Tuesday, November 28, 2017

How you living your life?

Are you still holding on to past mistakes?
Are you still holding on to past relationship that didn't work out?
Are you still living with what if's and I should have?
Are you still living with pain in your heart because someone hurt you?
Are you still dwelling on life because you should be far than where you are now?
Are you living life with lots of regrets?
Are you living life thinking you failed and can't get back up?
Are you living life with no love?
Are you living life with no faith?
Are you living life with no peace?
Are you living life with no joy?
How you living your life?

God bless!
Please feel free to leave me a comment!

Author Melissa L Bryant

Monday, November 27, 2017

Why are you giving up?

Why are you giving up? It was that bad for you too just throw in the towel.
Why are you giving up? Is it because somebody said you will never make it....
Why are you giving up? Is it because you're loosing faith....
Why are you giving up? Is it because you got too much pressure on you....
Why? Please tell me why are you giving up?
You're too close to the finish line to be giving up...
So why give up?

Have a bless day. Please tell me why you are giving up?

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sometimes you get in a relationship and you feel on top on the world. He's treating you like a Queen at first and than things change. You wonder what happen because everything was so amazing at first. You don't go on dates like you use too. It's like you're begging for his love. You prayed so hard for that special person and than it's like he change. You ask yourself for it just lust because that last for a second and you know it couldn't be love because that last forever. Maybe you thought it was God and you rush and didn't take the time to really listen to him. Now you feel heartless because you're missing that real love that last forward no matter what you go through. Now you're praying asking God all these different questions and waited patiently. Because you learned your listen the first time not too rush anything again. But you have to trust God and let him lead you the right way. Everything look good isn't good and it's best to wait on God.. Don't give up hang in there because this too shall pass. Be blessed!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Finding peace in your situations!

No matter where you are in your life, no matter what responsibilities you may carry, you can find peace, balance and enjoyment in every area of your life, but it starts with you. All my love and thanks to God for my trials and healing point. I hope that my journey will inspire and motivate single parents, married couples, single men and youth. I hope that my courage will inspire you to want to be better parents and reach for your dreams.My children are my inspiration and I love them so much. God got me through my storms. I pray and hope my book How She Fought The Full Story make a difference in your life. Thanks in advance for purchasing the book which is on amazon.com. If you get a copy please leave me a comment so I can sign it. Thanks again! God bless!

Author Melissa L Bryant
My book How She Fought The Full Story on amazon.com                

My life's story focuses on perseverance and not quitting. As a single mother, my book is to inspire you with God's word, with his hope and faith and lots of peace and unconditional love he has for us. I pray and hope you take some courage and joy along your journey, because you can make it with God's help. I was a victim and I am a survivor. After all my struggles, I kept my faith and asked God for more wisdom, some hope for tomorrow and courage to make it in this struggles. Writing this book gave me a purpose to provide a way to communicate my thoughts to single parents and children. I have worked long and hard to bring this story to light and I could not have done it without God. My story is basic on healing,deliverance, forgiveness and moving forward. As you purchase this book I hope your life was changed and I made a difference in your life and I hope to achieve whatever success level God has for me.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, November 26, 2017

When life pushes you down get back up!

Even during the times when life tries to push you down, you can rise above disappointments, negative words and bad situations as long as you don't lose sight of your value and God. God will give you the strength to stand strong in the midst of your storms. I had to learn even when it looked impossible, even when I really didn't see a way out, or even when I made bad decisions, God cares and with him you can overcome any storm in your life. He can open up the right doors and cause the right people to have favor on you. as you stay in faith and really trust him, God will choose you even when people overlook you. Therefore, trust me; no matter what comes your way, you can face it with face. What God has for you, it's for you. When you stay in faith, you can overcome any storms and accomplish in your life in God's plan. I recognize that God has given me everything I need for the future. I had to learn when I make the most of what I have and really thank God for it, he will multiply it and give me more. In the Bible, I recognize I was not created to constantly struggle in life. I am making a decision to enjoy my life to the fullest. I am living my life one day at a time, knowing that I'm preparing for my future. Yes, I know there are going to be some challenges and difficult times. But I know God got me and everything will be all right. As I stay humble and be willing to change in order to embrace the great things God has for me, I know I will make it in this world. I will stay focused and determined, knowing that I'm doing God's will and encouraging others. God bless you all and you better believe the best is yet to come

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, November 23, 2017


I am thankful for life!
I am thankful for being in my right mind!
I am thankful for health!
I am thankful for my family & friends!
I am thankful for my fans!
I am thankful for giving back!
I am thankful for all your love and support!
I am just grateful and thankful!
What are you thankful for?
Happy Thanksgiving!
Be safe!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Life never Hands out things that you can't handle.

When you can't see your way out of that situation, let alone focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. Some refer to this as the darkness night of the soul. It is in this place that, your soul speaks to you and you begin to realize that you are not your circumstances no matter how hard it seems, but something far greater everything you are going through, every struggle pain or hardship is actually a gift. It is a gift because it is in the struggle that you are brought to your knees, where you question the purpose of your life. It is a gift because it asks you to go deeper into yourself and find the light inside so you can shine like a star. How you approach your situations will determine how you come though the other side. I had to learned no matter what it looks like you have to trust God and yourself it's going to get better and prepare yourself for better. You have to believe you can do this, you can make it, you are amazing, you have a story to tell, you have a testimony,you are powerful and you are inspirational. This to shall pass and you will made it. Let today be the day you take your eyes off your situation and focus more on God. It's time to get out of all that darkness and come to the light. Have a blessed day!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

How do you feel today?

Do you ever feel like you're not happy being who you are? At times, feeling lonely and all alone may be a reflection of how you feel on the inside. There's nothing wrong with that, but get it out so you can deal with it and move on. Find out how to first love yourself so you can have a better relationship and a better life. Please learn how to love yourself and learn how to cope with failure and rebuild your confidence and enjoy a better life. You need to love yourself and respect yourself as well. Learn to really respect who you are and stop focusing on your negative aspects; instead, focus on the aspects you're good at. Start loving yourself with love and happiness. Please stop worrying about what the world thinks of you. You respect yourself for the positive person that you are; you'll have a hard time loving yourself or getting any love from the world. I learned to be determined and believe in myself and I stopped worrying about what people were thinking. Every journey starts with a single step; no matter what you have gone through, like being depressed or unhappy being the person that you are, I learned that determination can change every single thing in your life. Please focus on starting to make a positive change every day. Along the way learn to focus on your appearance and posture.When you look good and are complimented by someone else, you'd feel a lot better about yourself. Push yourself to achieve more in life. Every time you push yourself to achieve more, it makes you more confident of your own abilities. It will bring positive changes in your life every single day. Success and self-love comes with perseverance and dedication and it can be achieved as long as you don't give up on yourself. Stay in control of your life and stand on your own two feet and your own achievements.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
 Keep looking and moving forward!

Keep looking and moving straight forward. Moving on doesn't mean you have forgotten; it means you have accept what happened in the past and chosen to continue living in the present. God is with you and don't you forget that. He said in his word he will never leave or forsaken you. Though all the problems you have faced, the burdens weighing down on your shoulders, the pain in your heart, you have only one thing to say: I survived with God's help. I am excited about where my journey is going. I know with God in it I will be okay, but I have to do his will.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, November 12, 2017

I use to look down on myself! Because I was rape at an early age over and over until my 20's. I never has a problem with getting a boyfriend. I just felt nasty and dirty on the inside. Yea, I felt ugly, my self-esteem was low and I was suicidal. I use to write letters to God saying Why me? I didn't want to deal with my past any more. One day I felt to my knees while listening to Marvin Sapp's song I never would have made it. I prayed to God while crying out loud and I told him I need thee and I am tired and I can't do this without him. What's my destiny and what's my purpose? Do I have a calling on my life? Lord please help me. That's when I find out writing is a gift. even though I gave up on it at times and God would bring me right back. I am here to tell you no matter what happen in your life.You still can fulfill God's plan. If he did it for me I know he would do it for you. God gets all the praise and glory because of who I am today. I made it! Please keep pushing and holding on.Give it all to God and watch he show up and out. Be Blessed! I love you all and thanks for all the love and support.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Be grateful!

