lord, because you have made it and you're free. After a while, those past hurt won't hurt you anymore. They will just be a past memory. Every day of my life, I thank God for everything I went through because it made me the person I am today. Please stop holding on to that past hurt. It 's time to really let go and move into the person God needs you to be. Take God's promise to heart many times each day. Every time you remember, every time you struggle, every time you feel that your heart is breaking under the weight of what happened to you, ask God to help you. God is waiting on you. Be encouraged and God bless you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Stop stressing!

You said you prayed and gave it to God.
Why are you still stressing?
God said he will never leave or forsaken you.
Therefore why are you stressing?
God got you!
So why you stressing?
If you're going to pray, why worry?
Once you give it to God.
Don't pick it back up!
Stop stressing when you have prayed about it.
Just praise your way through your trail and storms.
Once you give it to God please leave it with him.
Don't pick it back up!
Trust God!
Have faith!
God is amazing and always on time.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, February 26, 2018

Let today be the day you take back everything satan has stolen from you. As a believer, you have been given the authority to speak and cause things to happen. However, we must know the authority we have been given as children of God and know how to walk in your authority. Embrace what your life is trying to teach you. Please share your testimony. Tell your story! Always be honest about your past. Share your pain of everything that's happened to you and allow your strength in moving past to inspire other people. People can be born into victim situations but don't have to stay a victim. Refuse to apologize for where you've been. Work on being happy! Learn to stay focus! Pray! Build yourself up to become stronger and better. Be disciplined about self-care and learn how to balance everything. Please stop worrying about what people think of you. Boost your self-confidence and realizing that you're not the one damaged here it's the situation itself that is damaged. I learned sometimes when you get stress change your appearance. Give yourself permission to let go and stop holding on. Stop letting the world define you. Don't let them lead you. We have to learn how to forgive others as well as ourselves. Let yourself be happier. Take the steering wheel of your future and let God drive for you. Please shift into the right gear and become that amazing person God created you to be.

Author Melissa L. Bryant     

Monday, February 12, 2018


Change is hard but it's also good. It is important for you to make sure that you can cope with the situation. You also need time for yourself to deal with your own emotions and thoughts.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
My struggles!

My struggles taught me how to make something out of nothing.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Stop depending on others for your happiness!

The moment I learn to stop relying on people for my happiness. That's when I found it.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Listen to me

For God has not given us the spirit of fear, But of love and power ans a sound mind. Yet inside all of us is the voice of Satan telling us we were not meant to be this way.
For God tells us:
Be anxious for nothing.
Be thankful for your life.
Let your request be known to God and the peace of God will guard your hearts and wind. It is God's love that will find the key to your problem of suffering.

May God bless you in your time of trouble. It works because I was lost and now I'm free.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Stop living your life in fear.

Fear is an important emotion that which we can't ignore. However,if your life is consumed with your fears and what ifs and what about's. You will surely miss out on all the possibilities that you can't yet imagine and can't yet foresee.It's those decisions and choices we make when fear is all around us that teach us the most.When we are afraid,we pull back from life.Fear can paralyze you in your tracks and prevent you from living out your dreams.We fear failure,love,loneliness,change and the unknown.Learn to embrace and love your life.Stop living in the past and let it go. So you can move forward.Like (2 Timothy 1:7) says For God has not given us a spirit of fear,but of power and of love and of a sound mind.Fear will hinder you from your dreams if you let it... Be blessed and stop living your life in fear.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

satan always attacks those who are in line for a promotion for God. Keep your eyes on where your help comes from. Don't give up too quick. Stay focus and encouraged. God has your back.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Keep the faith!

Sometimes the situations in life makes you want to give up. Sometimes even throw in the towel. I know it's not easy but you can make it. You have to trust God and have faith.Today you may be facing some formidable obstacles in your path. But If you look hard enough you can find some reason to be grateful. Like (1Thessalonians 5:18) says look for the good in every situation.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
True statement!
If a person can't bless me you sure will not stress me. Because I was made from the best and I won't settle for anything less.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Think on this for a min!

If you never taste a bad almond,you would never appreciate a good almond. Sometimes we need to experience bitterness of life to understand the value of sweetness.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

 Why let go of yesterday? Because yesterday has already let go of you.Letting go isn't about having the courage to release the past,it's about having the wisdom to embrace the present. Whatever you didn't yesterday doesn't mean you can't get it right today. Yesterday has gone and today is a new day to get it in order.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Good morning!
Start your day off with pray and praise. Be a blessing to someone today. You may not be able to control every situation and it's outcome. But you can control your attitude and how you deal with it. Have a blessed day!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Me too!