Be grateful for your life!
Be grateful for your test!
Be grateful for your wins!
Be grateful for your lost!
Be grateful for what you have and don't have!
Just be grateful!

Melissa L Bryant

We are blessed!

I stay blessed by the best.
You stay blessed by the best.
Because we have no need to be stress and settle for the less.
Stop putting up with the enemy mess.
Because God has already blessed you in your mess.
We are blessed!
By the best which is Jesus!
He's the reason for the season and you know the rest.

Melissa L. Bryant
Stop Running!

It's hard to walk away in pain than to stay in pain. I choose to face my pain and let God help me deal with it. Because If I do it my way, It will make things worst. If I keep running! It's going to keep following me. So I had to face it and stop running. This is what my book talks about Stop Running by Melissa L. Bryant now on amazon.com

Be encouraged!

I've learned through my trials as I encouraged others to hold on and don't give up no matter how hard it gets. I find God giving  me more strength to hold on when I was barely holding on. I tell you God is amazing and always on time.

Melissa L. Bryant
The tongue is powerful!

When have to be careful how we speak to ourselves and others. Just as we have the power to destroy ourselves or others with a choice of words. It speak in the word (Bible) in Proverbs 18:20-21 says 20 from the fruit of their mouth a person's stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied. 21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who loves it will eats it's fruits. A careful choice of words can be the difference between someone accepting or rejecting your statement or message. Who are being destroyed by our choice of words.Our family, friends, co-worker, fans and people we don't know are being destroyed with their hopes and dreams because of what we are saying to them. We supposing to be encouraging each others and not putting nobody down. It's in the word and God isn't pleased either! Inspirational can make a difference in someone's life. It can save lives and inspire this world to be a better place. Let's be better peoples and be careful how we use our words for each others.

Melissa L. Bryant


Friday, November 3, 2017

I was depressed!
I struggled and lived through some really bad and rough patches of my life. I was depressed! I was sensitive but life has made me emotionally strong. I have been broken and shattered many times but that rebuilt me into a strong woman of substance. I had to learn how to deal with my pain. my strength came through my struggles and it made me a stronger person. I Going through trails in my life has made me stronger and less sensitive. I have been broken and shattered many times but that rebuilt me into a strong amazing woman with God's help. I am proud of who I am and who I have become.

Melissa L bryant

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Breaking down the walls!

I was dealing with a lot of emotional issues, so I really needed my father's help. I had to really believe in the Lord, I mean really believe in him for my change. When you really believe in the Lord, I mean really believe, then you will see walls breaking down in your life piece by piece and his vision will become one with yours. I had to get healed and release so much in my spirit. I know God is working it out for me. He's changing my life and I love him so much. I'm exalted about what God is doing. I was a big mess and he turned me into a miracle. Therefore, if he did it for me I know he can do it for you.When you start getting to the point in your life that you're tired, you want to change your life around and the desires, please try Jesus; he's the key to everything in your life. God was there when my storms of life were raging. Everybody else turned their back on me. But my sweet Jesus wouldn't. Trust me, you can't help where you've been, but you can help where you're going. I am so glad that Jesus lifted my heavy burden from my shoulders and I am free.

Let God give you strength to overcome past pain and hurt to move forward into your destiny. I learn from my storms you can't receive what God wants for your life by holding on to the past. Let go and give it all to God. Therefore, speak life into your life and live. I thank God for breaking all my chains piece by piece, which held me back. I am free. I don't know what God has in store for me. But I know he has a plan and I'm ready for his plan. Lord, I thank you for keeping me through my struggles. I never would have made it without you, Lord. I just want to say thank you, Lord.

Melissa L Bryant

Monday, October 23, 2017

How I Lost My Best Friend To Domestic Violence!

I try to help my best friend but she kept going back. She kept making excuses for him. I'll never forget that day I received that phone call. Saying my best friend and her unborn child was killed by her abusive husband.I lost my best friend. Like everything I knew, switched. It switched so quick and over night. I was so upset with myself because I couldn't stop it.I couldn’t control the situations because she was so in love with him. So I had to deal with that and that’s not easy for me to understand or interpret. When I saw her body laying there in that casket with her unborn child. I was so painless and very upset with myself. So it was hard for me to even pay attention my mind and figure things out because now it became a circus and I felt protective.I was feeling bad inside because I ask myself what change him into this monster. Why he didn't get any help I know deep down inside he loved her but I still don't know what went wrong. I know her family and I was the only person that hated him right now. I had to ask God to forgive me because hate is a powerful word. After everything was over I finally went and seem him.It was a weird confusing space to be in because I was angry, hurt and betrayed. I just felt like he made that mistake because he needed help and whose gonna help him. I ask him why! But he really couldn't answer me, I look into his eyes and said, " I forgive you. I saw the tears roll down his face. I knew right then he needed some help.Nobody’s gonna say he needs help. All they gonna say is he's a monster without looking at the source. I was more concerned about him.” Before I left I prayed for him and that's when I became at peace with my mind. I miss my best friend everyday and I can't bring her back. When I found myself in a domestic violence relationship I thought about her and got out of it. I having been talking about it more than ever now.

Author Melissa L Bryant
Girl I miss you so much!
Keep smiling from Heaven!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Rape or Abuse!

We should decry abuse in any form,whether it's verbal or physical. We should do everything we can to redeem and help bring the abuser to a point of repentance and a change in behavior. Women, you are too precious and beautiful to allow a man to beat you. I understand that women do beat men, but this piece is devoted to a women, who are unquestionably the greatest victims of physical and emotional abuse. A man does not have to physically hit you for it to be abuse. The most damaging abuse is emotional abuse because it can be more difficult to overcome. If your man is emotionally abusing you, please get out of the relationship with him. I have seen too many men who emotionally abuse their women and do not see the tremendously violence that they are doing to them. You don't own these women men so why are you doing this! When a man emotionally and physically abuse a woman, he is a coward. Women, when these men start yelling at you trying to intimidate you, please call the police. Call the police on men who are legitimately trying to intimidate you and who have a strong possibility of putting their hands on you in a violent way. Stop the violence today! We are losing too many women to rape and abuse.

I was a victim of abuse,rape and violence. God kept me and I am here to share my story. I made it! My best friend was killed due to violence in her marriage and I can't get her back. Please don't lose your life over this. It's not worth it! As for me, I'm not standing by "helpless" again. I'm taking a stand. Rape and abuse is not okay. Abuse and rape is not love. Rape and abuse needs all of us to speak up with one clear message. Stop the pain! Stop it now! Don't become a victim of someone else's undisciplined lifestyle!

No means no remember that!
Stop saying he didn't mean to do it!
Stop saying you made him do it!
Stop making excusing for him!
Use your voice!
Make a stand!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

My Dreams!

My passion keeps me hungry!
My hungry keeps me driven!
My drive keeps me focus!
My focus keeps me motivated!
My motivated keeps me faithful!
My faithful keeps me on God!
My God sees me through when I trust him!

Melissa L. Bryant
I've been up and I've been down!

I've had my good days and I've had my bad days. I've cried and I've laughed. I've been sad,mad and I've been happy. I've lost some things in my life. I've gain! I've seen some darkness and I never thought I would see some light. I've been humbled but through it all I've stayed faithful.But most of all prayed up.I'm renewed in my spirit.Watch the transformation!

Melissa L. Bryant
It's not what it seem.

Things are not always what they seem.This is why we must take our eyes off of people,situations and circumstances.Some of the most beautiful flowers bloom in the most ugliest places.Some of the most beautiful people come from horrible homes.Allow the Holy Spirit to be your magnifying glass in the spirit.It may not seem like you will bloom out of the place your in but God say look again.He's moving,plucking and growing us.God says keep your eyes on him and he'll show you what he desire from you.He will show you the beauty in all your ashes.So take another look in the mirror the next time the enemy comes looking for you he will have to look a little harder because God is changing you from the inside out.It's not what it seem,it's much better

Melissa L Bryant
Walk into your new life.Be the real person God has chosen you to be.Walk in silent as God leads you.Stop stress in over spoiled milk.When you can get fresh milk.Your past is your past.Let it go!Stop dwelling on it.Yes that's old spoiled milk.You gave Christ your life.Now you have fresh milk.The word(Bible) which will carry you to eternal life.Be blessed!

Melissa L. Bryant
Obedience is the key to your blessings!Act as if you already have what you prayed for.I refuse to dumb myself down because you're insecure.

Melissa L Bryant
Repeat after me!

I am the head and not the tail,I am above and not beneath, I am the lender and not the borrower,it's my season it's my turn I am you say your name but I am putting my name.Melissa Bryant

Melissa Bryant

Friday, September 15, 2017

Why are our lives governed by what if's....When we serve an amazing God.Please just think on that for a min.

Melissa L. bryant
Teenagers listen!

Condoms don't protect you from Spiritual transmitted demons

Melissa L. Bryant

Determine that your words will not hinder,delay or destroy your destiny.Speak life,success,love and joy.But always applied the word of God.

Melissa L Bryant

It's time to get your miracle!

The enemy tried to destroy your mind,your family,children,money,peace,joy,hope and faith.But God! My! My! My! My! But God is getting ready to blow your mind.You're next in line for your miracle.Hold on! Don't give up! Trouble don't last always.Don't give that enemy any room.God got you.

Melissa L. Bryant
Stay focus you got this

I know that life is not life without tests which I know I will study and pass.I cannot and will not be broken. Everything I went though I am forever grateful.It's worth the shift of focus from negative to everything divine and positive. At first it was very difficult to even grasp that I was enduring all of this on my own.Then I realized my strength and I'm reminded of my greatness with my faith.I can do anything with God's help.If i can do this alone so can you.Know today that you are much greater than your situation.Don't be discouraged and don't give up.It's time to shift your focus and take the time out to appreciated what you do have vs what you don't. Be blessed and encourage! You got this.Stay focus!

Melissa L. Bryant
My life has changed

I've hit what felt like the bottom. I've been without family and close friends. I've cried! My oldest son cancer came back. I've cried! I've isolated myself! I've felt like my relationship isn't going great.Maybe it's me going though the chances. I couldn't focus on anything.I wanted to give up.The books sells has drop.I am feeling broke,afraid,stressed,overwhelmed and angry.It's been pretty rough. I felt I wasn't reach anybody as I blog and I took a break for awhile.After I gave it all to God I felt better.But let me tell you this I never lost my faith or praise.

Melissa L. Bryant
Life has it's ups and downs!

Life has it's ups and downs.I see everything as a lesson learned and a blessing in disguise.Become the best again.Quit making excuses and be the change that you want to see.Don't give it! Who say that life would be easy.What we going though will break us or make us.It's call life.But you can make it if you don't give up and keep the faith.

Melissa L. Bryant
What makes you Happy?

Being happy is about finding your inner self.What makes you happy? what makes you smile? What makes you have that tingly feeling? Is it the company that you are with,your job and your family?Once you know you are happy inside and you know what makes you happy,you know what to do to stay in that mental state.I am grateful for my beautiful five amazing children.I am grateful for finally finding myself.I am grateful for being alive and healthy.I am grateful that my family is happy and healthy.I am happy because I am where I'm meant to be at this moment.Even though I still have many more years of accomplishing goals,mentally,emotionally and physically but never give up hope and faith.What are you grateful for?What makes you happy?

Melissa L. Bryant
My children!

My children,know that when you stand in my authority,every demon must flee and the enemy must bow at the name of Christ.Do not let the enemy fool you into thinking you are powerless.You are my child and the power that raised Christ from the dead is inside you! So put on your armor pick up your sword and shield for I have called you as a warrior to fight.I have called you to raid the camp of the enemy and to take back what he has stolen from my children.I have called you to take back the land that the enemy though was his.I have made you a mighty conqueror in the spirit and in the natural.Do not stand in your strength but in mine and you will stand victorious each and every time you battle.Let my strength and wisdom be your weapons of warfare to demolish every obstacle the enemy tries to erect against you.Rise up and be the warrior that I have called you to be.

Melissa L. Bryant
Staying in the past!

Staying in the past only hinders your future!There are something in your life that it is necessary to release yourself from hatred,envy or simply never being good enough for others.One thing is for sure,I know that I am good enough for God. I am so thankful for all the things he have done and continue to do in my life.I want complain,don't even have a reason too.Somebody couldn't feed nor dressed themselves this morning.I am blessed.My past is my past but it doesn't define my future.I have learned to let go and moved forward.

Melissa L. Bryant
Find yourself!

Some people are placed into your life to teach you certain things.Once you've learned what you need to from them.God has a way of removing them so that you may continue to grow. Doesn't mean they are bad people.It just means maybe they aren't for you.I just wanna say thanks to God for a great journey. I've grown into a phenomenal woman with the help of constantly being tested on patience and strength. May you continue to grow and find yourself and become the woman or man you need to be.

Melissa L. Bryant
What is your mess doing to you?

We all have messes in our lives such as relationship,business,financial,health and home messes.Sometimes our messes are small and just feel like a slight annoyance.Other times,they're so huge that it strip our hope,peace,joy right out of our lives.But here's a thought to ponder right in the midst of your mess.Am I letting my mess define me or refine me?The answer to this question is crucial.If I let my mess define me,I will feel hopeless.If I let my mess refine me,I will be hopeful!

What your mess doing to you?

Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Prayers going out!

I pray everybody be safe. I am still trusting God in this storm. No matter what the storm brings just trust God. Please get some where safe.Praying for my family and everyone else that is still in the path of hurricane Irma.No matter what the storm brings just know that God has already worked it out. Praying for us all.For those of you that don't believe in God. You better believe in him now. Heavenly Father we just want to say thank you. We know you are in control and we don't know your plan.But we trust you God in this storm. God of Heaven and earth,God who carries our lives and the lives of the whole world in your hands,be with us in the peril of this storm day and night.Guide us right now Lord and we praise you right now in this storm.Help us to release our anxieties and fears into your faith and trust you. Please send your Holy Angels to watch over us and guard us. May they spread their holy wings to give us shelter against the storm. O Lord please claim the atmosphere and forgive us from our sins.We thank you right now for everything you getting ready to do.Let this become a powerful testimony.In Jesus name I pray.Amen

Be safe! Pray! Trust God!
Author Melissa L. Bryant

Saturday, September 9, 2017

It's hard holding!

It can be hard to hold on sometimes when you in darkness and can't see the light. 
It can be hard to hold on when nobody understands what's really going on.
It can be hard to hold on when you lose you someone very close.
It can be hard to hold on when you don’t feel held.
It's hard holding on to your faith when so much coming at you all at once.
The great challenge of faith is holding on to hope after you’ve lost your grandmother or a child.
When it’s hard to hold on you have to cry out to Christ for help.
You can't hold on by yourself.
When it’s hard to hold on we got to hold on to peace.It’s the beliefs we hold, that hold on to us even when we’re struggling to hold on.
We can always keep holding on because our God can always be counted on.
The art of living lies in the balance of holding on — and letting go because He’s holding on to to you — He’s holding on to everything. I thank God for holding on to me because it's been hard.
Please hold on to His promises and surrendering to His plan.