Growing up dealing with me being rape my hard. Nobody believe me until I went to the Dr. I still had to cover it up. Yes faced it and deal with it.I have to pray because I still have dreams about it. I guess it's something there I have to face. But it didn't stop me for being a great mother and to inspire others.It was a long road and I had to get help end other to go on with my life. No it wasn't easy their were more than one victim. I experienced many pains dealing with me being rape at the age 8. But if it wasn't for God and my belated grandmother I couldn't be the woman i am today.Through my pain I tell accomplished the things I have today. Your past does not determined your future.I just want to inspire you to embrace and not be ashamed of what your past has made you become today. No matter what happen to you in your past. Please don't let it define your future. Be encourage and blessed.

Author Melissa L. Bryant 
Thanking God!

I thank God for saving me. I thank God for giving me a nothing chance. I had to learn to appreciate God for not allowing things to always go my way.God's plan is better than our plans.God is amazing!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Just Believe!

Be encourage no matter what's going on in your life.God will work it out.God is amazing! Embrace God's will in your life.Sometimes we have to go through somethings to get to somethings. We have to stay focus on God and not the situations. God is bigger than that situations.Just Believe! Just Believe!God will work it out. I am sending love your way and some words of encouragement.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Word for the day!

Your expectation is still too low.Stretch your faith.God is more than able.God will never leave or forsaken you. Trust him and just believe.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, January 22, 2018

Good afternoon!

I prayed you all started your day off with pray and praise. Be a blessing to someone today. What ever you got going on in your life. Just know God is bigger than that problem. Let go and give it to him today. Don't let your problem stop or hindering you from God's plan. Have a bless day full of joy and peace.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Women know your worth!

My past relationship I'll no longer feel bad for that break up anymore. I'll no longer allow my attachment to what was said and promised to keep me away from my upgrade. I have now gained clarity, respect and confidence. That break up became a guide to my self-love, respect and knowing my self-worth. Now I know my happiness matters. No longer am I waiting to receive love because I realized through all my pain that I am love by the king God. He loves me unconditional and he forgives me. I know that everyone who believe they love me really didn't. It was lust! Because they tell you they miss you and then they start talking about sex. That's lust not love.I understand that know. I can move on knowing that God loves me unconditional. I am that woman! I am worth saving! My love is to be respected, cherished and honored not tampered with. I can relaxing knowing what is for me is for me. I'm blessed! My happiness matters and I will wait on God....

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me!

We learned lessons every day. But listen to this one. Always follow your mind,not your heart.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
A mother of five children!

God has heal my oldest son from cancer twice. God has bless my second oldest with a son. God has blessed my three oldest son to go into the Marines. God is still dealing with my fourth son. God has blessed my daughter with the gift of praise dance and inspiring teens and helping others. As a single mother I raise all five of them with God's help and nobody is in jail, prison or on drugs. Look at God. We all made it.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Moving forward!

I will not let my past hinder me from my future. God has been too good to me. I am not perfect and will never be perfect. But I am going to do whats right and inspire others for great. My pain inspired me to keep striving and holding on. I knew greater was coming. I had to stay focus and surround myself around more positive people. I stay prayed up! I will never let my past, my pain, my mistakes define me. It made me stronger, wiser and better with God's grace.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Be careful!

The things you love the most can destroy you!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
My testimony!

I had my first son at the age 18 years old. I wanted to give up and drop out of school but my belated grandmother would let me. I had my second son at the age 21 years old and I kept striving for greater. At the age of 22 years old my third son was born. It was hard real hard but I kept striving and people were talking about me like a dog. I didn't care because I took care of my children. At the age 24 years old I had my fourth son. I work two jobs and went to college. It was hard and I kept striving and I wasn't married. I trusted God. It didn't matter to me what people was saying about me. At the age 25 I had my fifth child a daughter. I lost her and it took a lot out of me because I held her dead. But God gave me strength and guidance. At the age 26 I was blessed with my sixth child and second daughter. They say I wasn't going to amount too anything but God knew. You see I went through somethings to get where I am now. They said all I knew was to just lay down and have children. But guess what I had every last one of them. God was dealing with me and I kept running. God was birthing something amazing in me to share with the world. God knew what I was going through because I was rape and I was looking for all the love in all the wrong places. I was trying to cover up that pain of being rape. But it was affect me emotional and I didn't realized it. But God! I had some hard days and I lost a lot but I have gain my strength, peace, wisdom, joy, patience, knowledge and understanding. I was bondage for so long but God set me free. I am free! Please come out February 24, 2018 @ Country Inn & Suites on Nottingham Way in Albany,Ga To hear my testimony. I made it! God gets the glory and praise. Never let nobody tell you want you can't do or define you because of your past. Amen! Be blessed and encourage!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, January 18, 2018

In the Bible!