Hold on to His promises.
Let go into His plan.
Hold on to God unchanging hand.
I had to hold on before I lost myself.

Melissa L. bryant

Monday, August 21, 2017

I had to learn!

I had to learn it's not always a personal attack against you.Most times,it's a lesson you need to learn and grow from.So breathe,get the lesson and move on.

Melissa L. Bryant
So often!

So often many of us find ourselves living for everyone but ourselves. At jobs we don't like,in relationships with little to no value,dealing with family where we don't feel appreciated and bills that seem to never go away.Well there is a solution for it all and that is you.It's time for a change.You'll discover how to elevate your power and develop the mindset needed to achieve your career. But you can't focus on why everybody around you making things happen and you're not. It will soon be your season and time.Stay focus and be bless.

Melissa L. Bryant
Let's pray together!

It's so much going on in this world. It's so sad with all these killing.We have to come together and pray. don't stop praying.God needs and want us to come together and pray. When we pray together we love better, we defeat that enemy,we do better, we care more and we feel better.Let us pray for each other and pray together.lets make USA an amazing again with love,peace, smiles, helping others,warm embrace and a welcoming hug.You just don't know what a person is going through or have been through and just on the brink of when they connect with you.You can make a difference.So let's be better people and be the change we wish to see.Let's come together and pray with one another and for another.I'll pray for you all and you all pray for me. God bless!

Melissa L. Bryant


Never give up on your dreams and goals. The one thing about dreams and goals millions of people have them. While your sleeping on media, clubbing all night, hating on others. There is one person with their dream pushing, crawling, fighting and stretching to get to the next level. They refuse to give up.We always complain about not getting our blessing. But your blessing is your brain -(the ability to think). Life is a blessing every time you wake up. Your heart the ability to fight for what you love and stop waiting on other people to bless you.When God gave you the too; to bless yourself. The biggest blessing is life each and every day when you open your eyes. You have life, you have the power, It's in your hand its in your mind. You just have to find what your passionate about and your gift. The same way you fight for the right to be free.You must have that same fight to accomplish your dream. Its your dream claim it. When they say you can not do it, you're not smart enough,your to fat,they laugh at your dreams.That's when you put in the long nights working on your dreams. Struggles and pain don't last forever,its the not trying or I wish I would have.That's what stays in your brain. If you're scared to fail than you're never going to get anywhere. If you fall get up,your blessed and don't realized it.

Melissa L. Bryant
Life lesson!

Life is a lesson that you learn from. The best thing about life is that you do not have to go through it along. I rather risk going through tough times to appreciate life better.I rather risk getting my heart broken than to not try at all. The hardest part is walking away knowing I did nothing wrong. Sometimes you feel like you just want to give up on life or meeting that special one. We pretend that we forgave someone for hurting us so bad and instead of moving forward you move backward. If you know you can't move on than do not waist anymore time. Be strong in order to understand yourself. Never let anyone break you down to the point that you want to give up. Never let your pride cause you the best thing ever to happen to you. We go through hard times or bad relationship for a reason. You find yourself caught up in that person and you lose yourself or in your situation you lose your purpose. When I found God I found myself and it's an amazing thing. Don't lose your purpose! Don't lose yourself! Be blessed!

Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, August 17, 2017


What you explore yourself to will determine how you think?
The way you think will determine how you feel.
How you feel will determine the decision you make?
The decisions will determine the actions you make.
Those actions will determine the habits you create.
Your thinking has change.
Those action will determine your character.
Your character determine your distance.

Change your action!
Change your character!
Change your habits!
Change your decision!
Change your thinking!
Change what you explore yourself too!

Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

This is the season!

This is the season,if you can't invest in me for us to prosperous. It's tell you be removed out of my life.
This is the season,I can't deal with all that unnecessary stuff. Either we are cool or not.I'm asking God to remove you out of my life.

This is the season, I am on a new level.
This is the season,I will not be remove.
This is the season,God is removing things and people's out of life. Greater is coming!
Let this be the season you ask God to remove things out of your life for greater.

This is the season, I just can't deal with it anymore.
I know my worth.
I am the daughter of the King.

Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Live in peace,love and harmony.

We all know that this world is temporarily and tomorrow's not guaranteed.So until God comes back for us.Why not live this life in peace,love and harmony.

Melissa L. Bryant
Holding on and Letting go!

Let go of anger.Figure out what you are angry about and make positive changes.
Let go of fear.Usually,once you begin something,you gather courage along the way.
Let go of worry.Stop picturing the worst outcome.Norman Vincent Peale says,''Change your thoughts and you change your world."It is also true if we change our pictures,if we can imagine a positive outcome,if we see ourselves succeeding,then we can also change our world.

Let go of toxic people if you can.There are times they are in our family or work environment and we can't do anything about them being there.If we can't let go physically of toxic people,then you have to let go of them mentally.Figure out the most positive way you can work around them.

Let go of habits and behaviors that are keeping you from your best.

Let go of old ways of doing things,unless it absolutely is the best way to do things.Try new ways and new technology when appropriate.

Let go of past hurts and disappointments.As tough and unfair as it may have been,it is part of life.Find a way to let go of it so you can move on.

Hold on to your values,even if it is not popular to do so.

Hold on to your dreams,even when you've lost sight of them.

Hold on to your family and friends.Life is fragile.Be sure to let people know how much they mean to you.

Hold on to good workers.Appreciate the people you work with.Don't forget to say thanks for a job well done or for a cooperative spirit.Reward initiative and going the extra mile.

Hold on to your work ethic no matter what others may be doing.

Do what it takes to hold on to your health.We don't realize what a blessing our health is until it is gone.Don't wait till it is too late.Take care of yourself now.

I hope everyone has the best week ever! Let go of the bad.Hold on to the good!

Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, August 7, 2017

Pray for yourself!

Stop depending on people to pray for you.When you can do it yourself.Learn to seek God for yourself.Its time you build your own relationship with God.If you can put trust in peoples then you can put trust in God.One thing about it he's real and everybody you talk to isn't. Think on that for a min?

Melissa L. Bryant

Pray over your family!

We need to keep our children in pray.We have to pledge the blood of Jesus over them.I declare and decrease my children shall be obedience  and do God's will.I declare and decrease our children shall be leaders.I declare and decrease that our children shall prosper.I declare and decrease that the enemy has no room in their life.I declare and decrease they will have a powerful testimony.I declare and decrease they will be saved.I declare and decrease no weapons form against them shall prosper.I declare and decrease they will focus in schools and make great grades.I declare and decrease they shall live and not die.I declare and decrease victory over their life right now.I declare and decrease you speak life over your children and family.In Jesus name I seal this pray with the Father,Son and Holy Spirit.

Melissa L. Bryant

Mothers it's time you set up a better home full of love and be mothers.Fathers its time you set up a better home full of love and guidance as well.Children its time you be better children and listen to your parents.No more excuses!Be the women God needs you to be.Be the men God needs you to be.Be the children God needs you to be.

Melissa L. Bryant
Greater is coming!
Greater is coming!
You're blessed!
You be the change you wish to see.
God is making your circle smaller for a reason.

Melissa L. Bryant
God will never leave you or forsaken you.

Melissa L. Bryant

Your faith will prepare you to meet the obstacles and challenges that will confront your pursuit of your destiny.Faith is the assurance or things hope for;the conviction of thing not seen.Faith makes all things possible.