Jacob was a cheater,Peter had a temper,David had an affair,Noah got drunk,Jonah ran from God,Paul was a murderer,Gideon was insecure,Miriam was a gossiper,Martha was a worrier,Thomas was a doubter,Sara was impatient, Elijah was moody,Moses stuttered,Zaccheus was short,Abraham was old and Lazarus was dead. God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called.If you know you are a work in progress to be finished by Christ Jesus our Lord. Say amen!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
I am !
I am the head and not the tail, I am above and not beneath, I am the lender and not the borrower, it's my season it's my turn I am "Melissa L. Bryant"!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me!

You can have all the money in the world. But popularity doesn't make you powerful! Popularity can't get you in Heaven. But I do know prayer,maturity &wisdom does.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Think on this today!

If you keep repeating chapters,the ending will never end!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
My God! 

Be not surprised the direction you shall go. God is leading your path for greatness and you should follow it. God has mandate you to be great.Life is about learning.God has a purpose for your pain. a reason for your struggle and a reward for your faithfulness. Trust him and never give up.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Good morning!
Good morning! Start your day off with pray and praise. Be a blessing to someone today. Be the change you wish to see. Don't focus on any negativity. Stay focus on God and everything else will fall in place. This is your day to make a change.God bless and the best is yet to come.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

I am who I am!                                                                               

So many people will tell you no. You need to find something you believe in so hard that you just smile and tell them watch me. Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong. Be unstoppable! Refuse to give up, no matter what. I'd rather stay focus on all the positive improvements i need to make in my own life. Minding someone's business, telling other people how to live or constantly pointing the finger just doesn't interest me anymore. Acknowledging and correcting my own flaws leaves me absolutely no room to be worried about somebody else's business. I'm trying to great not fake. While guide leads me!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Listen to me!
I failed at times as a wife, daughter, friend and most importantly a mother and a woman of God. At times I didn't always say the right thing. I had scars because I had history. Some people love me, some like me, some don't, some don't understand me. I have done great for my life. I have done bad. I'm not the beauty in the world. But I have a heart of gold. I'm a leader. I am bold. I am a pray warrior. I've been deliver. I've been heart. I'm the chosen one. I'm walking into my calling. I'm inspiring others. I am the daughter of the most high.I am who I am, you can love me or not. I make no apologies for my past and who I've become. I've had some ups and downs. Sometimes we lose sight of things but it's up to you to pick up and keep moving! I'm forward with my life because if i hold on to the past how will i know what my future holds for me. I'm so glad that I've grown and still growing . I know what it's like to be in a struggle and how to cope. I'm going to keep praying and trusting God. I'm not defines by my past but better prepared for my future. The more someone tries to put you down the more God will elevate you. My future named is blessed . My best days are waiting on me.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Think about this!

Misery loves company. People will try to sabotage some one else's life when they don't have anything good going on in their lives... Don't let the actions of others distract you from accomplishing your goals.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Think on this!

When a storm comes your way you have three choices.
1. Let it destroy you.
2. Let it defines you
3. Let it strengthen you

What's your choice?

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Holding myself back!

For so long I was in denial.For so long I denied myself the opportunity to truly go forth because of the doubt I allowed to consume my mind. no one else had to be a barrier. I was doing a great job of that on my own. I was holding myself back because of all the mistakes I had made. It was out of curiosity through my breakthrough I'm able to do far more than I gave myself credit. Don't count yourself out of an equation God already placed you in. The vision he gave to you, the gifts he placed inside of you, were indication that yes he chose and trust you. Stop missing the moments God made for you. I know I won't anymore. All that's destined in 2018 won't go on without me. What about you?

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Just embrace!

Embrace what makes you unique, even if it make others uncomfortable. In other words be true to yourself regardless of what people may say or think of you. Just embrace!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Lord clean us up.

Lord give your people a renew mind, clean heart, wisdom , understanding, more love and strength.

Author Melissa L. Bryant