Melissa L. Bryant

When you know something don't feel right.All you can do is just pray and ask God to guide you.As you keep flesh out the way.

Melissa L. Bryant

Never let anybody change you unless it's for the best.

Melissa L. Bryant
What don't break you!

What don't break you will make you stronger.What pain you have let God gain it.

Melissa L. Bryant

Power in pray! Pain turns into powerful testimonies.

Melissa L. Bryant

Stop letting others dictate your life.Learn to say no to things or people that don't resonate with you.Now take your life back.

Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, August 4, 2017

Take your Life Back!
It's important for you to remember that no matter what your situation that you always have options to choose from.You may have the feeling now that you are not in control of your life;sometimes this happen as a result of your own actions,but you can take your life back.Take your Life back! Learn how to stop dwelling on your problems and how to stand strong with faith.Take back everything the enemy has stolen from you.Take back your joy,hope,peace,love,family and faith.It's time to make a stand and face that devil today. God has a plan for your life.The moment I learned to stop relying on people for my happiness.That's when I found it! My struggles taught me how to make something out of nothing.God and my family push me to strive for the best.Keep strong! Keep the faith! Keep standing! Allow God to work! Praise your way out.Change is hard but it's also good.It is important for you to make sure that you can cope with the situations.You also need time for yourself to deal with your own emotions and thoughts.Let today be the day you take action,take whatever steps you can to get your life back from the devil.Please keep a positive mindset no matter how hard life gets.

Melissa L. bryant
While Riding!

While riding through your trails and storms of life.My family and friends you can't allowed the winds to distract you.Focus is the key to your next level.As well as faith.

Melissa L. Bryant
My worth!

I had to tell somebody thing and it was hard for me. But I know my worth.I still have a place for you in my heart,but not in my life.I know my worth.

Melissa L. Bryant

Sometimes things in life doesn't always work the way you want them too.Sometimes the end is just the beginning.

Melissa L Bryant
Say this with me: I'm blessed
No matter what I'm going thought: I'm blessed
I'm blessed! I'm blessed!
My spouse is acting up:I'm blessed
Children acting up:I'm blessed
I'm blessed! I'm blessed
Yes I'm blessed!I'm blessed!
No matter what may come my way: I'm blessed.
I will not give up:I'm blessed!
Yes I'm blessed!
Every time I wake up:I'm blessed.
I'm in my right mind:I'm blessed
You better believe I'm blessed

Melissa L. Bryant
Take ownership today!
However,you can take ownership of your reality and shape it based on your predominant thoughts and actions.If you have felt frustrated and unhappy with the direction your life is going in,the following actionable tips can help you take charge of your life starting today.Think about what you want out of life and figure out what you need to do to get there.I had to remove myself and just focus on God.When I start doing that and stop focusing on people to fix things for me.I start seeing a change in my life and my joy was coming back.Trust me! Don't expect others to fix things for you.Whether or not you created the problems,they are your problems.But God can fix your problems if you let him.Realized that life is not happening to you;it's responding to you.The energy that you give off begins within your own mind;if you think positive thoughts,you will start seeing positive things happen and vice versa.Every time you have a negative thought let it play on repeat in your brain,your order that reality and it has no choice but to exist.You manufacture your reality based on what thoughts you repeatedly think and what realities you order from your own factory.Start cultivating more positive thoughts so you can manufacture.A much higher-quality reality.

Melissa L. Bryant
keep the faith
If we are willing to tend the seed of faith with care,we will reap an over flowing abundance of blessing,joy and peace.Some of you need to wake up! Don't you see what the enemy is doing in your life?Anything that disturbs your peace,whether it be an emotional trauma,whether it be stress,whether it be sickness,whether it be spiritual,whether it be financial.Whatever the problem~it did not come from God!

Melissa L. Bryant
Don't let your emotions control you.
Sometimes when things are going bad in our life we let our emotions control us.That's when the devil try and easy his way in your life.We have to be careful and stay focus on God and let the power of God enable us to learn and abide in Jesus Christ.Nothing in this world can hold us down unless we let it.Jesus never gave up on us Why should we give up on ourselves?He endured great pain just for us.

Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, August 3, 2017

My testimony!
My testimony is this sometimes in life you have to suffer awhile so God can see how much you appreciate the small things.When he sees that your heart is right and you are taking care of his business 1st.He will pour down his blessings on you.My testimony made me humble and grateful.God is amazing!

Melissa L. Bryant

Learn to stand up for what is right.Stop settling for anything less.Learn to challenge these men for their behavior.Defend your self and know your worth.Guys needs to learn how to respect us.But if we don't show respect.How can they respect us.Some of all walking around him half naked but want respect.Some of you all letting that guy hit on you and you know that's not right.You're worth more then that and you deserve to be treated better than that.Please do some soul searching about that guy you're dating.You deserve better! Know your worth! Respect yourself!Cover it up!Don't just settle.

Melissa L Bryant
My pass fuels!
My pass fuels me into doing what's deemed impossible.I'm constantly chasing myself;I'm beyond determined to be better than I was yesterday.Never be afraid to challenge yourself.Growth is a beautiful thing.Don't allow social media to stunt your growth.Let's be amazing!

Melissa L Bryant
Be weary!
Be weary of distorted perception.Every bad situation is not the end of the word.Every good situation is not the best thing in the world.It's important to pay attention to the small details in your life.Believe it or not everything happens for a reason.It's not our job to question the reason.I believe it's our job to discover/understand the reason.We all have personal stories about our trials and tribulations.I challenge you to discover your reason why?I challenge you to think outside of the box.I challenge you to remove the black and white thinking and add some shades of gray.Open up your eyes and realize that trials and tribulations are merely lessons.

Melissa L bryant
Victory is yours!
You can't win a victory as long as the problem is the biggest thing in your life.You have to stay focus with a positive mindset.God has your back.Please don't throw in the towel yet.Victory is yours.Victory today is yours.Repeat after me victory is mind and this to shall pass.Victory today is ours. Just keep saying it.I speak victory over you right now.

Melissa L. Bryant
God is up to something!
No matter how hard the devil comes at you.You better believe God is always up to something.God is up to something or the devil wouldn't be fighting you this hard.Your going to win! Just keep striving and standing strong.Don't give the devil any room.Your breakthrough is around the corner.God has a plan just wait on it.

Melissa L. Bryant

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Moving Forward!
I learned that if you are holding in some pain you don't feel you can share,you're not alone.The secret to strength is that your pain can be someone else's promise of hope.Your secret pain can become your story of faith and strength that helps heal others.When we're in pain,we become extremely vulnerable when we release our pain and troubles and we often fear that this vulnerability will leave us open to attack or more pain.Trust me;God wants us to know that when we tell him all that's in our hearts,it's completely safe.Not only does God's heart extend toward you when you feel alone in your pain,his healing hand extends toward you as well.My secret from my past had me buried for a very long time.In order to move forward in my life,I had to let go and give it all to God.I needed to be healed from my past and set free so I could save my children.God is the only one who can free you from your past hurt.God can free you from its strong grip and help you face life again.He lightens our load,he lights up our life with hope and he lifts our heads.You might feel that you are alone and everybody will reject you or feel that you are being judged when in fact we are not.Seek God like never before;ask him to open your eyes to what is true and right.I learned the more you draw close to him,the more God will draw close to you.No matter how hard the problem is,please set your hopes on God.If you struggle with pain that no one knows about,pour your heart out to God.Life is full of battles,but you can count on God.You are going to have to prepare for battles.I believe I am made in the image of God.I have the right gifts:personality and ability,to fulfill my purpose.Believe me;you're going to have to fight with God.But let him lead the way.The Lord will fight for you.You can still count on God.Keep strong and keep the faith;just stand and allow God to work it out for you.God gives you courage to reach out to those who are hurting God,thank you so much for mending my broken heart and allowing me to lean on your love.I had to give God the things that irritate me,like my frustrations,obstacles and worries of my children,knowing that as I release those irritants,he will turn them into testimonies so I can help others.The past is over and the future has not come yet.All we have and will ever have is now.So let this present moment be beautiful.You have the choice on whether you choose love or fear.Learn from the past and move forward.Choose love,choose healing,choose hope,choose peace,choose freedom and choose life.You have the choice in what you focus on.Love yourself enough to move on.I am glad that God healed my broken heart and the past is behind me.I am ready to love like never before and really be in love.Lord,thank you for everything I went through and for keeping me along the way.Lord,you're so amazing and I love you so much.I never would have made it without you.People,it's time to let go of that past hurt so you can move on into your destiny.No one wants to be raped;no one deserves to be raped.Take God's promise to heart many times each day.Every time you remember,every time you struggle,every time you feel that your heart is breaking under the weight of what happened to you,ask God to help you.It is important for you to make sure that you can cope with the situation.You also need time for yourself to deal with your own emotions and thoughts.

Melissa L. Bryant
More pain!

I had so much pain inside and I really didn't know how to love myself.But it doesn't end here;just when I thought things were getting better, this guy I ended up dating was so jealous. One day,he had a gun pointed at me and rode me around in the car,saying,"Now show me the guy you're cheating on me with.I will kill you today if you don't show me the guy." I started crying,saying,"Baby,I am not cheating on you.I'm not cheating on you with anybody.I don't even have time to cheat.I am a full-time mother,student and working.I don't have time for myself.So you tell me when I have the time to cheat."He was so drunk and finally he took me home.At this time,I was getting tired of all this abuse.I was getting so angry on the inside.I started running away so I could get a peace of mind.I was tired of the beating and one day I fought back.After he came home drunk,he ripped my clothes off and raped me while I was asleep.I woke up screaming,fighting and kicking.My own true love raped me and then threw a bath towel at me,saying,"Now clean yourself up."I had more hurt and pain to deal me.Nobody understood what I was feeling and I had so much anger inside me. I made my mind up I wasn't going through it anymore.Lord,I'm just tired of all this hurt,pain and crying;please help me.I was like,"Lord,why is this happening to me?"I was so angry and mad.But I had to ask God to forgive me because it's my testimony and God kept me.Yes!Lord,I thank you and give you all the praise.I know now it was for a reason-to help others and that's what I am doing.Thank God for prayer and healing.This is my healing point as of today and I thank God.I am healing and I can testify that God has a plan for my life.Just look at God.I love him so much.All the guys who hurt me,I forgive you and I pray you change.God bless you and the best is yet to come.Now I am healed;this is behind me and I'm focusing on 2014.Thank you,Lord,for my healing;now I can move on.For anybody who's been in my shoes,first you have to let go with God's help.Then you have to forgive them and yourself;learn how to love yourself and you tell your story to help others.Lord,please forgive me for blaming you because I am sorry.It's time to stand and take your life back.I feel so much better now that I'm telling my story.This is my breaking point and healing point as well.I'm getting ready for my true love and happiness.I have a better relationship with myself.Yes, I love myself more each ans every day of my life.I couldn't have a healthy relationship with anyone because of the hurt that was weighting me down.It was so much pain that I really couldn't bear.Now that I am healing inside,I can now enter into my amazing successful relationship with God and my future man.All that emotional,physical and verbal abuse left me scarred for too long.At that time,I did have a great man in my life.He really did love me and my children.I ended up pushing him away because of all the hurt and pain I was carrying.When you block out the pain,you also block all other feelings.That's when you're alone,empty and untouched.As of today,I am ready to love and be happy.I am a survivor and you can be one too.Believe me,deep down it is not your fault;no matter what the actions were leading up to the rape,you need to know and accept there is nothing that really justifies rape and you didn't do anything to deserve it.No means no and whatever you do don't run from it.When you run, it will haunt you and you can never outrun your hurt.It is best to try and deal with your emotions head-on instead of trying to outrun something you can't.Let go and let God have all your pain,hurts and problems.Because of who I am today,I have learned to forgive and move on.

Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How She Fought The Full Story

As I let go,God shows me the way.I will not hold on to this hurt and pain of my past anymore.I forgive you guys for what you did to me. No,I am not mad at you all anymore.I will not be easily offended and go to sleep,holding on to anger and frustration.I will start each day with a fresh new attitude.I forgive everybody who ever hurt me and caused so much pain in my life.I am not mad at you all anymore and I pray that you all change.I had to let go of the past and small issues in my life.Now that God is in my life.I will not allow any disrespect,unkindness or negative attitudes to grow in my heart and rob me off what God has planned for my life. God,give me strength and courage to take the first step in a new direction.God,you are in charge and I know that you are guiding me to the place where I will find the greatest peace,joy,love and fulfillment. So therefore I had to let go and give it to God.I was dealing with a lot of emotional issues.

Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, July 24, 2017

"In ourselves,we cannot bring down the wall of unforgiveness.The hurt is so deep and the bitterness defiles so many, but God can help us.God can energize us to do the impossible."

Melissa L. Bryant
Facing my past!
I experienced verbal,physical and emotional abuse that has left me scarred,hardened and lacking in self-worth.I just wanted to be in the arms of a great man.I had one before who tried so hard to love me.But the pain I was carrying pushed him away.I really didn't know how to love him back because of all the pain I went through.It took me so long to realized that God had a plan for my life.I had been in the storm too long.Thank you,Lord! I just want to say thank you,Lord! I give you all the praise. As I let go, God shows me the way.I will not hold on to this hurt and pain of my past anymore.I forgive you guys for what you did to me.No,I am not mad at you all anymore. I will not be easily offended and go to sleep,holding on to anger and frustration.I will start each day with a fresh new attitude.I forgive everybody who ever hurt me and caused so much pain in my life. I am not mad at you all anymore and I pray that you all change. I had to let go of the past and small issues in my life.Now that God is in my life.I will not allow any disrespect,unkindness or negative attitudes to grow in my heart and rob me off what God has planned for my life. God, give me strength and courage to take the first step in a new direction.God,you are in charge and I know that you are guiding me to the place where I will find the greatest peace,joy,love and fulfillment.So therefore I had to let go and give it to God.I was dealing with a lot of emotional issues.I kept having children.I was looking for love in all the wrong places.But every day of my life,I thank God for my children.I don't care what nobody say no means no.I will never forget what those guys did to me to try and mess up my life.As I was dealing with been raped and abused from the time I was 8 until 15. I thought it was over and I could start to heal. But I was wrong! It's like it was happening all over again.This guy was a good friend of the family.We went to the same church and everything.He came to visit me and the children one day. Everything was going great and I put the children to bed and my friends were still enjoying each other. At this time I had two.After I got them to bed everybody start leaving one by one.So I was cleaning up and he was like my ride will is going to be late. I said okay and by this time everybody had left.So were in the living room watching T.V. He easy over there by me and said I want you. I was like boy please I don't get down like that I have a boyfriend.He just start acting crazy,I was like you need to leave. But it hit me so hard and I was fighting back.He was too strong for me.I start crying saying please don't. My children are in the other room. But he wouldn't stop.I trusted him and I didn't know he was going to rape me.I told him,"No,please stop,"but he didn't. All I could do was lay there and cry while this guy who was a friend rape me while my children were in the other room sleep.After he did what he did he said I'm sorry and ran out the house.I ran and lock the door and call my God brother and told him what happen.He said call the police and I'm on the way. When I call the police do you know what they said to me.What's his social security number is. I was like are you serious this dude just rape and you asking me so junk like that.By that time my god brother came and got the phone and told them to send help because I was rape with bruises all over me.He call my boyfriend at that time to tell him what happen.Two weeks later I am sick and throwing up all over the place. I call my boyfriend and told him and he brought a pregnancy test. Guess what I am pregnant and I am scared because I felt like the guy who rape me was the father.I couldn't handle it. My boyfriend was Like I will give you some money to have an abortion and I cried because I didn't want to do that. So my god sister came over and watch the children. I never been to a place like this before.I found the place and peoples were everywhere protesting against abortion.I was like you don't know what I've been through and I have to do this. But my God say other wise.I went in the building and peed in the cup.They said yelp you're pregnant and they did an ultrasound and I felt my baby kick.They said would have too go to another city for two day surgery.But I told them I can't do this and they said okay but you have so many days to let us know.I was like okay!So I went in the office and don't the lady I couldn't do it and she said good because I was praying for you when you walked in the door. She gave me her and number and said if you need anything call me.That was God do you hear me.When I walk out the door I told them peoples I couldn't do it and my story.They gave me so much love and their number to call them when I have this baby.Once again that's God.I cried all the way home and I told my boyfriend I can't do it.He was like okay don't worry we will raise the baby together and say it his.When I had my son he came out looking like my boyfriend.But till this day I really don't whose the father.I couldn't deal with this pregnancy and I was depressed and I put all that on my child. Yes I was hurting.But God is amazing.When the guy who rape me say I was pregnant he start harassing me saying that's my child.I want to be apart of it.I start running because I couldn't deal with that.Today my son is 20 and he know the truth but I still don't know who the father is and I don't want to know.But my son knows the truth and he said he don't want to take the test.He's cool and God gets the glory because we went through a lot my son tried to kill himself five times because of his father hurt me.I had to save my son and letting him no I love him and god has a purpose for his life.To this day he humble and amazing and we talk about our story. God gets the glory because I couldn't have made it.Do you hear me? I am still here in my right mind.I pray that this blessed somebody today.God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant

Dealing with my past part two!
When I started fighting back,thing got worse.I started sleeping with knives under my pillow.He would lock me in the closet until I let him do whatever.All I would say was,"why me,God I just wanted to die.But why did you let this happen to me,God? Sometimes,I would say it's just a bad dream and it's going to be all right.But it wasn't a dream;it was real.I had to deal with this for some years,but this is the year I am healing and being set free.I felt bad for so long that it was my felt.But no means no and I was a child.As times pass by,I remember another family member on top of me,just moving up and on me until he burst and released.I would fight him and yes,he held me down.All I could do was cry.I was so scared and started fighting him back.It was happening over and over until I got to the point it just really didn't matter anymore.Sometimes I hatred guys and sometimes I felt like I needed the attention.I was a pretty girl.But when things started happening to me again,my self-esteem went down real low, I felt gross,trashy,unlovable,stupid and ugly.I couldn't toughen up.The more things started happening,the more I really didn't care.At times,I felt like killing myself.I didn't wear tight clothes.Why was this happening to me? I really didn't understand it.I didn't ask for this to happen to me. By this time,I just started making myself like it. It's not like nobody believed me anyway.Yea,it was wrong,but I was used to these guys doing whatever they wanted to me. I was tired of getting hurt.So I started looking for love in all the wrong places,trying so hard to cover up the abuse and hurt.Yea,I was in and out of relationships and at times I felt myself trying to hurt the guy before he hurt me.Yea,at times I would just sit there while a guy put his hand in my panties and just have fun.That wasn't a fun feeling and I was hurt and ashamed.Sorry,but I'm not getting into a lot of details.On finding healing after rape,it became clear that the rapist had not only violated my body but also my mind,my heart,my motherhood,my love life and my very life.God is leading me to tell enough to get healed and help others along the way.I felt like what man would love me because of the rape and abuse.I tried so hard to dress myself up.I used to take showers three to four times a day to get those guys off me,who raped and abused me.When you block out the pain,you block all other feelings as well and nothing or no one can touch you.You are safe from pain,safe from anyone hurting you,but you are alone,empty and untouched.If we can slowly and gently face the hidden nightmare with the support that we need,we can find freedom.I forgive the people who did me wrong;I am releasing any bitterness and offense.I am trusting God to move my past hurts and pains into a new season for my life.God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant
Dealing with my past!
I know you must deal with your pain and the more you feel and release,the more you will start to heal.You will heal as much as you put the work into it.Believe me,deep down it is not your fault;no matter what the actions were that led up to the rape,you need to know and accept there is nothing that justifies rape and you didn't do anything to deserve it. When it looks impossible and you don't see a way out, please stay focused and positive,knowing that God's hands are always there. He loves you and he really cares.I didn't realized how much pain I had inside until I started crying out to God.I found myself getting so upset at the world and it was me.I wasn't happy with myself and couldn't deal with the pain any more.But my God has the ability to wipe away all the hurt;I mean really wipe away everything.He can heal and he cares.So please give it to him today and let him heal you as well. I was so bitter,angry and depressed.I felt my dreams were ripping apart.The hopes I had were torn and I didn't care anymore.I was looking for love in all the wrong places.It was very hard and difficult to maintain a relationship.I felt like I needed that guy to heal me,but all I needed was God's love.Then I would get a baby and that didn't fix the problem at all.I learned what I went through was to help heal others.I will not hold on to past mistakes or allow them to keep me from who I was created to be. I learned that one has two options:deal with them head-on or run from them.The problem is when you run,your demons become your nightmares and you can never outrun your nightmares,so it is best to try and deal with your emotions head-on instead of trying to outrun something you can't.When you get raped you suffer sexual attacks;you are frightened,guilty,powerless,angry,ashamed,depressed,numb and lack self-confidence.No one wants to be raped;no one deserves to be raped.Being raped or sexually assaulted is a very distressing,experience with effects that can be long lasting.Rape is a crime of power,domination and control that uses sex.Rape is not only a crime in the legal sense but also an evil in God's eyes. Psalm 46:1 says,"God is our refuge and strength,a very present help in trouble. Take God's promises to heart many times each day.Every time you remember,every time you struggle,every time you feel that your heart is breaking under the weight of what happened to you,ask God to help you.When we give God all our problems,he works it out for our good.God knows your pain and he is strong enough to remove any burden.Trials do have a purpose.It's up to us to stand and praise our way out of it and it's not going to be easy.But you can come out with victory.I believe God made us exactly the way he wanted and he equipped us with everything we needed to live.My late grandmother was a praying lady and she got me some help.We prayed and I started reading my Bible,writing letters to God.I was young when I got molested.The guy would point to my body parts,asking me did I know what it was.At this time,I was very scared and nervous.Then he would say,"You're so pretty.Too bad you're not old enough."I really didn't understand what was going on. I guess he was drunk.I was touched in places I didn't like.But I was too scared to say anything.It was so much pain inside and I wanted to die.I was a young girl getting hurt by a sick man. God bless and the best is yet to come.
Melissa L. Bryant
My pain part two!

Today should be the day you convince yourself you will survive,you will come out of it alive;you belong to the Lord.You would be surprised how much you can bear with God helping you.I had to learn hoe to rejoice in the Lord,no matter what has happened in my past.I know that Jesus loves me.I know he is with me. I know he will not fail me. I already know he is working it all out for me right now.I will not be cast down. I will not be defeated.I will not be a victim of satan.I will not lose my mind or my direction in my life.As of today,I know that God is on my side.I love him so much and he loves and cares for me as well.I had scars that I tried to cover up and moved on with my life by looking for love in all the wrong places.I felt that if I had a man at that time it would go away.But it doesn't work like that when you have so much pain inside and you need to be set free.But it started haunting me back and it's time to really let go.The pain I had inside hurt so bad I felt like I was hit by a car.I went on such a long journey in my life with my children and I know why.The pain I was covering up was keeping me for being the mother I really needed to be.I have learned that the more I share my testimony I am not only healing but also helping others. I was tried of being hurt and hiding in darkness. It was time I came out of all that darkness and came into the light.By sharing my story,it's healing me and I pray that it heals you while you are reading this or my book How She Fought The Full Story by Melissa L. Bryant on amazon.com.I will not dwell on my past disappointments and mistakes. I will focus on the good things God has done in my life. I will keep pushing myself,growing and learning and not allowing fear to hold me back anymore.I will become the woman and mother God has placed me to become. Now the darkness is over and it feels so amazing to be in the light to live and really love my children.God made me and he knows what I can handle. Sometimes people can't deal with pain,so they become suicidal.They feel that if they cut on themselves it will take away the pain.But sometimes without them knowing God,they just end up killing themselves because they have given up. It's sad because some people don't survive their storms to help you along your journey.I just thank God I didn't give up and I was going to live and not die.My past has threatened my future with memories,children,guys and side effects that are still haunting me.I know I can't change the past,so I stop focusing on it.The day I stopped letting my assaulters control my life was the day I realized I could be dead.I know my assaulters took something from me,but I realized they did not take my life.From that day on,I stopped worrying about my past and what anyone else thought and focused on appreciating my life I had and loving my children even more. God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant  

Sunday, July 23, 2017

My pain!

For years,I had pain locked up inside.I had so much bondage that was weighing me down and I couldn't take it anymore.I have learned when the hurt and pain no longer draw you closer to the lord, when instead it begins to downgrade your spiritual life,God moves in.He will not permit a trusting child of his to go under because of too much pain and agony of the soul. The more I started remembering things,I would cry out to God,saying,"Why Me?" I learned that when you are hurting so bad that it hinders your growth,God will act and lift you out of the battle for a while.Trust me,he will never allow you to give up. He cares and he loves you so much.But at times,I felt like he didn't hear my cry or see my pain. One thing about it is you can't hide that pain from God when you're hurting.I had to struggle with my own self-worth.I didn't trust anybody and when someone loved me I couldn't love back. I was building up a wall to protect me.I tried so hard to love,but I couldn't. I tried to fit in with other people to cover up all the hurt and pain I was feeling. I tried so hard to dress myself up to make myself feel like a queen, but it didn't work at all.The pain was still there and I felt so ugly on the inside.At times, I tried putting makeup on and fixing myself up so I could really feel love,but that didn't work at all.Every time I looked in that mirror, I felt ugly and I didn't love myself.Whenever something is torn,it does not heal easily,but I learned every day of my life that Jesus can heal a broken or torn heart. When you're hurting,go to your secret prayer closet and weep out all your bitterness.The more you cry out to God,the more you will begin to move closer to him,until you know his arms are holding you tight.I struggled with emotional pain,depression,anger and bitterness toward family,children and the people who raped me and who really betrayed me and took my virginity.But throughout my dark struggle,the counseling I had and the prayers and the pain,God healed me and it's time to talk about it.It's time to recovery and help others.I learned I wasn't alone.God was there the whole time.So my encouragement to you is that you're holding on to some pain you don't feel like you can share,you're not alone;let God help you.Your secret pain can become your story of faith,the strength to you and others,I know as a survivor the variety of mixed emotions that can seem almost impossible to deal with at times,which affect you in your everyday life.But I do know the power of Jesus will heal your heart.In due time,the pain will pass and you will be delivered.Everything I went through,I learned that it was for a reason.I survive and now I am helping others by sharing my story.
Be encourage! Be blessed! The best is yet to come.
Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, July 20, 2017

I am hope for my children.Believe me,I really had to let go the past and live.My children really needed me to be their mother.I was battling with a lot of emotional issues.It was so hard to let go.The pain was so bad I just wanted it to leave my mind so I could live.I was having bad dreams and I really didn't understand why.I knew what happened to me was real and it was time it came out.No I am not running anymore and it will not haunt me anymore.Because of today,I am over it.At that time,I didn't understand the power and anointing that was being imparted into me.God is about to birth something great in me,so therefore I had to stop running.At times,I knew I had God in my life,but still I felt lonely.I was still holding on to the past.Once I start writing my book How She Fought the Full Story so many struggles in finishing it.That's when I started letting go piece by piece,yes,I mean really letting go.It felt so much better.Thank God for what he's doing in my life right now.When you are hurting,time only magnifies the pain.God didn't promise to give you a painless way of life.He promised you a way of escape.In that word(Bible),God promises to help you to bear your pain.You can overcome it with God's help.I was mourning,depressed,hurt,lost and something in the inside was crying out,saying,"Please let me out."God knows exactly how much you can take and he will not permit you to reach a breaking point.

Melissa L. Bryant
I struggled with emotional pain,depression,anger and bitterness toward family,children,friends and the people who raped me and who really betrayed me and took my virginity.But throughout my dark struggle,the counseling I had and the prayers and the pain.God healed me and it's time to talk about it.It's time to recovery and help others. I learned I wasn't alone.God was there the whole time.So my encouragement to you is that you're holding on to some pain you didn't feel like you can share,you're not alone;let God help you.Your secret pain can become your story of faith,the strength to help you and others. I know as a survivor the variety of mixed emotions that can seem almost impossible to deal with at times,which affect you in your everyday life.When you struggle with pain that no one knows about,please pour your heart out to God.Ask him to show you someone you can confide in.Talk to your father,Jesus and really cry out to him.Sometimes you might have to consider seeking counseling.But I do know the power of Jesus will heal your heart.In due time,the pain will pass and you will be delivered.Everything I went through I learned that it was for a reason.I survive and now I am helping others by sharing my story.

Melissa L. Bryant
I will not lose my mind or my direction in my life.As of today, I know that God is on my side. I love him so much and he loves and cares for me as well. I had scars that I tried to cover up and moved on with my life by looking for love in all the wrong places. I felt that if I had a man at that time it would go away.But it doesn't work like that when you have so much pain inside and you need to be set free. But it stared haunting me back and it's time to really let go.The pain I had inside hurt so bad I felt like I was hit by a car. I went on such a long journey in my life with my children and I know why. The pain I was covering up was keeping me for being the mother I really needed to be. I have learned that the more I share my testimony I am not only healing but also helping others. I was tired of being hurt and hiding in darkness. It was time I came out of all that darkness and came into the light.

Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, July 14, 2017

 I just want to say I love you all. Have a blessed day. The best is yet to come. I am praying for you all.

Melissa L. Bryant
This is what I had to do. Take my life back! I can't let this situations take me out. I have to stay focus on God. Please feel free to check my book out on amazon.com. Paperback and e-book. Stand and take your life back.

Melissa L. Bryant
Be bless!
Encouraging my other children!

Today my other four children found out that their brother has Follicular Lymphoma  cancer. They are taking it very hard. I told them we got to trust God and its okay to cry. I pray with them and said we have to stay positive and enjoy every moment. We don't know the plan God has but we all will be okay. I just thank God for giving me strength to be able to comfort my children.This is real hard and I can't lie.My children are really hurting. But in God we trust and will keep our strength. No matter how hard it gets I will keep my focus on God.I will keep holding on. I am here to aspire you today. You can make it and we are going to be alright.We can't give up now. It's a blessing for me to share my story with you all. Today my son share his story on Facebook.I am so proud of the young man he has become. Thanks for all the love and support! God bless you all and keep us in your prays.

Melissa L. Bryant